Moral Story for Kids – A Messy Day
Photo credit: taliesin from morguefile.com
One Sunday morning, Gus was eating his breakfast of sausages, bacon, pancakes, maple syrup & milk. He had taken a large portion, but after a while he didn’t feel like eating anymore.
He threw the food into the trash can and then thought, “I’ll throw this somewhere outside, so my house doesn’t smell and mom won’t know I wasted food.”
So when he went out for a walk for some fresh air, he took his trash with him in a black bag and dumped everything out, at a corner, on Sunny Street.
The next day, Gus’s friend, Jack, asked him if he could go to the park that evening.
“Sure! Which park?” asked Gus.
“Oh, you know… the new one, on Sunny Street.” was Jack’s answer.
“Alright! It’s fine with me! Meet me at my house at five?” Gus questioned.
“Five o’ clock it is.” replied Jack.
“Okay!” said Gus happily.
So they met at Gus’ house, five o’ clock sharp. While they were walking, a dog started barking at them. As they neared a corner on Sunny Street, Gus picked up a stone and threw it at the dog. The dog growled and started backing away from them. Gus was happy to see the dog run away and kept walking. Because he wasn’t looking where he was going, Gus tripped on a rock and fell flat – in the middle of the pile of dirt he had made yesterday; it was the place where he had thrown his trash! Because Gus was holding him, Jack too fell, but luckily on top of Gus!
“Ouch!” groaned Gus.
“Thanks for the soft landing!” chuckled Jack.
“What!” cried Gus, “Are you my friend, or what! J! You’re disgusting!”
“No, I’m not, but you are.”
“What do you mean?”
“You got us in this trouble.”
“Stop saying ‘What’… You’re the one who threw this garbage here!”
“Excuse me…”
“Don’t deny it now!”
“Hello Mister…”
“I saw you!”
“But… Oh alright. You’re right. It’s my mistake. Gee, I’m so sorry. I guess I deserve it.”
“Oh, it’s both our fault. I should’ve stopped you. Lesson learnt! Anyway, c’mon! We’ll go to the park later. Let’s go home and get cleaned first!”
“Good idea. You are right, lesson learnt! Now I will never throw garbage anywhere outside and pollute the environment, and I’ll stop people from doing it too!”
“Good!” grinned Jack.
Gus grinned back and both boys ran home to clean themselves.