Kids Bedtime Story Laira – The Grumpy Teacher
Photo credit: dantada from morguefile.com
Encorage school had a new teacher last term. Her name was Donna Suete. However, she had a very grumpy attitude and soon got the nickname of “Mrs. Sour” by the students . Mrs. Suete was a single parent. She had a 3 year old boy from her marriage to Mr. Suete. Unluckily for her Mr. Suete died a sudden death due to heart attack 2 years back, and she was left alone with little Bob since then. Many suggested her to remarry, an idea to which she was totally against. She was 33 now. To manage to provide for her future life, she had met and requested Mrs. Rodriguez, the Principal of Encorage School, to enrol her as a History teacher. Mrs. Rodriguez was a kind-hearted person and was willing to offer this help to Mrs. Suete. However, now after 10 months Mrs. Rodriguez looked a bit thoughtful about Mrs. Suete, since there were many negative reports from the students about Mrs. Suete’ grumpiness. However, knowing Mrs. Suete’s personal problems and the way she was braving it out as a single parent, she was silent and kept faith that time would heal Mrs. Suete’s bad attitude.
A new day dawned and Mrs. Suete having finished her routine chores, got ready now to go to work at Encorage. She had her elder sister (who was a divorcee) staying with her to help her. Now she called her sister “Lizzy…Lizzy… where are you?”.
Her sister “Lizzy” (short for Elizabeth) came with a swift pace and said “Donna, I am here.. tell me dear..what is it?”
Mrs. Suete (her first name Donna) said “Lizzy.. take care of Bob, as usual. I am off to school and will be back only by 3:30 pm today. It is already 8:15 am and I have got to hurry.”
So saying without waiting for a reply, Mrs. Suete kissed Bob turned around and moved towards the door in a hurry. Lizzy followed her to the door saying “Don’t worry Donna, I will manage him until you come back. Do take care.” Donna waved to her sister and almost ran to the bus stand to catch the 8:30 bus, which was her daily regular routine.
Elizabeth gave Bob a bath, powdered him, made him put on fresh clothes and asked him to sit and watch cartoon on TV. Bob said “yeth aunthy.. thnnk you.”
Lizzy too got ready now and she waited for the domestic help. The maid servant did not turn up. Lizzy had an appointment with a dentist. She had planned to put Bob under the servant’s care and go and keep her appointment. But the servant did not turn up. At 9:15, she decided she would not wait any longer. She made up her mind to take Bob along to the dentist and it should not be a problem. So by 9:30, she locked the door of the house and holding Bob’s hand she stepped out on to the street.
Now let us shift our focus to Laira. Laira was an VIII standard student, a very beautiful girl, with an angelic heart, and coming from a wealthy family studying at Encorage School in Norta. Her classes started from 11.00 am. She too was now preparing to go to school, having checked her home work, her school bag, and other things. Dad had told her that he would leave early today and she would have to manage to go to school by herself. Mom offered to take her to school but Laira said “Mom, I am quite a big girl now. Dont you worry. I think I will walk to school today by myself. It is not that far, only 4 kms from here, and I love walking. It will give me some exercise too.”
She smiled at her mom and her mom too smiled and said “My little honey buney, do as YOU please.” They both laughed at that and Mom got busy with her household chores.
The clock struck 10. Laira got up, found her mom in the kitchen, and said bye to her. “Mom, since I am walking, I would better leave early.” Having hugged her mom and saying bye she started her walk to school. It was a 40-minute walk if one went leisurely without hurry. It was almost 18-20 minutes now that Laira had walked when about 20 feet in front of her, an autorickshaw suddenly swerved and hit a lady. Laira and many other people on the road screamed “Oh my God.”
Immediately a crowd gathered. Laira ran forward to see who it was. She just had a glimpse of the injured lady wearing Jeans and a blue top who had fainted. Some people lifted her now and put her into another auto and went off with her to a nearby hospital. The crowd dispersed. Laira was about to resume her walk to school, when she saw a little child near a bench and crying loudly. Laira looked around and saw no one. She went near the child and saw that the child had 2 bruises that were trickling blood. She then guessed that it could have been that lady’s child and when the auto struck, the child must have got thrown behind the bench where nobody saw it. She asked the child what his name was. The child said “Bloth..aunthyeee… whele eeth my aunthy?”. Laura could only catch meaning in “aunty” which confirmed to Laira that the lady who got knocked by the auto was this child’s aunt. Laira pacified the little one, asked him many questions but though he answered she could not clearly make out the child language.
Laira spoke sweetly and gave some chocolates that she had to the child. The child smiled, stopped crying, and caught her finger. Laira slowly walked with the child to a nearby doctor’s clinic. This doctor was her dad’s friend and he knew Laira. The doctor bandaged the bruises of the child after cleaning them. While he was doing this, Laira briefly told the doctor what had happened and he suggested at the end that she should go to the nearby police station, report and hand over the child to them.
Laira took the child to the Police Station. A very stern-looking inspector was in his seat and he asked gruffly. “Hello.. Ms what brings you here? I have no time for kids.. so tell me fast what is it?”
Laira narrated the event very clearly with all details. The inspector who had listened with careful attention to every word that Laira said, had softened much by the time she had finished. He stood up now and offered a seat to Laira. He said “sorry I might have sounded a bit harsh earlier, but now I salute you young lady for being so sensible and helpful to society.”
The Inspector bowed to Laira and took off his hat and she went red in the face with pleasure. She said “Inspector Uncle, will you please give me a call after you have found the child’s parents.?”
The Inspector smiled and said “I will do that. Please fill in this form explaining the event and your name and address too.” Laira completed the paperwork and while the child was distracted, she made her way out of the Police Station and reached school by around 11:45 am.
As Laira now stepped into the History class, Mrs. Suete screamed “STOP Lirry, I CANNOT allow you to break rules. Since you are not in time for the class you WILL be punished.”
Laira said “Teacher, please let me explain… ”
Mrs. Sour now screamed again “I am not going to listen to any excuse whatever. Just go there (pointing to a vacant area) and kneel down till the class is over.”
Laira obeyed silently. Mrs. Suete turned to the class and said “Open your History book to page 22… and..” even before she completed the sentence, her mobile phone rang. The voice at the other end was Elizabeth’s, i.e Mrs. Suete’s sister who had called from the hospital as soon as she found her senses had returned to normal. Her voice sounded very scared as Donna listened attentively. Briefly, she narrated the happenings to Donna and said at the end that Bob was NOT with her and explained why.”
Mrs. Suete started shaking. She burst out aloud “Oh my God!!! Oh my God…my poor Bob” and ran out in a hurry leaving the class wondering what had happened. Donna ran straight now to Mrs. Rodriguez’s office and broke into tears as she narrated what her sister had told her. Mrs. Rodriguez, the Principal, was very understanding, gentle, and with a soothing voice said “Do not worry dear… everything is going to be well. Let us go to the place of the accident and see if Bob is still anywhere around.”
The Principal drove Donna in her car to the spot where her sister had described as the accident place, and they both got down and started searching for the kid. As they were doing so, a policeman caught sight of them and came to them. “Hello” he said.. “you seem to be searching for something? what is it?”
Donna told him about her son and the policeman said “just a minute.” He made a phone call to the Police Station and the inspector must have asked him to accompany the ladies for now he said. “We have a little boy at the Police Station. Come with me and take a look if he is your boy.” Both the ladies went with him. As soon as they stepped inside little Bob saw his ma and cried out “Mommy, mommy..”
Donna ran to him, lifted him up, hugged and kissed him. She kept crying all the time muttering “Oh my baby.. oh my baby.”
Then after she had calmed down her excitement, she and the Principal were told by the Inspector how Bob came to be there. The inspector was ALL praise and appreciation for the lovely little teenager who had taken the kid to the hospital, had his wounds checked and dressed, and then had been sensible enough to bring him to the police station. The Inspector said “A lovely little angel she is really. Wish I had a daughter like her.”
The Principal then asked him “We would like to thank the girl for what she did. Do you by any chance have the details?
The inspector said “Oh.. yes!! she filled a form as per our rule and here is the paper.”
Both Donna and the Principal took one look at the name written there and exclaimed “Lirry!!! so it was YOU.”
They told the inspector that she was an 8th standard student from Encorage School and that Mrs. Rodriguez was the Principal of that school. They told him that Laira was the best student of the school and Encorage was very proud of her. The Inspector said “We reward such lovely children. I will send her name to the Chief Minister. He will meet Laira soon.”
Having signed the necessary papers, with anxiety put at rest now having found Bob, both returned to the Principal’s car. In the car, Donna suddenly felt ashamed of herself and started crying again. Mrs. Rodriguez was surprised. She said “Donna, what is the matter now?.”
Donna said “Mrs. Rodriguez, I am terribly ashamed of myself. I have punished the very girl who helped me get my Bob back. I am a bad teacher. I did not even allow the poor girl to explain why she was late for the class. I just cannot forgive myself.”
Mrs. Rodriguez let her cry and did not say anything. But as they neared the school she said to Mrs. Suete. “Donna, today’s event will see a lot of change in your attitude, I am sure.”
She said nothing more, smiled as they got down from her car and she went off in the direction of her office. Donna went after her and said “Mrs. Rodriguez, you will soon find out that I have changed for good. Please can you take care of Bob. I have something to do.”
Mrs. Rodriguez “knew” and said “okay” and took Bob with her to the office.
Mrs. Suete returned to her class where Mrs. Thatcher was now conducting the class in her absence. Donna stepped in and told Mrs. Thatcher “Sorry for the interruption Mrs. Thatcher, there is something important that cannot wait.”
Mrs. Thatcher nodded and Donna straight went to Laira, knelt down beside her and holding her hands said “Sorry Lirry.. I am terribly sorry for punishing you.”
Laira was taken aback. She failed to understand why the teacher broke down like that and why she was “sorry.” Mrs. Thatcher too heard this and thought Donna must have gone nuts or something. She told Donna “What are you doing?!!! the whole class is watching you Donna?”
Mrs. Suete said “I am doing the right thing Mrs. Thatcher. I have been a bad teacher. Let me share with you something that happened today”.
She narrated everything while the whole class listened with a pin-drop silence. Many had goose pimples rising as they realized what would have happened if Laira had NOT taken the boy to the Police Station. The little one could have been lost forever.
As Mrs. Suete finished her talk, she went and hugged and kissed Laira again. “Angel, you will forgive me won’t you?”
Lirry now smiled. She was also crying. She hugged Mrs. Donna and said “I am so so happy for you teacher. I am happy that Bob is safely back with his mother. I did not know Bob was your son. He is such a cute boy. But where is he?”
Donna said “He is with the Principal at her office. Come, I will take you there.”
There was a THUNDEROUS applause by all children clapping and saying “Well done Laira, you ARE an angel.”
Then Donna took permission from Mrs. Thatcher who agreed, and Laira and she went to the Principal’s office. Bob recognized Laira and immediately put out his arms. She hugged him crying “what a wonderful name you have, Bob”.
The child said “Bloth” and Laira then knew he was trying to tell her his name when she had asked him. What an intelligent little boy she thought.
The Principal too hugged Laira and said “the whole school will know about this incident and everyone will be proud of you Laira I am sure.”
Laira flushed but immediately said “I owe my thanks to all the wonderful teachers of Encorage School with you as the Principal.”
Mrs. Suete said “Hmm.. you can say that Lirry with one exception that is me.. Mrs. Sour- your bad teacher of Encorage, that is what they all call me behind my back don’t they?”.
Haha..She laughed mockingly at herself. Now, thanks to today’s event, it has truly opened my eyes and I realize how horrible I had been to children, but from now on I will work hard to get back my “real” name Lirry, you just wait and see. I will turn into Mrs. Sweet from today and not be called Mrs. Sour.” They all laughed at that. Then they all dispersed to attend to their respective routines.
The Police Inspector kept his word and Laira, her parents, and Mrs. Rodriguez recieved an invitation for a “dinner” with the Chief Minister. It turned out to be a lovely evening and the Chief Minister promised supports in form of funds to Encorage School which made Mrs. Rodriguez immensely happy and thrilled. The Chief Minister asked Laira “Now dear girl, what do you want as YOUR reward?.. a doll?.. a big party for your friends? or what is it? Tell me without hesitation.”
Laira slowly said “Uncle CM, the roads in our town are in VERY POOR CONDITION and this IS the cause for many accidents. If you could do something about this, I will be more than happy.”
The Chief Minister could not believe his ears. What!!! a girl at this young age is thinking about the welfare of society rather than asking for fancy gifts that girls her age would love to have??… He said aloud now “Laira.. what a gift you have asked my child.. I am really touched… I ought to feel ashamed that I have not taken care of this problem until now.. I will do it rightaway girl you can bet. With angels like you NORTA (name of the town) deserves to be treated SPECIAL. You can leave it to me. And now I have this BIG chocolate box for you which I offer you as MY appreciation. Hope to see you again sometime soon. Bye now.”
The Chief Minister after exchanging few more words with Laira’s parents, left the place and Laira and her parents returned back home escorted by the Inspector of Police.
They reached home safely, thanked the Inspector for bringing them home. The inspector bowed to Laira again, saluted their family and with an about turn, boarded his jeep and drove away with happy feelings. Laira’s parents too hugged Laira and said “we are proud of you angel.” Laira thanked God for everything and was soon asleep.
Needless to say, Mrs. Suete DID turn on a new leaf and went on to become a very sweet teacher that was loved by all students of Encorage School. Hmm…Did that not make Mrs. Rodriguez a proud and happy Principal??. Yes.. It sure DID because she HAD BELIEVED that one day Mrs. Suete would change her negative attitude.
The CM kept his word to Laira. Very soon NORTA had good roads and zero accidents and people were happy and appreciated the good work by the CM.
MORAL: One simple “good deed” done by us can go a long way in setting “many crooked things straight.” So always do good, be good, keep cool in all situations, talk sweet, and be gentle. It is easy, it is simple, just DO IT and see. Let us keep following Laira’s deeds, and learn through her HOW we can “do good, be good” and thereby make our environ a better place to live and be happy. You all agree.. don’t you? :)