Kids bedtime Story – Ghost Mother
Photo credit: dantada from morguefile.com
There lived a little girl named Sara. She loved reading scary stories.
One day after school, Sara felt tired, so she went to bed early. Her mom tucked her in bed, kissed her good night and left the room. Pretty soon Sara fell asleep.
That was when, the ghost came. It came and started knitting. It was loud.
Sara soon woke up. The room was dark. When Sara saw the ghost, she cried out, “Eaaack! Gho.. gho.. st!”, she was really scared.
“Sshh… Stop screaming Sara, go back to sleep.” said the ghost softly and left the room.
Sara was confused, she was too sleepy to understand anything and fell asleep.
The next morning Sara told her mom about seeing a ghost.
Her mom laughed and said “Nonsense! What movies have you seen lately? What books have you read? How many times shall I tell you not to read such books and that there is no such thing as a ghost?”
The next night the same thing happened…
The ghost came and started knitting! When Sara screamed again, it talked softly to her again and left the room. Sara could not understand a thing.
So, the third night Sara decided to keep watch.
Later that night, when everyone went to bed, Sara was wide awake on her bed. Then, it happened.
First she saw the door open (CREEK)… then… someone came in the room… then… it picked up some needles and yarn… then…
Sara couldn’t wait any longer; she had to find out who was the ghost! She flicked the lights on and… It was her mother!
“Mom! W-w-what are y-you doing in-ii-n here?” Sara mumbled.
“Well honey, I was planning to knit here. Your aunt wants to take some warm clothes for her son when she leaves for home tomorrow; she knows how well I knit, so she asked me to make some for her. As in the morning I go to work, that’s why I knit at this time. I come to your room, for the past few nights and knit, it’s so quiet here. By the way, why are you standing here and not asleep in bed? Why did you wake up the other two nights?”
“Well, the other nights I woke up because… because of a scary dream, and today I woke up because umm… I wanted to… go to the… umm.. to the bathroom.” Sara answered sheepishly.
“Oh! What was the dream?”
“Alright, alright, that’s why I ask you not read those scary books. Now, go to the bathroom fast. After that you go to sleep right away. You have school tomorrow. Quick!”
Sara quietly went to the bathroom smiling to herself.
From that day onwards Sara was not scared of anything…not even ghosts!