Short Story Kids – Fairy Queen Fulfilled Little Rose’s Wish
Image© Anand Vishnu Prakash, YourStoryClub.com
Rose was feeling very sad that day. Her mother was very sick and thus, got admitted into the hospital few days ago. Though her father looked after her well, she missed her Mom too much. After all, it was difficult for a little girl of only seven years to live without the affection and care of her mother. She wanted to go to the hospital and see her dear Mom, hug her and speak to her; but her Dad told her that little children were not allowed inside the hospital. So she cried a lot.
That night she went to bed, missing her Mom and weeping for her, as she was so used to her Mom’s stories and songs, before sleeping every night. When finally she fell asleep, little Rose saw a beautiful fairy in her dream. The fairy told her, “Rose, I am the Fairy Queen . If you can do some good deed to anyone tomorrow, I will cure your Mom and she will be back at home.” Little Rose woke up and looked for the Fairy Queen all around her, but there was no one!
Next morning, while walking up to the school, Rose saw an old woman standing beside the road and looking all around as if she was searching for someone. Rose went to the old lady and asked her, “What are you looking for? Can I help you in any way?”
The old woman smiled at her and told her, “Sweet girl, can you please tell me where this house is located? I have been told that it is in this locality only.” She forwarded a piece of paper to Rose, where an address of a nearby house was written.
“Let me take you to this place, as I know this house very well,” she said. Then she took the hand of the old woman and guided her to that building, whose address was written on that paper. They had to cross the busy road, to get there; but Rose carefully helped the old woman to walk along the road, till they reached their destination. The old woman was very pleased and she blessed Rose wholeheartedly, “God bless you sweet girl! May all your wishes come true!” she told.
That night again the Fairy Queen appeared in her dream and told Rose, “Be happy now, Rose, for your mother will soon be back at home, with you.” When Rose woke up in the morning, she felt very happy, thinking of her dream.
That evening, when Rose was back home from school, she saw her Mom was standing at the door, to welcome her! She could not believe her eyes and ran forward to hug her dear Mom! “My little baby, you look so thin!” said her mother and she kissed her little daughter. Rose thanked Fairy Queen in her mind and she happily lived with her parents ever after. But she always remembered to help others in need, whenever she got the chance to do.