Kids Bedtime Short Story – The Evergreen Doubt
Photo credit: mrmac04 from morguefile.com
Mark was the perfect example for a well-behaved, intelligent, and cute little boy of ten, always obedient at home, school, and a perfect friend and companion to his friends. An extrovert and playful kid, he never messed up anything, nor was he involved in any form of unnecessary mischief, and lived in his own imaginary world of fairy tales.
“Oh! Come on, Mark. Who told you this? You are a big boy and you actually believe that Santa exists? That’s completely untrue. I think someone wanted to make fun of you, that’s why they told you all these stories”, shouted Steve, his best friend. The other friends in his group also supported Steve and made fun of Mark and his stories about Santa.
“How is it possible that you receive gifts every year from an imaginary character?” Mark told as a matter of fact.
“Mark. Please listen to me and don’t mistake me. I don’t want to hurt you. Even I have been getting gifts every year on X-mas. I think every child does on X-mas. Does that mean every child is good and deserves gifts on X-mas? No, Mark. You are good and you deserve the gifts. But, the actual truth is it is our parents, who have been putting the gifts in the socks to make us think that Santa has put it. Santa is a mirage. Nothing more. The sooner you realize the better”, so saying Steve left for the class followed by other friends leaving Mark alone to ponder.
Mark was astounded to hear all this. His tiny heart broke and tears came in his eyes. But, he was a big boy and how could he show his tears to anyone. He wiped them and ran for the class. But, he couldn’t come out of his grief. He was completely disappointed. Sad and shaken, he dragged himself home after school. On the way, he saw a puppy that had fallen into a puddle of water in the middle of the road. Heavy rain had a massive effect on the roads and the once smooth roads had become nasty with big puddles of water here and there making it very difficult for the daily commuters.
Upon seeing the struggling puppy, Mark came running not minding his white canvas shoes turning brown with mud. He bent down to have a better look. The puppy was initially afraid but the soft touch of Mark gave confidence and he jumped upon Mark’s hand overjoyed at having come out of the impending danger of drowning and possible road accident.
All the sadness and gloomy feelings of Mark vanished. He patted the puppy and brought him home. As usual, his grandpa was sitting on the porch with tea on one hand and a book on the other waiting for Mark’s arrival from school.
“Grandpa, see what I found. A pupppyyy,” Mark shouted excitedly and narrated the whole incident to him.
Grandpa also became excited and came to have a good look at him. “Wow. That’s a cute little puppy. You now have a companion. But, first clean the poor thing and give him something to eat. He needs rest,” Grandpa told him gently running his hands over the soft skin of the puppy.
“Yes, Grandpa. You are right. I will go now,” Mark told and went in.
He showed the puppy to his mother, who gave him lukewarm water to bathe the puppy. She felt happy that Mark had got a companion, he had always wanted. She gave bread soaked in milk to feed the puppy and prepared a cozy bed with old cotton bedsheets. Mark bathed him, fed him, and made him sleep in the prepared bed. He felt satisfied when he saw the puppy cuddled himself to much needed sleep with the small stuffed toy that Mark had placed in the bed for giving company to the puppy.
He narrated the whole incident with the same excitement to his dad, when he returned from office. His dad felt very happy on seeing the excitement and happiness on the face of Mark, who wanted a companion for a long time.
After dinner, Mark came to bed and lied down beside Grandpa. But, his face now bore a gloomy look and Grandpa could see that something was troubling the child.
“My boy. What happened? Is there something that is bothering you?” Grandpa asked soothingly.
“Grandpa, I am thinking about Santa Claus,” Mark told.
“About Santa? Oh! I see. X-mas is round the corner. Is that the reason?” Grandpa smilingly asked.
“No, Grandpa. It’s not about X-mas. It’s about Santa. Does he really exist, Grandpa? My friends told he is imaginary and nothing more than a mirage. Please tell the truth, Grandpa. Everyone is making fun of me telling that a big boy like me should not be believing in the fairy tales about Santa and the gifts, he brings every year during X-mas,” saying this Mark’s eyes welled up with tears and he hugged Grandpa tightly.
“My dear child. Is that it? The evergreen doubt that everyone has about Santa?” Grandpa hugged him back to soothe him and allowed him to let go of the grief troubling his heart.
After a while, Grandpa spoke. “Mark, tell me one thing. Why did you rescue the puppy and give him home?”
“Because he was helpless and I wanted to help him,” Mark told amidst his tears.
“That’s it, my boy. That’s what Santa is all about. He is not the fat person living outside wearing a red coat, riding a sleigh, and bringing gifts. He is inside everyone. If you believe and see him, Santa is real. If you don’t, he is imaginary. Your friends told he is a mirage, isn’t it? What is a mirage, my dear? It is an illusion of the presence of water in a scorching desert. Seeing a mirage gives hope and an unknown surge of energy to a dreary traveler to move forward. Similarly, Santa is actually not existent physically. But, he gives hope and energy to people having faith to live better and spread happiness to all. He teaches the meaning of love, selfless love that helps one to think about others’ happiness without expectations. These virtues symbolize Santa, my child. That’s what X-mas is all about. Spreading happiness and love to all.
Mark wiped his tears, gave a big smile and hugged his grandpa, “Thanks, Grandpa. I understood. Santa is real. He lives in our hearts silently teaching us good things. I will keep him and his virtues alive forever.”
And he slept peacefully.