Kids Bedtime Short Story – Happy Family
Photo credit: mnp from morguefile.com
In a forest there lived a family of bird with father, mother, and a baby bird. The baby is loved by both the parents very much. They were living very happily. When days go by father and mother birds started fighting for simple reasons. The fighting was kept on going for days and even for months. Baby bird was so sad by seeing her parents fighting. She begged both of them not to fight and be happy, but they did not listen to her words. It made her very sad. The baby bird consoles her mother whenever the fighting over. For the sake of the baby bird mother also get convinced and return to normal. When years passed by the mother could not cooperate with the father bird for a long time. So she decided to leave him, but thinking of the baby she stays back always.
One day the father bird went out in search of prey. At that time the mother bird flew away with her baby bird from the nest to another place. When the father bird returned, he could not find his family. He felt so bad and realized his mistake. He told himself “if I would have listened to my baby, it could not happen”.
He searched them here and there. After searching for months, he found them in a deep forest living alone in a small nest. He went near the mother bird and asked sorry for his mistake. He also asked sorry to the baby bird for the happenings. By the time the mother bird also was feeling for leaving the father bird alone, so she also said sorry in return. Thereafter, without blaming each other and fighting they lived with their baby bird happily.
Moral: Live your life happily; do not blame others for your mistakes.
Story: By my daughter S. Archa
II grade, Adithya International School, Idigarai