Kids Bedtime Story – Baby Monkey Story
Photo credit: sullivan from morguefile.com
“Bixty,” the mother monkey, was very proud of her cute male child “Chixty.” Chixty, the baby monkey, gradually grew up and started doing lots and lots of “monkey tricks.” Even Bixty, though a monkey herself, was finding it difficult to control Chixty and her antics. Chixty never “listened” to his mother and was always doing some mischief or other.
He would always tell his mom “Cut out the monkey chatter, mom. Let me listen to the sweet voice of the birds, the sound of the wind, the rustling of the trees. I am so happy to be a monkey to enjoy this. Why do you want to spoil my mood with your chatterbox lectures?” and poor Bixty had to just “shut up” with a sigh.
However, every night after dinner Bixty told a bedtime story to Chixty. She would always ask Chixty to “pray.” She would say “Chixty.. prayers have magical powers to turn impossible into possible.”
Chixty had heard it so many times that she would mimic her mother and tease her.
He told her..”Ma.. this is how you say it “Chixty prayers have magical powers to turn impossible into possible” in a different funny voice, and then chuckle loudly “hee hee hee hee” and jump up and down with his long tail, while Bixty tried to reach him to pinch him on the ears. Days rolled on like this and all seemed to be well for the two monkeys… until one day…
Bixty had to go a bit too far from her tree house for some important thing. She told Chixty before going “Chixty.. stay near to the house.. do not go deep into the jungle. It is dangerous.. do you hear me Chixty.. okay?”
Chixty did not even listen to what was said and replied back “Ma.. don’t worry.. I will be fine till you return.. you may go now.”
Bixty, though not happy to leave Chixty alone, jumped off from tree to tree and was gone on her important errand.
Chixty was now left alone. Monkey mischief in his mind was at its peak. Suddenly Chixty jumped from one branch to another and yet another. When he got to the topmost branch he saw a huge ground full of grass spreading vastly for miles and miles. It looked so beautiful like a green grass bed that Chixty’s heart desired to go there as it did not seem too far away from the tree house.
Chixty, once he made up his mind, lost no time in starting off to the green grass ground. Very soon Chixty reached there. He went further and further rolling, doing somersaults on the green grass enjoying the open space and fresh air. Suddenly!!!! he heard a bloodcurdling “roar” from behind and Chixty turned and saw a Big Lion running towards him. The Lion was still a bit far off but it was running very fast. Chixty got scared to death and just turned and ran to save his own life. He ran and he ran and felt the Lion gaining fast on him. Chixty now saw a single tall tree that stood in the midst of the vast grass ground and dashed off hoping to make it. Chixty just in time made it to the tree and climbed up in a jiffy. The Lion pawed the tree but could not climb up. So after a few roars, the Lion simply sat down under the tree waiting and hungrily looking up all the time at the little monkey.
Chixty’s heart was beating fast. He had narrowly escaped becoming a “snack” to the Big Beast. Now as he relaxed he looked up for a stronger branch to hold.. and “Oh my god”!!!…he was again gripped by TERRIBLE FEAR!!! …for from the top part of the tree was descending, coming towards him, a HUGE BLACK SNAKE with its jaw wide open. Terrorized by this “monster snake” Chixty started shivering with fright not knowing HOW to escape. He saw the Lion below and the Anaconda above and thought his life was going to come to a FULL STOP in a few seconds.
Chixty, at this moment, somehow remembered his mother and suddenly seemed to hear her “voice” somewhere in his subconscious mind telling him “Chixty.. prayers have magical powers to turn impossible into possible.” Chixty had heard it a million times according to him. So he now decided to do just THAT and see what happens. Chixty closed his eyes and “prayed hard.” “Oh God!!! only YOU can save me from this tense and impossible situation. Save me!!! save me!!! save me!!!. I know YOU can and you WILL.”…. and Chixty’s faith in God was so strong at that moment that…. Lo!!! something least expected happened. It appeared as if it was a MIRACLE!!!
The slithering snake was almost on the little monkey when for no reason it seemed to suddenly slip from the tree losing its grip and fell with a loud thud to the ground just beside the Lion. It was so so long and terrifying with its jaws open wide that the Lion took one look at it, decided it would be stupid to fight this monster whatever it was, and it turned its head towards the deep jungle and walked away disappointed. The snake was too confused with the fall, felt sore at many different points of its body, and having gained some strength, it slowly slithered away into the bush.
Chixty, wondering what his fate would be, opened his one eye first and then the other and fearfully looked around. Seeing neither the BIG CAT nor the HUGE SNAKE he yelled “Chee Chui Chok Cheeck!!! (for hooray!!!)” He exclaimed “Jeez.. my prayer WORKED!!!!.” The two “killer monsters” have disappeared from sight. Chixty jumped down from the tree, kept saying “Thank you God.. thank you God” for at least a 120 times all the way back to the tree house and reached safely much to the relief of Bixty who had returned and had started worrying about Chixty.
Chixty took one leap and strongly hugged his mom. “Mom.. indeed!!! Prayers DO HAVE magical powers to turn impossible into possible. “I will pray everyday from today both morning and night. Every Morning I will ask God to make me a good monkey, and at night I will tell HIM I have really been a good monkey today.” Bixty wondered at this sudden change.. she thought “Hmm.. Who did Chixty meet while she was away for some time?”.. but all the same she WAS VERY happy that Chixty LEARNED something good. Though she asked Chixty about it, Chixty never told her about her encounter with DEATH, for her mom would be very scared to let her out again. But Chixty did pray everyday from then on and he and his mom lived happily for many many years.
MORAL: If there is anything that cannot be explained by Science, it is “Prayer and its Miraculous healing powers.” It is baffling that when things seem almost impossible, praying hard suddenly seems to bring a “bright ray of hope” into our tunnel of darkness and gets us out of it. Many of us have experienced it I am sure.
For children, maybe this could be just a “story” to install “faith” in praying everyday to God. But many adults including me KNOW and BELIEVE that “THIS IS JUST MORE THAN A STORY” and that prayers do indeed cause MIRACLES TO HAPPEN. Those who pray NEVER are unhappy for they express strong FAITH in the Lord. I am sure you all will agree on this.
Let me know friends, if you enjoyed reading my “baby monkey” story. :)