Kids Bed Time Story – A Speck of Dust
Photo credit: sssh221 from morguefile.com
One day king Edward saw that his room was not cleaned well, so he called his cleaner and boomed- “Clean this room fast! I don’t want to see a single speck of dust!”
“Yes Your Majesty!” said the cleaner.
He started sweeping. Soon his tummy started to hurt bad! How could he clean the King’s huge room when he couldn’t even stand up straight? But surely he would be punished he didn’t follow the King’s orders! So he went to Minister Joseph for advice.
When the cleaner saw Minister Joseph, he called out in a painful voice-“Oh-oh g-g-great Joseph-eph!”
“Yes go on! What happened?! You look ill”, said Minister Joseph.
“Sir, I h-have a-a-a really bad st-stomach ache! An-and I can’t s-sweep his Ma-ma-majesty’s r-room!”
“Okay…but why are you so worried?”
“His Majesty s-said that he didn’t wa-want to see a single spe-speck of dust in his room…but I’m not following o-orders due to th-this pain!”
“Let’s see…speck of dust… hmm… oh, first, take this medicine twice a day on an empty stomach. It will relieve your pain. And when the king asks why you did not clean his room, just say……..” Minister Joseph whispered something into the cleaner’s ears.
When the King came back with Minister Joseph by his side and saw his room as dirty, he got very angry.
“Cleaner!! Why is my room still so dirty?! Didn’t I ask you to clean my room properly?!!”
“Oh, your Majesty, you said you didn’t want to see a speck of dust and you aren’t!” said the cleaner calmly.
“Explain!” raged King Edward.
“Your Majesty,” the cleaner said as cool and calm as the wind. “There isn’t a speck of dust, but a lot of dust!”
“(HUH!) Oh! Ho ho! Ha ha! I see! I see! Quite clever.” King Edward roared with laughter. “Oh! I bet Joseph told you this!”
“Yes, your Majesty.”
“But tell me one thing, why didn’t you clean it?”
“Your Majesty, I had a stomach ache and it hurt a lot. I just couldn’t do anything! I took some medicine and I’m feeling a little better now. I will surely clean the room later in the day today.”
“Alright! Take this bag of hundred gold coins, a reward for being brave and telling me the truth, now leave. Shoo! Off with you! Shoo! Shoo!” said King Edward. Then he turned to face Joseph. “And, what about you Joseph? Will a diamond necklace do? You saved the day!” laughed King Edward.
“Yes your Majesty! Thank you!” grinned Joseph. Then he bowed in respect and turned to leave.
What a clever person!