Kids Short Story – Ranu-The Innocent Thief
Photo credit: szafirek from morguefile.com
Once there was a little boy named Ranu. He was very very fond of mangoes. He always dreamed of eating mangoes but his father, a labourer was too poor to buy him fruits. Most of the time they used to eat rice with salt and chili.
One day Ranu was passing by a farm, where he saw loads of mangoes hanging on the mango trees. All ripe and juicy. The scent filled his nose and he could not think anything but to eat those mangoes. He climbed the wall and reached the trees. When he was going to pluck the mangoes he remembered stealing is bad so he came up with an idea.
He asked the tree-Aam Aam, Aam tor loon do char (Mango Tree, Mango Tree can I have your fruits). After a minute he changed his voice and said -Tor lo phataphat (Yes yes why not, you take as much you want). Then he plucked as much of mangoes he could carry and flew away.
This went on for few days. The farmer noticed someone is stealing his mangoes. So he hide himself behind a tree and waited for the thief.
In the night, Ranu came and repeated the same question and answer and plucked the mangoes. The farmer catches Ranu and asked him why he was stealing. Ranu told him that he asked the trees before taking any fruits.
The farmer said -Hmmm very clever Ranu. So you are not a thief . You asked the Trees. O.k Fair enough so i will not beat you but I will ask my Wand if he can forgive you.
So the farmer asked his wand- Dande dande ranu ko maruun ya chor duun (wand wand, should i beat Ranu or leave him) After a minute farmer changed his voice and replied- Mat choro bahut maro ustad (Dont spare him beat him up)
So the farmer took his wand and ran after Ranu to beat him up. Ranu ran for his life and learned the lesson.