Kids Short Story – The Golden Fairy
Photo credit: mconnors from morguefile.com
Once upon a time there lived a farmer in Umber Village. He had only one daughter named Elena. He lived with his wife and his beloved daughter. He was very poor. He owned a small farm which was the only source of his earning. Elena was the most beautiful girl in the village. She had blue eyes like ocean,red cheeks like an apple and golden silky hair.
The farmer was sitting really worried when his daughter came in and asked”what’s the matter father?”.
He answered that his land became infertile and due to drought it would soon be barren.And then one day his wife got sick and was suffering from fever. Due to lack of money they couldn’t afford a doctor and were not able to buy medicines for her. Elena did all she could,took care of her day and night. Her mother knew she couldn’t survive long,so she gave Elena an empty wooden box and asked to keep it with her always. She died before she could tell Elena about it.
The farmer and Elena were going through a bad situation as farmer was in debt.The farmer had to sell his farm to pay his debts. Now he was left with nothing,so he decided to migrate to other place in search of job. The next morning Elena and his father left their home and started walking towards jungle. But they couldn’t cross the jungle by evening so they decided to spend night at the jungle. The farmer was asleep and she was sitting under a tree wondering about the empty wooden box that why her mother gave that empty box.
It was midnight by then,she was hungry and her body was paining because of travelling all day in her torned shoes. She wished for delicious food,new shiny dress,red sparkling shoes and all her pain to go away. After a few minutes she was asleep. She dreamt that the box opened and shimmering and glittering golden light spread all over through the box.It was the golden fairy who appeared in front of her and she used her golden wand to fulfil her wishes.
Elena was surprised to see her,the golden fairy told her”I am your fairy godmother “.
Elena said”I wish it wouldn’t be just a dream”.
The golden fairy smiled and told her that she couldn’t reach her through that box anymore. But before leaving the golden fairy told her to cross the jungle in the morning and to head towards the palace to attend the Prince Caspian’s ball.The prince could help them with their problems and miseries.
When Elena woke up in the morning she told her father about the dream, suddenly she saw that she was wearing the new dress and then she saw her feet, there was the red sparkling shoes. Then she came to realize it wasn’t just a dream,it was all real.So, she followed her fairy godmother’s advice and attended the prince’s ball.
As soon as Prince Caspian saw Elena he couldn’t help falling in love with her. She liked him too. He danced with her all night.As they danced they talk to each other about their families,likes and dislikes,interests and a lot more.The next day Prince asked her to marry him. She was already impressed by him. Elena agreed as the prince was very kind and had touched her heart.
The next week they were married and the kingdom rejoiced at their wedding. Prince gave the farmer an honorary position in his court.
Then the time passed,after a year Elena gave birth to a daughter and named her Hannah.The King Caspian and Queen Elena threw a shower for the baby. Everyone from the kingdom came to see the child and offer her blessings with amazing gifts for her and there was one an unexpected special guest,the golden fairy with the wooden box. Elena smiled and thanked the golden fairy for such a precious gift for her daughter. They all lived happily ever after.