The All New GLUB GLUB Machine – Funny Short Story for Kids
Photo credit: pschubert from morguefile.com
We all know need is the mother of all inventions.
Once there was a boy. He wanted to become a scientist and always dreamt of inventing his own machine. He named it GLUB GLUB machine. Since his childhood he used to tell his teachers that once he grows up he will make a glub glub machine. Though he was average in studies and did not concentrate much on studies but due to his confidence and his dream the teachers used to give him good grades and pass him. He passed all his classes by telling the teachers and principal that he is going to make ‘ glub glub ‘ machine. When he passed his 12th class all his teachers congratulated him and wished him luck for his machine. They told that we all have confidence in u that one day u will be able to make your machine and will be a great person. He thanked all of them and entered college.
In college also he used to pass all the exams because of his glub glub machine only. Initially no body used to believe him but slowly everyone helped him in all ways they can, so that he can fulfil his dream of making machine. Graduation is needed for becoming a scientist so even the college teachers used to pass him with good marks so that his academics do not hamper his dream. Meanwhile all scientists came to know about him and his dream, but no one knew what kind of machine he was going to develop and what was the purpose but they all started believing him and were waiting eagerly for his graduation to complete.
The day came when he completed his graduation. Now all the scientists called him and asked him about his machine and what he was thinking. They agreed to give all possible help to him. He told them that he needs some time to make up his mind about how he is going to start, but he told that he will reveal everything when the time comes. So everyone was waiting eagerly for the time to come as soon as possible. He was trying hard but was not able to concentrate properly. So he organized a meeting and told that as he was going to give a revolutionary invention to the world, he needed a place secluded from the world so that he can concentrate entirely on his work without any disturbance. All the scientists were convinced by him and thus decided to provide him with such a place.
Now hunt began to search for such a place which was in approach so that as and when he needs any material he is made available yet he is away from this world all alone with his on going invention. After lot of search he was provided with such a place. He was left there with all the requirements , his invention and his mind. Now the actual journey began. He started working without any disturbance and no worries other than his invention. He gave his full effort on this new invention and it was believed that this will bring a revolutionary change in the lives of everyone. Even the government gave monitory help to him as and when he needed. No one was allowed to enter inside his working place so the mystery continued to increase.
The wait continued for 4 long years and he came out only once in a year to give yearly reports about his progress. Everyone was impressed by his dedication, hard work and believed that if every young mind becomes so dedicated and enthusiastic, no one can stop this country to prosper. When only a month was left before the surprise was going to be revealed, all scientist decided to have a meeting and discuss everything and test the machine before its actual appearance amongst the people. But he told that everything will be disclosed among the common man only and they will decide whether the invention is good or bad. Now along with the people scientist from all over the world were waiting eagerly for the month to end so that the suspense is finally over. All scientist decided to appoint him their senior head once he reveals his invention.
And the D-day arrived. All arrangements were made. He wanted a helicopter which can carry his machine to the test site. The test site was an ocean. Everyone gathered there. All media people were also there and the hipe was already created. Though no one new anything about the development and the genious mind which was working behind it. So along with the invention everyone was eagerly waiting for the person. Finally the most awaited moment arrived. The scientist along with his revolutionary invention came in the helicopter. Everyone was having goosebumps because no one knew what does the machine look like, how does it work. And in the entire history, this was the first time when even the scientists did not reveal any thing in the media because they were also not sure about the success. So even they were waiting for the machine to perform. Everything in front of them was on paper. There was no live demo.
So the helicopter came along with the mystery. The genious man now came in front of media and introduced himself. He just told the name of his invention i.e. the GLUB GLUB machine and rest will be demonstrated in front of everyone. The entire world came to a hault . Everything was stopped and all eyes were either on TV screens or were watching everything in front of them. So so………………………………. the time has come when along with everyone you will also come to know why the name- GLUB GLUB???!!!!!!!!
The machine was sealed in a big metallic box. He told the pilot to drop the box exactly in the center of ocean. Everyone was watching with dumbsrtuck epressions on there faces. All wanted to know the purpose of the machine. The chain was released and box started falling. Every heartbeat was going up as the box was nearing the ocean…… the box came coming down and heart beats kept going up……………………………
The countdown began…
1o. 9.. 8… 7…. 6….. 5…… 4……. 3…….. 2……… 1……….
The box fell in the ocean and sound came…………………. ……..“GLUB GLUB”…!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!