Short Story for Children – Daughter’s Love for Mother
Photo credit: hotblack from morguefile.com
(Story: Daughter’s Love for Mother, Writer: Varuni, Age: 11 years, School: Deccan International School)
“Ma please help me in writing my own poem otherwise Rita mam will cut my marks.” said Arpita to her mother. Arpita, a 12 year old girl, lived in Delhi with her mother Nirmala, her younger brother Sameer and her father Prakash. Arpita had to submit a poem next day.
“Arpita if I help you in writing your own poem it would not be yours and therefore instead you I will get marks .” said Ma to Arpita.
“Ok then tell me a topic at least on which I can write a poem” said Arpita .
Ma came to her and said ” Arpita see if I tell you a topic and you would not understand it , you may write something nonsense which would not be related to your topic. So you choose a topic, understand it and then you write a poem on it.”
Arpita wrote a poem and the next day when she came from school told her mother that her ma’am said that two days later, on school day program, she would recite the poem she had written and would get a prize.
“Now this is my daughter”. said Ma.
“Ok now show me the poem you have written”
“No Ma it is a surprise for you Sameer and dad .” said Arpita.
It was the day when Arpita had to recite the poem she had written . Arpita’s family was curiously waiting to hear Arpita’s poem. After the announcement “It’s time to hear Arpita’s poem and her topic is MOTHER”, every one started to clap but Arpita’s Ma was looking surprised. Arpita came on the stage and started to recite her poem.
She is the god
She is the dream,
She is everything that we see.
She knows us better than we,
She is always there with you ,
so be happy.
Don’t fear,
Don’t lie
When she is there with you
She wants to see you happy ,
She wants to see you succeed
She try her best to that
So we should indeed.
You cannot hid anything from her
because she is your mother.
After reciting the poem Arpita said “Ma this one is for you”.
After that her principal gave her medal and the ‘best poet award’.
When Arpita came to her family Sameer said “Sis you rocked the stage”
Her father said “Beta you made us proud ”
Her mother said “Arpita how did you choose this topic and wrote so well on it”
Arpita hugged her mother and said “Ma you only said write a poem on such a topic I can understand and I can understand only my mother’s heart”
Now her mother was happy and said “my doll has grown up” .
After few years, Arpita became a famous poet and whatever prizes she got she dedicated them to her mother.