Children Story – The Incomplete Story of Susan Pevensie
Image© Anand Vishnu Prakash, YourStoryClub.com
She finished her cup of tea, thinking of the death of her family. She also wondered what had happened to poor Eustace and Jill. They have been missing even before her family’s death. It’s been four months since they departed from this world.
She looked at her room disgusted of how untidy it was. She stood in front of her opened cupboard to decide upon the dress she was going to wear for the party in Molly’s house. She finally chooses a beautiful orange maxi. She had one hour left and it was six already. She heard voices “Aslan… Lucy… Edmund… Peter… Mom! Dad!”
“Who’s there?!” But there was nobody.
She set off to Molly’s house in her dad’s old car. On her way she was caught up in memories of her family, stories her siblings told her about the adventures in Narnia. They always kept talking about a wardrobe, a white witch and a faun named Tumnus. She tried hard to remember but she failed to. She was able to take in no more and fainted.
When she woke up, she found herself in a hospital. Next to her was a young handsome man. She learnt that after she fainted, she had dashed a tree and had hurt her head badly. They soon introduced themselves. His name was Martin. He must have been a year or two elder than her. He was the one who had admitted her in the hospital and was kind enough to give her a ride home. Susan did invite him for tea but he didn’t want to disturb her so he denied invitation. Before he left, he said “Susan, you are disturbed and I can see it in your eyes.” Susan entered her room and soon fell asleep.
It was getting warmer and warmer. When she opened her eyes she was shocked to see there was no ceiling! She was on a large rock which was placed on top of a hill. Below she could witness a battle. A fair maiden with a staff in her hand was turning all those who went past her into stone!!!
“Jadis?” Susan said to herself.
She also saw Lucy!
But Lucy never heard her. Susan could also see herself!!! She was shooting with her bow and arrow. Everyone in the battle field was screaming “long live Aslan!”
And suddenly, everything went foggy and Susan could see nothing! At a distance she could see a small spark of light. She advanced herself to it. It looked something like and end of a tunnel and it was!! She went through it and found herself in Cair Paravel!!! One of the most beautiful palaces you or I can ever see. Aslan, in Cair Paravel was presenting to Narnia their new Kings and Queens. She heard him saying
“To the Glistening Eastern Sea, I give you Queen Lucy The Valiant. To the Great Western Wood, King Edmund The Just. To the Radiant Southern Sun, Queen Susan The Gentle. And to The Clear Northern Sky, I give you King Peter, The Magnificent. Once a King and Queen of Narnia, always a King and Queen of Narnia.”
Susan drenched her head into her hands not knowing what is happening around her.
“Susan! Susan! Hold my hand!”
It was Lucy! There was Edmund and Peter too! They were standing at the railway station and are magically whisked away in to Aslan’s How. Here was Caspian with the other Narnians and King Miraz was waiting to propose a battle to High King Peter. All of us know what happens there and that’s what happens. Susan witnessed every bit she spent in Narnia few years ago.
She even dreamt of Rabadash, the man who was desperate to marry her!!
Susan wakes up panting. “What have I done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” she shouted. Susan could now remember everything! Every bit of it! “Nooooooooo. I have betrayed my siblings! I have betrayed Aslan! I have betrayed Narnia!!” she shouted and started crying, squeezing her pillow. Every single second was a burden to her. She was just not able to forgive herself.
“My child”
She heard s voice so soft and gentle. It was Aslan!
“Aslan!” she shouts and hugs him. She could feel his soft mane on her cheek. “I’m sorry Aslan. I’m really, really very sorry!”
“It’s all right dear one. I’m glad that you remember everything. And so is your family.”
“My family?”
“Yes dear one.”
“But my family is dead!”
“I know that dear. I have taken them with me. To my country. (Aslan’s own country)
“They’re alive?”
“Dear one. In my country, nobody ages. All worthy people before or after their death can enter in to my country but they never age.”
“Ohh Aslan.”
“It’s time I leave dear one.”
“Aslan. I’m sorry.”
“You are forgiven my child.” Saying this, Aslan walked into the mirror and disappeared.
There was dead silence in her room. She sat on the floor looking at the mirror all night. The next morning she got dressed and donated it to the orphanage. She took one last look at her house and goes to the coast and drowns herself.
“The water is sweet!” she thought to herself. She could see lilies above. (on the surface of the water.). It was like a canopy. She swam up and saw herself surrounded by lilies! It was the Silver Sea. Nearby she could see the shore. She swam forward and reached it. The sun shone bright than ever but it was not hot!
“What place it this?” she said to herself.
“It’s the Silver Sea dear one.”
“Aslan!!” Susan hugged him so tight out of joy that she could see him again. “Why am I here?”
“Dear one. You have sacrificed yourself for the mistake you did. You are worthy to enter my country.”
“Aslan. Am I dead?”
“In your world, child.”
Susan’s eyes filled with tears of joy and gratefulness.
“Always remember dear one. Once a King and Queen of Narnia. Always a King and Queen of Narnia. Now my child, enter into my world. Your family is awaited to see you!”
And Susan closes her eyes as she walks in.