A Children Story – Obsession
Photo credit: undefined from morguefile.com
[You see guys, this happens to be my first piece of work !!!! It’s a fan fiction about Harry Potter of course, which I wrote in the summer vacations of 8th standard. The manuscript was handwritten and so I decided to immortalize my works on the Internet (knowing that they would be safe in the servers!). Hope you like it. You may also find this and my other posts on “iamalienman.wordpress.com” – which is my personal blog!! Keep Reading…!!!!]
I must thank my friend Samarth for that. He messaged me that POGO was telecasting 50 best moments of Harry Potter. I surely don’t know about you, but I do know one thing- Harry Potter is the integral part of my life.
A swell of emotions, a lump in the throat and a mind-numbing & ticklish joy spreads through my body every time I hear Voldemort yell, “Only I can live forever.”
J.K. Rowling is my alma mater, my school which initiated me into a world of fantasy and science fiction.
Though I may not be good at it, J.K. Rowling taught me how to read and write. Harry Potter is all that I need as an antidote against the depressing, cold and harsh reality of the outside world. For me, it’s a warp hole to heaven, every time I read or watch Harry Potter.
It’s only seems yesterday, when me and my cousin were preparing to sleep in the verandah, discussing Harry Potter and the upcoming 7th book. Discussion gave way to wishful thinking, which resulted in cropping of ideas- ultimately leading to a creation of a fan-fiction. Yup, I wrote my own 7th Harry Potter book, and named it Harry Potter and the King of Zephyr. To tell you the truth, it was not at all good. I created an entirely new character- someone called Arnold Dumbledore- Son of the beloved headmaster who can control wind, he meets Harry, and they use the time-turner, bring Albus back and fight Voldemort. The only part I feel that matched the real Hallows was of killing Dobby. In my book, even I killed Dobby.
It wasn’t good grammatically, factually as well as technically. You see, I was just in 8th standard and a novice at writing (still I remain one). I wasn’t even interested in reading books then. I didn’t knew half the facts, neither I was updated on then recent interviews with J.K. Rowling as I didn’t knew how to access Internet properly. Time-Turners were destroyed in the 5th part but we had no way of knowing it as I hadn’t yet read that part in the 5th book. And my cousin just saw the movies; he hadn’t even read any of the books.
It was an extremely Haphazard Reading. I first read 4th( that involved mostly skipping pages- as I could not tell head or tail of the story), then got really interested in first, then second, then fifth, sixth, third and fourth again. I didn’t read the books in sequence, I didn’t have much info on the characters- but tell you what- Harry’s world came in my dreams regularly. I was truly obsessed.
When the first movie came out in theatres, I did detest it (without watching it of course). I considered myself a man of science. I jeered at my friends for loving guys who pulled rabbits out of hats and goaded them to be more interested in Mars. It was not before my father forcibly took me to see Harry Potter and the Chambers of Secret that I began to think- this stuff is totally different from pulling rabbits.
By the time I watched the third movie- I was in love with Harry Potter. Then my father said it was time to move on to the books. I bought the 4th part as I told him I had already watched the first three movies.
Though stupid as I was, my dream wasn’t. One of my cousins was visiting London and I handed him the manuscript and asked him to deposit it at the Bloomsburg Publishing House. My aim was NOT to get published, but to express my feelings about Harry Potter to J.K. Rowling. I must say that though the plot took two to a tango, the writing part was done by me, that’s why this egoist- I, me and myself. For months I dreamt that I would receive a letter by J.K. Rowling anytime soon- applauding our efforts.
In my wild fancies I dreamt that she would call me to London and give me a tour of Hogwarts. I wasn’t agnostic in those days. I prayed to God, whenever I did remember him to please fulfill my dream. Call it an eight grade stupidity…..
Of course it wasn’t fulfilled. Later when I became well-versed with the Internet, I discovered that thousands of fans are doing the same across the globe. I was crushed.
But I decided then and there, I would be a writer.
Even then, I was a pompous fool. I could not imagine myself to stand in a line, get her autograph, without even letting my name register across her mind. I thought I would be a famous writer (I still don’t know how to be a published writer, let alone famous) – and then ask for her autograph.
Well, now I am in my second year of college, and I still hope to do so. I must say I am not so upbeat about my prospects of becoming a writer. I get a rejection slip for each story that I send. It is frustrating.
It is one thing to look down in past and nostalgically think how you used to get rejected and quite another when you are getting rejected and see zero-chance of ever getting published.
But 15 minutes watching POGO has energized me. I feel sorry for myself that I could not meet Michael Crichton before he died- but I would not let this chance slip by. I would meet J.K., Daniel and dear old Voldy one day.
If that means battling rejection slips- bring it on.
The following is the original manuscript of my version of Harry Potter 7. It is riddled with all types of errors- factual and grammatical. AS I read it, it seems to be extremely childish. The spells are all gibberish. But at least, I wish, that you would think this to be a cute attempt to get famous.
Harry Potter – And the King of Zephyr
Chapter 1: Poor Hedwig
‘The boy who lived and his grief.’
Death of Albus Dumbledore, former headmaster of Hogwarts is the greatest grief of Harry Potter. He was the last person to guide Harry Potter. James Potter and Lily Potter, Sirius Black and at last Dumbledore dies to save Harry Potter. He is now all alone. He who now should not be named would now be the most happy.
Said Daily Prophet-
Harry Potter in his bedroom read this news many a times. He thought about Hogwarts, the large castle and that Severus Snape, the half blooded prince who killed Albus Dumbledore. He put the Daily Prophet in his large trunk. Yes, he was packing his trunk. He was thinking of going to the Weasleys on Firebolt. Wand in his pocket and books in his trunk. He also put the cage of Hedwig in the trunk and the owl only to guide him to the Weasleys.
Now the matter was only to write a letter to the Dursleys.
Harry Potter is leaving this house forever. So the magic evoked on this house will be removed. I am leaving the Muggle money which I have borrowed from my friend for that I cost you.
And now I am a free man.
Good bye to you all.
Freaky Little Child
He was completely satisfied with the letters. He attached the trunk with the firebolt and set in the front of his trunk. Hedwig began to fly and Harry followed her. The atmosphere was purely summerish. Firebolt was running somehow slowly due to the load of the trunk.
Slowly the night turned cold. Harry would not have expected this type of atmosphere.
He saw some light from the other hand of the sky. It was going fainter. Harry marched fast. And he was going to crash the flying car where he stopped.
“Oh Harry what are you doing on such an awful night. You might have died.” Said Mr. Weasley who was sitting in his old Ford Anglia.
“How did you got the car back?”
“Oh, it was gifted to me by the ministry. Come, sit in the car.”
“Wait a bit, how can I know that you are the original Arthur Weasley. I will have to ask you a question. Who is going to marry Bill?”
“Fleur is going to marry Bill, and with Lupin and Tonks.”
“Are you saying that Lupin will marry Tonks?”
“Yes, now sit in the care. Hedwig can fly behind us.”
Harry put the trunk in the car while Firebolt in his hands.
“Molly will be most angry with you.”
The marched down and saw the Burrows which was full of lights.
“Declare yourself”. Said the person behind the door when the reached the door.
“Oh Ron, I, Arthur Weasley with Harry.”
“Harry, what are you doing in the dead of the night.” asked Ron.
“He was coming here on his firebolt.” Said Mr. Weasley.
Harry entered the house and saw a large number of people in the room.
Lupin, Tonks with her new Patronus and gigglings, Fred and George with new prank, Mad Eye, Bill and Fleur, Ginny, Charlie in his fur-ish clothes, Mrs. Weasley and Hermione.
“Harry, how are you here.” Asked Lupin.
“Explain yourself, Harry.” Said Mr. Weasley.
“I was leaving the house all alone on my Firebolt.” Said Harry.
“Harry, many people gave their lives for saving you, so why are you risking your life in this way?” Barked Mrs. Weasley.
“Amazing.” Said George.
“This is no laughing matter, tell me what you did afterwards?” asked Lupin.
“Hedwig was guiding me to the Burrow.”
“What, only Hedwig, what about the letters that I made Ron and Hermione write to you making you understand.” Said Mrs. Weasley.
“Letter, I didn’t get any letters.” Said Harry.
“You didn’t get our letters.” Said Ron and Hermione at once.
“No.” said Harry.
“This is strange, who is stopping Harry’s letters.” Said Mr. Weasley.
“Dobby, he only stopped Harry’s letters.” Said Ron.
“But he only stopped letters, for stopping Harry to go to Hogwarts.” Said Hermione.
“See Hedwig is coming, but he is coming very fast, he will crash the window.” And the window was broken by the sharp beak of Hedwig.
“He would not have died,” said Harry tensely.
“No, he is not, he is breathing, but Harry you would have died, somebody already knew that you are leaving and he followed you. Then I saw you and so you were safe in the car. We left and Hedwig was alone. So he would have cursed Hedwig.” Said Mr Weasley totally worried.
“Hedwig will get cured by tomorrow. Let him rest.” Approved Mad Eye.
Now Hedwig was completely cured.
“I think that Mundugus will only be the death eater, don’t you know that he loves money and he can do anything for stealing it. He betrayed his friend by getting the silver of the finest silver, fifteenth century. And he also knows many freaks.” Guessed Harry.
“But he is the member of Order of Phoenix.” Said Hermione.
Snape was also a member.” Said Ron.
While……. (I don’t know why I put that in)
“Oh, you have not finished up yet. I wanted to give you some news that Hogwarts will reopen. Many people believe that Hogwarts is more safe than their house.” Said Mrs. Weasley who came from the kichen.
“But I will not come.” Snapped Harry.
“Harry, it would have been Dumbledore’s wish that you stay here. Besides you would learn more spells.” Said Hermione.
“O.K., I will come.” Said Harry.
“That’s good, this year books will arrive by book post.” Said Mrs. Weasley.
Chapter 2:Arnold
The day arrived of their going to Hogwarts. They went to the King Cross station which was full of Muggles this time.
After some time they saw Hogwarts Express shiningly beaming due to the sun.
“Come here, we all will be seated here, if Loony Lovegood have no problem.” Said Harry.
“Oh… come in.”
Ron was in jolly mood, as now it was always non arrival day of Malfoy.
They reached Hogwarts. The old hat had a new song.
He is Back.
And Dumbledore is dead.
Terror, Terror, spread is terror.
If brave Gryffindors use their bravery
If Clever Ravenclaws use their clevery
If honest Huddlepuffs use their honesty
And if Cunning Slytherins use their cunningness.
All this power when joined with each other
No deadliest power can stand on it.
No one clapped on this song because tense was spread in the great hall.
When suddenly the candles burnt off. A woman entered into the hall and all the people webbed out (there is no such word as webbed out, it must have been- to chill to their bones).
When candles began to burn, a death eater was seen, foul, ugly and utterly death eater Bellaxton (it is actually Bellatrix, Ha Ha!!!)
“Good Bye friends, I am going to kill you all.” She in her harsh voice.
“ZAMUNAY” and the door suddenly blast up. And the stranger ran to Bellaxton.
Bellaxton yelled ‘Avada Kedavra”.
And the boy jumped out of the reach and touched the artificial sky.
And he yelled “Explerimmus” (Spelling mistake!!)
And Bellaxton collapsed on the ground and wand on the other side.
She got hold by the Aurors.
“I will not leave you boy, you will die, you have to die.”
“I know that I will die by old age,” said the boy boldly.
And she was taken straight to Azkaban. He removed the sticky substance.
“So please welcome our most intelligent student Arnold, he is from Dumstrangs and due to some reason he has been shifted to Hogwarts, he is son of my cousin sister.” Said McGonagall, “and welcome Ted Tonks’ daughter Nymphdora as the teacher of Dark Arts.”
The boy Arnold was selected in Gryffindor. He had a very calm voice. And had curly hairs and was a fair boy.
Yes indeed he was an intelligent boy as to Hermione great tragedy.
“Oh no, he knows everything. I want to ask him how he manages faster than me?” asked Hermione.
“How do you know everything,Arnold?”
“I have already been taught all these things by my mother.”
“Are you coming for the selection of Quiddich (one more mistake- I am not pointing out the grammar, as they are too many, but I won’t further write these pertinent brackets as it is embarrassing!!).” Asked Ron.
“Of Course.”
At the practice the boy Arnold was dashing. His speed was much greater. Harry also put hats off to him. And to Harry’s great pleasure Hermione was also selected.
Hermione was much pleased with herself.
Chapter 3: Quiddich
The Quiddich season has already started and the practice was going on.
On the day of match, it drowsy (mostly- I meant to say Humid). Raining was going on.
And this time Cho Chang was commenting.
“Match has taken a great turn, Gryffindor scores 50 to 10, but Harry is not getting the snitch.”
“It has been evening time but no Seeker is getting the snitch. The new Seeker of the Slytherin Petery Parktison (!!!!!) has some difficulty to get the snitch.
“And here, Madam Hooch has given a time out, and the scores are Gryffindor are 180 to 10. Remarkable success to Arnold and so the match will continue tomorrow.
“I am starving to hunger.” Said Ron.
“We all are starving. But isn’t it is the first time that Harry can’t get the snitch.” Said Hermione.
“Yes, I can’t understand myself. Snitch can’t be seen in the whole ground.”
“This is fishy.”
“I am going to sleep. I want much more energy tomorrow.” Said Harry.
He was going when he heard some steps of shoes. Someone was covering him when something hurt on his head.
Then he saw himself in the white room of the school hospital. Ron was covering him by now.” He suddenly spoke,” What on Earth were you doing on the ground?”
“Somebody injured me on my head and so I am in this hospital. What about the match?”
“You are being replaced by Arnoldand at his place is McLaggen.”
“Yes he will have to play, as no another player is suitable in that place.” (See, how Ron is supporting his Competitor?!!)
“Professor McGonagall is saying that you will like to see the match. Oh yes, you gained very fast.”
Harry, for the first time seeing the match while his friends were playing.
“Arnold the new seeker is replaced due to the injury happened to Harry, and so the match goes forward.”
“But the Parkison woman took the bat in her hand and hit the budger on Arnold.”
“Arnoldis going straight to the ground……..”
“Digirio.”Arnold said.
“He went straight to the ground. And Pakerison (!!) is going for the Snitch.”
“Hands 1 feet away from the snitch.”
“Uperio.” SaidArnold.
“He came back like Muggle Superman and got of the snitch. And so the match goes to Gryffindor, 300 to 10. Credit toArnold.”
Harry was most excited to lay hands for friendship to Arnold.
“Oh Arnold you were great in Quiddich and I also see that you are great in Dark Arts.”
Chapter 4: A Repeated Action
Harry went to sleep after the happy day. He saw Dumbledore and after that there he saw his narrow escape of Buckbeak and Sirius.
And he suddenly woke up. HE jerked Ron with excitement.
“Ron, we can save Dumbledore.” Said Harry.
“Harry, are you mad, how can be save the dead.” Said Ron.
“Ron, the time changer, we can save Dumbledore by the time changer.”
“Oh yes, we can save him by time changer. Yes we should wake up Hermione.
“What happened to you all, why are you shouting in such a way?” said Arnold.
“Oh nothing.” Said Ron.
“No, I heard the name Dumbledore. Are you trying to save him. I will also help you.” Said Arnold.
“O.K., then we would wake up Hermione, but we are not allowed to go to the Girls room.”
“Then we will have to shout at the entrance of the room.”
They went down the room and shouted at Hermione.
“Why are you shouting in such a deadly night?” said she.
“We can call Dumbledore back.” Said Arnold.
“How?” said Hermione.
“Time changer.” Said Harry.
“Yes, 48 times we have to turn It.” said Hermione.
Hermione came back with the time changer (In the movie, she never returned it back to McGonagall) and turned it 48 times. They went in the previous 1 month and 2 weeks (what about summer vacations in between them?).
“Now, hold my hands.” SaidArnold.
“Why?” asked Ron.
“First hold my hands. You will understand everything later.”
All three of them hold hand of Arnold. And in a flash of seconds they reached the place where Dumbledore was going to be killed.
And in a flash of seconds, they reached a safe place with Dumbledore, leaving clocky past Harry sitting and watching Dumbledore’s flashy death.
“Oh, how on earth are you here.” In his painful tone at that time.
“Time changers, we are time changers.” Said Ron.
“Oh, this boy has also come.” Said Dumbledore.
“He is Arnold, he only helped us in re-surviving you.”
“Yes, now we will go.” Said Hermione after the circling the circle of the Time Changer 48 times.
In no time they reached Hogwarts using the power of Arnold.
“Welcome to Hogwarts, Professor Dumbledore.”
“Wait a bit, we must hide Professor, it would not be legal if Professor Dumbledore enters when he is supposed to be dead.” Suggested Hermione.
“First give me the potion Moretoy, that drink was very poisonous.” Said Dumbledore.
“Accio Moretoy.” Said Harry, and in a meanwhile a potion of yellowish brown came.
Dumbledore drunk the potion with great relish and was now totally cured.
“Now I am ready to turn myself.” Said Dumbledore.
“A crystal in Harry’s neck would be the best place, when Harry is in any dangerous situation then Professor can help him.” SpokeArnold, after a very long time.
“And Professor, your wand.” He added.
Arnold handed the wand to Professor Dumbledore.
“Tamed Crystalline.” Said Dumbledore pointing to himself.
And Dumbledore turned into a crystal shape lock and a note left
“When you have to call me say MINE-MINE, Myself.”
Harry wore the locket and straightly went to the Gryffindor hall. Harry was a happy person to get Dumbledore back.
Chapter 5: A Windy Storm
Lessons were going hard for the practice of real life. But the boy Harry Potter was happy.
McGonagall continued taking the lessons even after becoming the head-mistress.
Nymphdora Tonks’ lectures were as great as Lupin. All the teachers gave a great number of lessons and so Harry did his homework overnight.
“ Do you know the itching spell which is used in doxy repellant.” Said Hermione.
“Yes, it contains 20% venom, 40% of doxy excreta and 40% spider’s web.” Said Arnold.
“And in this way do your talk, our homework gets finished.” Giggled Ron.
Harry, Ron and Arnold went to their comfortable beds awaiting.
Harry had a nice dream where he was a World Team Bulgaria Seeker where he was suddenly jerked up by someone. He was Arnold.
“Harry get up, a death eater is coming towards you. Crabbe and Goyle has let him in. A snake is also coming.”
“Nagini,” said Harry instantly.
“Whatever it may be, you have to stay in the corner.” He said emergencly.
A man came there, he had great white hairs and was turning towards Harry’s bed where…
“Nesca Selvus”, said Arnold with a jerk of hand. And the death eater was pushed out of the window.
“Greyback, I will not leave you,” he jumped out of the window.
And Nagini was slisking towards Harry.
“Se Slas Slose Sash Seen Slose So.”
“But I will not leave you Nagini.” Said Harry.
“Se Slasa (I will bite you).”
“So do you think you, a snake, can kill me.”
“Ses. (Yes).”
The snake marched towards Harry for biting him.
“What I do, this snake is harassing me, I have to kill it.” “Avada Kedavra!”
And the snake lied dead.
He yelled the killing curse. He destroyed one horcrux whereas he saw Arnold and Greyback.
“Portego.” Said Greyback.
“Black Thunder.” YelledArnoldand a thunder thudded on Greyback.
“Explerimus” yelled Greyback and the wand or Arnoldwent in the air (both went in the air).
“Whats wills yous dos?” said Greyback in his hissing voice.
“Zonga Avada Kedavram.” Yelled Arnold and Greyback lied dead and burnt after some time.
He marched towards Harry.
“I spoke the killing curse.” Surprised Harry.
“Hatred feeling against someone can lead you in speaking the killing curse.” ExplainedArnold.
“Oh why are you talking in such a dead of night?” said Ron.
“Harry, explain him.” SpokeArnold.
And the locket Dumbledore smiled to them.
Chapter 6: Cup of tea with fire
“You destroyed the Horcrux and killed a death eater Greyback, I can’t believe it!” said Hermione during the charms period.
“Of, you don’t believe us, then AD (Albus Dumbledore)” saidArnold.
The nicknamed Dumbledore by the initial ‘AD’.
“And so we have to call AD for finding other Horcrux.” Said Harry.
“Be ready at 2 a.m.” said Hermione as they departed after the lesson.
Night followed evening and so time past by. At 2 a.m. they gathered to meet Dumbledore.
“Mine-mine, myself.” Said Harry.
“Oh, my dear students, why do you need me at this time.” Asked Dumbledore regrowing.
“Sir we would need help to find other Horcruxes.” Said Hermione.
“The dairy (diary!!) is destroyed, the ring is destroyed, the S mark is destroyed and the snake is destroyed.” Remembered Dumbledore.
“Who destroyed the S marked chain locket?” asked Harry.
“I destroyed it. I am RAB- Roselina Arnold Baron and made the potion for Voldemort.” RemarkedArnold.
“But in his place, I and Dumbledore came.” Said Harry.
“So now the Horcruxes are the cup (the tiara- I always thought that the cup in which Riddle drives coffee with the Rich Lady), the brainy R structure of Ravenclaws (I don’t know from where that had come) and a Horcrux in himself.” Said Dumbledore.
“How do you know?”
“A nice question, Rosemarita’s pub was full of fine, but she had an exceptional thing, the R structure of Ravenclaws.” But I don’t know where the other Horcrux is. I don’t know any position of the Horcrux.” Said Dumbledore.
“I have an idea, Crabbe and Goyle would know where the Horcrux are.” SuggestedArnold.
“So we should follow them.”
“Yes, today you have to go to the Slytherin hall and listen to their plan.” Said Dumbledore. “So now I have to go back into the crystal” he added.
He shrunk himself back to the crystal leaving others in anxiety.
7 ‘O clock, next evening they were found following them in the Slytherin hall in Harry as well asArnold’s cloak.
Suddenly someone came from fire- Snape and Malfoy.
“Oh Crabbe and Goyle, you nasty fellows where are Greyback and Nagini.” Spoke Snape as Greeting.
“We opened the door of Hogwarts and led them towards the Gryffindor Hall.”
“So another death, first Bellaxton, and now Greyback and Nagini.” “Who killed them.”
“Obliviate.” SpokeArnoldunder the invisible cloak in his voiceless tone.
“Hey man, why did you come from fire.” Said Crabbe.
“Check, is there any one around?” asked Malfoy.
“Why men are you ordering us.” Said Goyle.
“Hey why are you drinking in the cup of Huddlepuff.” Asked Snape.
“Huddlepuff, why are you so crazy about a cup of your friend Huddlepuff?” asked Goyle.
“It contains Horcrux, you stupid, we gave it to you because no one can sense it except Dumbledore who was killed byme.” Said Snape.
“You are a killer too?”
“Oh you mindless, so that Harry Potter won’t realize that you have that cup.” Malfoy barked.
“Who is Harry Potter?”
“Oh they have lost their mind, we are wasting our time here, of listen you have to guard (!!) that cup.” Said Snape.
“Just guard the cup, then it is a easy task.”
And so Malfoy and Snape went away.
Arnoldwent out of the cloak and said “Hi Crabbe and GOyle, I am from your house only, if you give me that cup then we will guard it properly.”
“Will you, then we have no tension.” Said Goyle.
He handed the cup toArnoldand all of them went to Gryffindor happily.
“How stupid they are, they lost their mind and gave the horcrux to you for safety.” Exclaimed Ron.
“I obliviated them in speakless tone”. SaidArnold.
“Now, can we destroy it .” said Hermione full of anxiousness.
“Harry you will not destroy it, it can be dangerous, let me destroy it.” YelledArnold.
Cup was in the dark green colour.
“See the HOrcrux is shining.” SaidArnold. “The easiest way to destroy it is to shot it on the floor.” He added.
It broke into pieces and a green flame monster came out.
“What the hell it is.” Asked Ron.
“Move back.”
“OhArnold, have you told your history to them.” Said the green colour monster Voldemort.
“Zamunay.” Yelled Arnold.
“But the spell went transparent to the green monster and broke the lamp backwards.
“It has no effect on me Arnold D…”
“Nesca Selvus.” Yelled Arnold.
But it also went transparent and broke the cage of the pig.
“Oh how much time you will try?”
Arnold suddenly began to inhale the green monster. His face became green. He said
“Good bye, Harry Potter”, and on the other side he said, “Give me a bottle, fast.”
“Where to find a bottle, oh, this potion bottle.” Said Ron.
“Empty it.” Said Harry.
“But it is Felix Felicis bottle.” Yelled Hermione.
“Drink it,” yelled Harry.
Hermione drank some part of it.
“Now you three drink it.”
Harry and Ron drank the potion.
“Now your turn Arnold.”
“If I drink it the horcrux will reach my heart and I will become a horcrux,” on the other end, “GIVE IT TO ME”
Harry drank the remaining potion and handed the bottle. Arnold threw the green pigment from his mouth into the bottle. He pushed it hard and put into the fire.
“The force of horcrux is much, I am facing difficulty to control it.”
He forced the Horcrux and at last the whole Horcrux burnt out.
“Blood.” Screamed Hermione looking at the hands of Arnold.
“Oh, that it nothing, only one or two nerves is broken.”
“Tergeo.” Said Hermione and the blood dried up.
“The Horcrux was a very dangerous mixture of mandrake potion, tea leaves and blood of Voldemort.” Explained Arnold.
“For God’s sake, you are also like Harry, speaking his name.” squeaked Ron.
“Dumbledore says that the fear of name increases fear of the person. When will you understand Ron.”
Said Harry.
Chapter 7: Fight of House Elfs (not elves!)
Hogwarts, the castle was now decorated with Christmas tree.
All students were enjoying themselves in the Christmas holiday. Harry and his friends were not going to Burrow. On the day of Christmas Harry was given a book of God of Zephyr by Hermione toArnold’s great astonishment. Ron gave him the shield hat.
“I bought it from my brothers.” And Arnold gave him a unique thing.
“If you press this, it will turn into a large sword and by pressing this it will turn into a duplicate wand.”
“It is wandasword.”
“Oh wow, a sword and a duplicate wand.” Yelled Ron.
“And you know that the God of Zephyr (Not Zephyr, himself!) has given his power of wind to someone, who is the greatest person in the whole magical world.” Said Hermione.
“Really, then it would be Dumbledore or Voldemort.”
“No Dumbledore is not the King of Zephyr as he not illuminated any of his powers.”
“King of Zephyr.”
“Yes the person whom God of Zephyr gave him powers.”
“If it is Voldemort, then it would be great trouble forme.” Said Harry.
“Oh, what was that.” As a flash of light just missed Harry.
“Master Harry, save yourself.” Yelled Dobby.
“Kreacher is going to kill Harry Potter.” Yelled Kreacher.
“Not until Dobby is present.” A flash of green light crushed the red light of Kreacher.
“No Harry it would be dangerous to interrupt elf’s fight.”
A red light anguished Dobby’s heart.
“Dobby will die killing Kreacher.”
“No, Dobby!” yelled Harry.
“Zupo.” Yelled Dobby and a dark black light killed Kreacher.
All of them rushed towards Dobby.”
“Master Harry, Dobby always wanted to die for you.”
“No you are not going to die.” Squeaked Hermione.
Harry was shocked of pain.
“Master Harry, beware!”
…and Dobby left the entire world.
“Noooo…, oh Dobby.” Cried Hermione.
“We can bring Sirius and Dobby back, can’t we.” Said Harry.
“No, time changers cannot bring people who wanted to die. They died for you and don’t want to come back. Dumbledore has to come to guide you.” ExplainedArnold.
“We should dug Dobby and Kreacher into the ground.” Said Harry.
“We should write to Hagrid.” SaidArnold.
Harry wrote
Dear Hagrid,
A disastrous thing happened just now. Dobby me friend died killing a deatheater’s elf. So we have to make preparations just now.”
AS he wrote this letter he began to cry. “When will this fight end.” Yelled.
“See I have some work to be done, so you three go to bury them.” SaidArnold.
So all three of them went to the house of Hagrid. When they saw Neville…
Whom are you carrying.” Said Neville.
“I also wanted to know what creepy person are you.” Said Ginny.
“Dobby is dead, he killed Kreacher.”
“Oh then we two will also come to bury them.”
So all the four (five!) went to Hagrid. When they already saw a guest at Hagrid’s house- Luna Lovegood. (Why did he write the letter in the first place then?)
“What are you doing here, Luna?”
“I am taking interview of Hagrid.”
“Not now Luna, we have to bury these elfs.” Said Hagrid.
They started burying the elfs when Hermione wailed the loudest. Harry laid a silent wailing and Ron was little confused. And Neville, Luna and Ginny were standing as if it were there (!!) duty.”
Ron said- “See don’t you see it is odd that Kreacher instead of coming to kill Harry in the evening when everyone was well aware. It means…”
“Something is awaiting for you Mudbloods and blood Traiters.” Yelled a familiar voice of Draco Malfoy.
“Incendio.” Said Snape and Hagrid lied unconscious.
They were surrounded by a bunch of death eater.
They touched them when they suddenly disappeared.
Chapter 8: King of Zephyr
“When will Arnold come and rescue us.” Said Ron as their hands were tightened with rope.
“One minute, I have wandasword.” Exclaimed Harry with sudden relief.
He began to cut it when a unrecognizable death eater came.
“Lord Voldemort ordered that if you have guts then destroy this Horcrux with your tied hands.” (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
“Yes Harry Potter. Can you do it.” Said Snape.
Harry pulled his sword and cracked the brainy shaped Horcrux into two pieces. Blood can be seen spread all around.
“You cheat, now there is no option Harry Potter, we will have to kill all of them, except you. Because Lord Voldemort needs you.”
“No, you can’t do this.”
Harry began to run to his friends.
“Oh, you see the noble Harry Potter can rescue them.”
…and Harry Potter was now put in a Jail like Boxlike a mere animal and his Wandasword was snatched away.
“First kill the Quibbler girl, she speaks a lot.”
“avada Kedavra.” Spoke Narcissa.
…When it was suddenly backfired. And lied Narcissa dead.
“Who is there?” wondered Draco.
“You whose so ever is there will have to sense my anger for killing my mother.” He added.
“You speak a lot Malfoy.” Said the person who was flying in the air without broom.
“Harry, he is King of Zephyr.” Exclaimed Hermione.
“MYCOTORA.” Yelled he and all the death eater jumped away. Some were even killed.
…and finally he landed down. He was the person whom they all recognized.
“Arnold.” Squeaked Ron. “How long did you take.”
“You didn’t told us that you are King of Zephyr.”
“Hey you are Arnold Dumbledore.” Said Snape.
“Yes and with my dear father, Mine-Mine Myself.”
…and Dumbledore laid forward.
“Dumbledore, I killed you..”
“No Snape, time changers saved me.”
“Kill all of them….” Said Snape.
“Nesca Selvus.” Said Arnold and so all of them fired away.
“Father lay Harry, his friends and yourself up.” (Rise above the ground.)
Father Albus did as said by the son Arnold.
“Crucio.” He pressed his wand towards the ground as it was broken. All of them who tortured others was now tortured byArnold. Except Lucius, Draco and Snape. Snape pointed his wand towardsArnold, when “Explerimus” said Albus towards Snape. And his wand flying in other direction.
All crucio victims lay dead.
“You killed them. Bravo. You killed them in a way as my mother and father were tortured.” Said Neville Longbottom.
Harry suddenly remembered something.
“Will you protect my son.”
“I will.” And so was the unbreakable vow.
A idea struck Harry.
“Kill Draco.” Shouted Harry and all of them…
“Zonga Avada Kedavram.”
“Avada Kedavra.”
All all the spells directed Draco to death.
“Yes, now Snape here goes your unbreakable vow.” Said Harry triumphantly.
“Oh nooo….” Shrieked Snape.
The hands of Snape started turning red and it reached to his mind. So the story of Serverus (!!) Snape ends.
“So you spare one how can we kill you.” SaidArnold.
“Heve manners Arnold. Death is a very beautiful thing for the people who are true but for you die the horrible death Avada Kedavra.” Yelled Dumbledore and there lay Lucius Malfoy dead.
“Why didn’t you told us that you are King of Zephyr as well as Professor Dumbledore’s son.”
“Truth is beautiful as well as dangerous thing. Am I right father.”
“Yes you are right my dear son. It is not the time to say cheers. Voldemort is with his giants. Harry you should reach Gordic Hollow now itself. And if you all have to come to accompany Harry, you can.” Dumbledore said
“Arnold why don’t you give your shield to Harry Potter.” Requested Dumbledore.
“O.K. Za Zan. Zam. Zara. Za.”
…and a yellow shield like object shifted towards Harry.
“Hey I think Pettigrew is left.”
Chapter 9: The LastBattlein the House
They all flew to the house Gordic by using the wind power of Arnold.
“Professor Dumbledore will you be the secret keeper.” Said Harry.
“Oh no Harry, let your friends be it, who showed you all their loyalty.”
They entered the house. All the possessions were hidden under white cloth.
“Hey see what a bike.” Exclaimed Ron.
“This bike, I saw in my dream. It is a flying bike. I saw Hagrid on it.”
“This is the possession of Sirius Black.” Said Albus Dumbledore.
“And see in these rooms are spots great beyond.”
“That would have been where Lord Voldemort and Harry’s repulsion (most probably- a battle-repelling each other, that might have been a more apt word).
“So I can see two wands.”
“Yes it would have been my mother’s as well as my father’s. I will put it with me.”
Harry saw a room full of his photographs.
“Harry, Minister of Magic wants to see you. He is downstairs. I opened the door.”
“What the hell you did.”
Scrimgeor came towards but his face somehow changed. Harry began to jolt his scar. (Something like- his scar began to jolt with pain- or shoot up with pain).
“What happened Harry?”
“This is not Scrimgeor.”
“Yes, I am no Scrimgeor. I am Lord Voldemort.”
“How can it be?” asked Ron who was now fearless.
“Because my dear Weasley, I killed Scrimgeor and became the Minister. That’s the reason I didn’t come myself to kill Dumbledore.”
“Both the Dumbledores are standing here aside.”
“What did you do to the Ollivander.”
“I killed him after my use.”
“Giants march down Pettigrew (more like- invite them in). You are not safe here Potter, Because I also have your mother’s protection.”
And so the battle began.
“Zupa.” YelledArnoldtowards the giants. “Poise the shot at the stomach.”
“Expelliramus (!!)”
… and all the unwanted giants lied dead.
“Oh great, but don’t you want to listen that 1 year ago when Dumbledore means you drank that potion. It was a energy sucking potion given by his own son. When his son destroyed theHorcrux just before a day he drank a potion and the cup holds the only thing in which by drinking, the drinker can get harmed. He put the least harmed energy sucking potion. But what Arnold Dumbledore drank was a potion that will make him Voldemort of Tomorrow after my death. So just try and killme.” Said Voldemort.
Harry was confused.
“If I kill you, he will become Voldemort. He is most powerful. If I kill him where does my loyalty lies.”
“Zonga Avada Kedavram.” Yelled Arnold to himself. He- the king of Zephyr killed himself.
“He made easy for you Harry.” Smiled Harry.
“Dumbledore what a father are you are not crying for your own son.”
“I am proud of my son.”
“Accio crystal.” And the crystal in Harry’s neck went to Voldemort. So Dumbledore shrunk to crystal.
“Zyphora.” Voldemort yelled and all the friends of Harry lay injured. He also detached the shield.
“Now every play of yours Harry Potter will get finished.” Harry remained silent to his death. Only some miracle can save him.
“Explerimus.” Yes, Pettigrew bewanded Voldemort.
“I had enough. I broke the trust of Lily and James. But I will not break the trust of Harry Potter.”
“Accio Voldemort’s wand.” Yelled Hermione sitting with broken leg.
“Thanks.” Said Harry.
“Harry….please…,” wailed Voldemort.
“Avada Kedavra.” A green light flashed and so Voldemort at last was dead. Dumbledore rised (rose!!) again.
“The prophecy was right. Neither can live while the other survives.”
“Hey we killed Voldemort.” Said Ron atlast.
“Cheers Harry.” Said Ginny. “You wish is fulfilled.”
“Yes Harry.” Said Neville.
“But the pain of death ofArnold remains lightened (!!).”
“But it won’t go in wail. Now I am free as Headmaster.”
Chapter 10: School
All the happy people at last.
The boy who lived has finally managed to kill Lord Voldemort. And Albus Dumbledore returning from death is now reappointed headmaster of Hogwarts. But the pain of Arnold Dumbledore- the legendary king of Zephyr who got the powers of God of Zephyr killed himself for the sake of Harry Potter. Lord Voldemort was killed in the only house where Lily and James Potter were murdered. Now the whole world say thanks to Harry Potter. Scrimgeor was Voldemort. As the minister of Magic Percy Weasley is appointed. Before his appointment he wailed in front of his whole family and beg paradon to Mr. Arthur Weasley.
…read Albus Dumbledore in front of the school.
“One more year goes off. But this year will be the most legendry year. Harry Potter killed Voldemort. And so now the pure bloods who feel that they should be left of their kind will have to beware. The reward of Harry Potter is that he is appointed as the teacher of Defense against the Dark Arts.”
…to Harry’s great amazement.
“Professor Binns want to return to the Ghost Rebellion, so Miss Hermione Granger is selected as Professor of History of Magic. In the place of Madam Hooch, Ginny Weasley and Ron both are selected as the teacher of Quiddich. Madam Sprout resigned to give time to her family. So Mr. Neville Longbottom is selected as the teacher of Herbology. And so all the glitters and Hogwarts Cup to Gryffindor. And now all the exams cancelled for the whole school.”
And so the feast over. Here goes the story of Harry Potter, he changed his career and devoted his time to Hogwarts. The Magical Boy who has got already pending marriages.
A Personal Letter to J.K. Rowling follows:-
We know that you have already wrote HP7 book ready and will release on 9 June 2007. Please just read this book. We are sure you will like this book.
Yours sincere
Vismay and Dharav
From Vismay and Dharav
Harani Dharav- age 15. Now in 11th standard.
Work- Story
Harani Vismay- Age 13. Now in 9th standard.
Work- Story, Twist and turns And this language and cursive.
Well, I never thought I would have to type so much. Filled with a trillion mistakes, most of which I didn’t emphasize as I didn’t want to impede your reading, I think I fell in love with this book, again. There are punctuation mistakes, story related mistakes and stupid childish undertone in this entire gig. But hell, it’s an effort.
After few weeks of sending the manuscript, God Promise, I did think that Harry was the seventh horcrux- and he must have had it when Voldemort first lost his powers!! But then, it was too late.
Though I may lose this photocopy of the original manuscript, I think I would be able to capture it on my blog- because I think the Internet is here to stay. HA! HA!
Hope you like it…
For me Harry Potter is not just a passing frenzy, it’s an obsession.