Short Story Kids – Unconditional Love
Photo credit: Jusben from morguefile.com
When she opened her box she smiled, the lunch box was full with Dairy Chocolate flavors. Well, she wasn’t expecting that. She was having a small butterfly attached to the pink lunch box.
Her mother was a widow. Her father died a long ago. She was too young to remember that time. She just remembered a single thing; one of her relatives told her that, his father had left to meet to God. She listened from elders that, one who had met with God, would never return. Her mother was a hard worker, she didn’t lose her nerves, she worked in an office as a receptionist, faced the most cruel remarks of society, admitted her only daughter to one of the best schools of the city and did not make her feel about her father.
Two days ago, when she saw her class-fellow with Chocolate flavors. She didn’t take her lunch.
“Zaib, Honey! Everything alright, Why you didn’t take your lunch, didn’t you feel any hunger”, Rohana, her mother asked.
“I didn’t like it, A friend of mine, was having dairy chocolate flavors, I want these”, Zaib, said in an offended mood.
“No Problem, we will get these next week, I promise”, she tried to convince her.
“No, I need them today”; she said in a furious manner and rushed towards the room.
Rohana wasn’t having her salary for two months, she was told that, the Company has fallen into crises, so she had two possibilities, either find new job, or just cling to earlier she had.
Now, she was a bit tense about her daughter’s demand. She was on eleventh hour what to do?
Next day, Zaib didn’t eat anything and rushed to school. The girl with dairy chocolate was none other but her first cousin, Saddaf. Whole the day long, she was upset, thinking about her mother. She thought her mother didn’t love her deep, that was why she didn’t accomplish her demand. When school bell rang she decided to go to Saddaf’s house. A van was ready to pick them; she went to Saddaf’s room.
Firstly, they did their homework, and then played, her aunt Mrs. Saba prepared meal for both of them.
“Aunt Saba is more than an angel, better than Mummy” She thought.
Mrs. Saba told her that her mother had to work till late at night, so she could stay with them that night. She gladly accepted this offer. Next day, she thought Aunt Saba would pack some dairy chocolate flavors in her lunch box, but Mrs. Saba just asked her to take breakfast. Neither she asked her to bring her lunch box nor did she fill her box with chocolates. Her home was nearby, she asked Aunt Saba to drop her at her home, so she might meet her mummy. Saba aunt ordered her driver to do so. She was astonished to see her mother’s red eyes, and pale face due to heavy work till late at night.
She met her but mother, in a rude mood. She asked her to place her lunch box in the kitchen, so as she might fill it, with Slices. She did it. When box was filled, she took it and rushed towards the Van as the horn had already been rung. She was appreciated in the class by her teacher, as her performance was deliberately excellent. In the Break timing, she tried not to open the lunch box; she was expecting the same slices that were not welcomed by her appetite then.
Unwillingly, she opened the box and smiled, she came to realize the Love, that her mother had for her. She was aware of reality now. Rohana, her mother worked till late night, so as to bring the Expensive Dairy Chocolate flavors. Her eyes were turned into tears; it wasn’t her mother who was betraying her. She didn’t take her lunch she thought it would a betrayal from an unconditional love. After reaching home, she shared the flavors with her mother, so as to share her love for her mother. Rohana didn’t go to office that day due to her illness. But, realization of her Love for her daughter by Zaib removed the paleness and ailment, she ever had.