Children Short Story – Repercussions of My Passion, Exciton
Photo credit: gbh from morguefile.com
1hr Post-Explosion:
In monkey pose our hero is still sitting down on one of the corners of the room where the explosion has taken place. Holding his hands over his knees, he lays his forehead to conceal his face into darkness. He is innocent and lovable kid but he is not terrible as his parents are wondering. He can’t speak because he is feeling bad and he can’t even utter a word saying that he is innocent and that it was just a mistake. He is thinking and he is thinking. I mean he is lost in process of self-actualization. And he is confused with himself.
“Look Arjun, you should start teaching him some manners”, says Ayushi
“Okay thanks, sorry I will”, after a long debate sessions they settle to a conclusion.
“Okay, I will try to talk to him”, replies.
Now things came to control and now it’s the turn of someone else to deal with. She ends her session calmly, reiterating her mother’s principles of living a life,
“Look, my mother always tells me that we should be very careful about our kids. We should be very cautious about them; we should teach them the good principles. This is the age when they learn to understand things. See what he has done now. If you had behaved properly then there wouldn’t have this bombardment. And he brought all the neighbors to our house. This is no good. You know, I hoped for good and sweet memories with our family, I mean our family”,
she has already spoken that she shouldn’t be doing as she wanted a happy family. When she knew that she had already talked too much, she quickly retreats back herself. Perhaps she was in little hasty at such explosive situations, just like her mother. Under extreme anxiety she looses her energy and settles herself on the ground. She sat on the ground holding her two hands against her forehead.
Sitting in monkey pose he thinks in himself. He is talking to himself, from inside.
Bachcha knew that he had done a great mistake and that he should not have done it. He is thinking. Frightened by the explosion he is afraid to show his face. But he cannot stay calm when his mother is crying. He moves his head up and looks at her mother with big eyes of innocence and says, “Mamma”.
The mother embraces him and whispers, “My bachcha”
She knew that he is innocent and he doesn’t understand these things. She knew that it is a kid thing of playing and at this age he can hardly understand the situation. But she knew that he need more of a caring and she also knew that her son won’t trouble her anymore. And therefore she stays calm.
Father is moving the debris out and cleaning the room so that they can avoid the remembering the situation and go for a sleep somehow.
“Let’s just give him some space to forget his mistake, Ayushi“, says Arjun
“Hmm”, says Ayushi
And after some time they go for a sleep.
“Dub”, was the sound of an explosion and caught up Antarang’s attention
Few boys were playing Diwali, just a few yards away from the back door of Antarang’s house.
“Hey Dude, let’s go and blast this bomb at the middle of the road”, says one of the boy
“Yes, we will blast all these together”, replies the other one
They took some bundles and went away.
“Red bombs…”, he whispers to himself. “This is the only chance, only chance to get my red bombs”
He quickly gets his schoolbag and runs sooner to the get his red bombs. He packs all of them and returns so quickly under the shadows of the houses. He switches on his 1W incandescent bulb of his cabin. Yes it’s his cabin. His cabin is 1m across, 2m in length and lies beneath the upstairs.
“1 2 3 4 5 … 120 .. 369 red bombs”, and now, he is all set for a great preparation mode. Setting the platform for mega explosion, like the one he saw in TV.
He switches off the fans. He pushes the big table which levels his shoulder and he pushes it with full power to the centre of the room, like bunch of boys pushing a jeep. He has to make the trinity bomb. It is his ambition to make his bomb and therefore he is fully engaged into this mode. He gets a paper box to place over the table and drops all the red bombs he procured. Now he is sweating. He is sweating because he is going to blow an atom bomb.
Something is missing. There is no switch to push and no one else to push the button like in trinity. So he goes out again.
He goes to Shikar, his neighbour. Shikar is holding a cracker that sends rain of fires. He moves his hands and asks for it. Shikar gives it and takes out one more. But before he takes out another cracker, Antarang leaves away running back to blow his atom bomb.
He arrived at the room. Before he blows the bomb something stops him. The cracker on his hand is so powerful that his inner voice objected him for a moment. It’s scorching; he can also feel the vibrations of the cracker. It’s very hot now.
“Uff..”, cries the Antarang
The cracker at his final stages of burn falls from his hands.
There is no time to wait. He takes the cracker and places on the top of the box and retreats back to his cabin. He wears the big sun glasses which he got from shopping, few weeks ago. He pulls a small table to close his cabin quickly before the explosion takes place.
“10 9 8 … 3 …. 2 ….. ”, he is still counting
“3… 2… ”, he is still counting
Atlast the fire from the cracker has now started to burn the box.
“3.. 2.. 1.. 1…. 1” and then goes.
Laying low on the ground he watches. He watches rays of lights tearing the box and watches the box disappearing within the flicker of his eyelash. He sees no mushroom and no wind.
In just a matter the bomb exploded with rigorous sound. Something under fire came by and struck his face.
“Mamaaa… mammaa”, yes it did worked out for something. The whole surroundings just caught the fire.
“Mamaaa… mamaaaa”, he cries and he is stuck in his cabin.
Everything in the room has caught fire. The electric cables also caught fire.
He pushes the table and he come out. He stepped on a burning wood and cries. He is afraid and he is suffering.
“Maaaa, Mamaaa… mamaaa”, he cries and he cries in deep voice
Lights go away from short circuit.
“Amaaaa, amaaa… mamaaa maaa”, he cries and he cries in deep voice
Back to the scene:
And he is still thinking. “What went wrong?” He knew that he shouldn’t have done this. He shouldn’t have done this at his home. He holds mamma’s hand and sleeps.
The next day Ayushi’s mother arrived. Ayushi called her because she was tensed.
“Ammi, see what my son has done, all of this alone” says Ayushi
The grandmother replies, “It is okay my child, where is my grandson? I haven’t seen him since last month”
“Ammi, Arjun has taken him to the clinic for covering the wounds”, replies Ayushi
“Arrre re. But he told me that nothing happened?”
“No ammi, he actually got small burns over his legs and hands and at face. You know ammi, when I heard his deep voices; I just lost myself for a moment. I just didn’t know what to do. Hmm, but somehow he is okay by god’s sake.”
The grandmother was just trying to imagine the situation. She knew what to do. She knew that this kind of situation actually makes deep impact on the mother. She also got tensed by hearing the news from Arjun, when she quickly packed her bags and took the bus to come down here to settle the matters. After all, it is her family and that she is the elderly person.
After hearing from Ayushi, she gets more tensed and do not know what to say. She goes to the kitchen and makes some coffee. She also makes a boost for her grandson. Actually speaking, Ayushi should be very happy that god had given such a wonderful mom to lend a real support at times when she lost herself.
“There he comes, ammi”, says Ayushi
The father pushes the stand and rests the bike outside the house. He lifts the kid and places him softly on the ground. His limbs are covered in white envelop and his face is also covered in white envelop. He has bandages over his toes and till his thighs. The right hand is full of bandages. He can hardly move his right hand. The blast exploded so heavily that it actually stunned the kid for a moment. But since he was behind the table, he survived. He got subjected to his injuries from the heat when he ran from his cabin at his fears. His right arm got injured when he fell upon his right arm.
Antarang Bachcha, the poor kid is very quiet now. He feels very unhappy. He cheeks appears like potato’s, his eyes are watching the steady pot besides the pavement. Tears are not coming out but eyes are filled with tears. It appears like he is very sad from inside. But equally well on the other side he also appears cute. He moves his left hand up and wipes his eyes but he takes care of not letting the tears of his eyes drip.
The grandmother watches him patiently.
He walks up gradually; when the kid arrives at the entrance he sees the grandmother’s hands.
“Dadimaa”, speaks but the sound is not audible.
Grandmother hugs the small kitty grandson. He is quiet and stays still near his grandmother. She gives him the boost. She appears as if she is unaware of the incident. She tells him that she has got lots of toys for him to play; his new dress and a pair of kitty shoes.
Antarang remains still, like a statue.
Grandmother is now highly tensed. “Beta, what happened? Why are you soo quiet?”
“Dadimaa, yesterday naaa”, says the kid wiping his eyes
“Dadimaa, yesterday naaa I had exploded a bomb”, says the kid
Antarang finds his grandmother very close than his parents. He says everything that had happened yesterday. He says that he wanted to make the big bomb and how he went about to develop the big bomb. He told everything he had done.
“You know Daadimaa, I saw the big brothers playing with the red bomb.. like this dhad dhad dhad dhad dhhad…….”
“Daadimaa, I went there and I got all the red bombs to my cabin”, the kid narrates
“Daadimaa, don’t touch my hands, its paining”
“And Daadimaa”, he hold his hands like holding a bunch flowers and moves them apart and moves in a circle fashion”
“Aaaaah”, his right hand pains
“Daadimaa, unable to control herself, she laughs”
He narrates his story, “Daadimaa, when the red bombs exploded I became afraid and pushed the table to run but I couldn’t. I feared a lot. I tried a lot. I finally ran, Dadimaa”
Grandmother holds him and makes him sit down.
She says, “Beta red bomb is very dangerous right.”
“Amm”, replies the kid softly
“If you want to play with the red bomb then you should tell me okay? I will play with you”
The child finds his grandmother very supportive. She didn’t say anything, she didn’t scold him. He listens to what the grandmother says quietly.
Kids are not bad they just do thing they like. They are very stupid kids and highly playful. But need someone who can teach them and who can guide them. The grandmother knew this and she says Ayushi. She tells her to be more attentive towards him. It’s the time that he do things that are correct. As gradually they do good they learn to do only good and make it habitual. And when it becomes habitual they would no longer need their guidance.