Short Story for Kids – My Most Bizarre Dream
Photo credit: cooee from morguefile.com
I still remember that Christmas night. I was quite happy to have my favourite “Fried Rice” in dinner and my most awaited “Fairies Watch” as my Christmas gift. “Good night Maa”, I said and rush to my bed as I was shivering with the terrible winters.
“Ring! Ring!” Shortly jerked awake by the unpleasant school bell, I stared sleepily around the room. After coming out of my temporary shock, I realized I was in my class room, alone! I turn my head around, look here and there, the whole class room, even under the desk but none of my class mates were there. “Where on the earth are my friends? They must have gone to the library”, I think and started walking towards the library.
But it was almost a mile away. “How does it happen? I clearly remember that the library was on next floor” and I had no answer. Somehow I reached the place, our library. It was dark, so I tried to switch on the lights , but they did not light up. I was starting to get a bit nervous. I was scared.
“Our Father, who art in heaven…..” I started the prayer, “O God! Please help me to search my friends and my teachers”. I even didn’t know whether it were they who were lost or it was me.
I decided to look for them. And I searched the whole school, everywhere, every single room, even the toilets. And suddenly I found them. I was happy to see them but, “What are you guys doing here, in principal’s room?”
“Shhhhh!” the teacher said and pointing towards a chair she instructed me to sit on the last bench of the so called class room. I was not able to get anything. “What the hell is happening with me?” I shouted.
But again the same reply, “Shhhhh!” and she instructed me to sit down. I had no other option or I could get a punishment.
“Better I should concentrate on teacher’s lesson”, I think but, “Oh God! What’s that? What is she writing on board? Which language is this and what are these absurd symbols she is creating?” I tried asking but now I could not understand the language they all were using.
Now I was really scared. And then suddenly “Pause”. Everybody was now like a statue. Just now they were all right and the very next moment they are like this. Just like somebody is operating them with a remote control. Everything was out of my mind and beyond my capacity to understand. I opened the door slightly and move out from behind the door. There was not a single soul in the corridor. I was becoming more scared by the minute. Suddenly I heard a noise. I shut the door again and put my ear to the door and tried to listen carefully to the weird noises. I could not wait for long as I wanted myself out of this trouble anyhow.
So, I opened the door with a force. Ohh God! It was a zombie! The monster creature gave me a devilish look and reached to me. I let out a terrified scream and tried to slam the door shut. It kicked the door open and chased me around the room. I ran for my life, not knowing where to hide.
I rushed down the staircase in the end of the corridor and finally reached the basement. I could not believe my eyes. There were more zombies, hundreds of them! One of my best friend, Bhavya turned into a zombie too! I shouted loudly! I turned back to upstairs and started running for my life. Suddenly I realized somebody pulled me to a room. I got fainted.
I felt somebody touched my hair. I opened my eyes. It was a butterfly, and surprisingly the very next moment she turned into a beautiful fairy came in front of me. I asked her that who was she? She told me that she is the goddess of fairies and butterflies.
She asked me, “who are you little princess? What is your problem? And why you seems to be so scared?”
I gave her my introduction and told her about everything. I told her how all my classmates were missing and then I found them in some bizarre classroom, talking in some weird language. And then I told her about those zombies and that how my best friend turned to one of them. I was sad. I had tears in my eyes.
“Don’t cry little princess”, she said, “Your best friend will be fine. Very soon you will get her back”.
I replied, “No! It’s not just about my best friend. They all are my class mates and my friends. I want all of them to be fine and back to their normal life. Can you do this?”.
“Yes”, she said. “I am the goddess of fairies. I can do anything. But in return, you have to do something for me. Will you do that?”
I replied, “I promise you to do all possible I can do for making my friends normal. You tell me what I am supposed to do.”
And she said, “First you eat something and then I will tell.”
And then she pointed towards a chair which was at the other end of the room. I knew that she was asking me to sit. I started moving towards the chair but I was surprised. I could see the chair moving towards me by itself. And then I realized that all the non living things in that room could move. They could talk also and could even dance. I could see them doing all possible gossips that we humans can do. I was surprisingly looking at all them and was enjoying everything.
Suddenly somebody disturbed me. “Excuse me little princess! Do you want to take a bath before you eat?” And amazingly I noticed it was a towel, hanging in the air and asking me.
“How can u talk? I never saw a towel talking to somebody”, I asked.
She replied, “In our planet, you will often experience things like this that you never experienced on your earth before.”
“Your planet ? Am I not on earth? Where exactly I am? Can you tell me? What happened to my family? Where are my parents?” I was worried. Thousands of questions came to my mind in a single minute.
I thought, “Am I into a new trouble. Oh God! Please help me. I want my friends to be fine and above all I want to go to my family. But how will I do this. Please God, I’ll listen to each single word of my parents in future. Just send me back to earth. I even don’t know which planet is this.”
I was now really tensed. I turned back to that towel and asked, “What is the name of this place? Which planet is this?”
The Goddess of fairies answered me, “This is PLUTO. The same planet that you humans once called the ninth planet of your solar system. But in 2006 it was excluded from the category of planets and re-categorized as ‘dwarf planet’. Humans have spoiled the beautiful earth and have exploited all resources. There is too much pollution that one can’t even breathe. My fairies lived on earth as butterflies. We were surviving on nectars and honey but humans have destroyed all plants. That created a trouble to all my fairies and me as we could not survive in such polluted environment.
So we moved to Pluto which was abandoned by humans. Although it is not as big as earth but there is plenty of space for all of my fairies. There is fresh air, beautiful plants and very beautiful flowers. Come with me”.
I started walking besides her. It was really a wonderful place. There was no pollution, they did not use polluted vehicles like us, their vehicles were designed in the shapes of flowers, they also use huge flowers as their homes. There was a very neat and clean environment.
She told me that when we give the water to the plants on the Earth they sing a song but we cannot hear them but here on Pluto, you can hear those songs. We have started a new world of fairies here and see we have developed it more than your planet. But now when earth is over populated, humans have started moving towards our planet also. This will definitely be a problem for my fairies again as humans have a habit of making pollution and cutting trees. This is where I want you to help me out and in return I will make your friends back to their normal lives and will send you back on earth.”
“Sure! I promise you that I will plant at least ten trees every year in my life and will not contribute in increasing pollution. I also promise you that I will spread awareness among people for not to be a reason to increase pollution and will convince them to plant more tress. I will educate people about the ill effects of increasing population and pollution. Now I pray you Goddess. Please send me and my friends back to the earth.” The very next moment I found myself and my friends in the school playground. My best friend Bhavya was all fine and was in basket ball court. I was very happy to see all of us back to our normal lives.
Suddenly I felt somebody is shouting at me and tapping me at my right shoulder.
“Wake up! Wake up!”
A voice penetrated through my tired brain. Hesitantly opening one eye, I peeked through my eyelashes. I was glad it was only my mother!
“Oh maa! Where were you?” I said and my mom replied, “don’t you have your school today? Wake up dear, it’s already 7 o’clock.”
I didn’t say anything. I just smiled at myself, “Thank God! It was just a dream but what about my promise to Goddess of fairies.”
And very soon I got my answer. I got my best lesson in my most bizarre dream.
By- Ojal Saxena