Short Story – A JOURNEY
Photo credit: xenia from morguefile.com
I don`t know what is happening but their is a lot of voice coming from everywhere. MOM, DAD, SAHIL all are shouting and crying.They are running here and there. Why are they doing so? What happens to them? Their is a lot of chaos in the house. But we are calm, we are still.
So whats the matter? Why are they bothering for? We all are watching them quietly. They are packing their bags, gathering all their precious assets,collecting money.And when they are about to leave,we saw Sahil coming towards us.He says Good Bye to all of us.He is crying ,crying badly but for what reason? He is leaving the house whit his parents.They are gone away.We all look at each other that what is happening here. Mhetr may be they are going for spending their summer vacation somewhere else and Sahil forget to tell us about that.
Some are discussing on this matter, some are gossiping on some other matter. Gossip is our favourite hobbie coz in this aquarium their is nothing else to do.Nothing to bother about.From day till night what we do is simply swimming from one end to other end of aquarium.We know every inch of it.
I don`t know how it feels in river,even not in pond where life is with aim ,aim to survive.
Here we live aimlessly, only to entertain peoples..peoples who kept us in a boundary!
After half an hour we feels like a huge crowd is knocking at the front door and the walls are also shaking.Then suddenly the door broke away and the walls collapse and within seconds we are in a world full of water. Hurrah! we are out of aquarium.We are coming out of the home flowing with water.
Their is water everywhere. Peoples are crying for help .Everyone is shouting. Some people are searching something what?We Don`t know.
“This is a flood”. Latina says to us. “Yesterday Sahil`s family was talking about this very flood.They are not gone for spending holidays some where else but they leave the house becoz of this upcoming flood”.
We have to believe on Latina as she is fond of hearing the gossipe of Sahil`s family.Now we realize that why they are in hurry and why Sahil was crying badly.
Now what else can we do in this flood where human beings are helpless,but we can`t let ourself on the mercy of destiny so we decided to swim against the flow of the water. We are moving slowly and carefully as we are unknown of this world.What we see around us is only destruction, destruction caused by Mother Nature. Why is she sometimes so mercyless! We are moving continuously and whet we see in this journey can`t be describe.
Their is destruction, a lot of destruction! Dead bodies are floating here and there, children are crying, houses are floating. Their is annihilation destruction everywhere.
Suddenly Indiana somehow how get in between the floating rabbet.He keeps trying to come out but it was worthless.He even can`t move from that place even an inch.We are swimming with the raft now.I keep an eye on Indiana and he is doing something. Oh! he is moving towards the middle of the rabbet but why? After sometime he is out of the rabbet. Their was a large hole in middle of the rabbet an he used to swipe from it.
Our journey start again.People are migrating. Rescue forces are helping them but what about animals, who help them to overcome this calamity!
After several days of continuous swimming we are at the edge of a forest. Ummm! it means we are going to explore a real forest.Before this disaster may be it was wonderful place living but now life is rarely seen here, little bit of trees little bit of living creature and water.
My thoughts are interrupted by the screaming of Angelina. I move to see her and what is it! I saw him in television as Sahil is fond of watching animals. This devil is known as Bear and i am damm sure that now he is feeling like inborn hunger. So what we do to save her. What the hell is going on!
We got an idea and started to work according it. We swim around devil, some around his feet, some in front of him. He is getting attracted to us and starting to catch us.We are moving slowly towards the middle of the river, and he is making effort to chase us, moving with us. And in this effort he make a wrong move he put his legs on slippery soil. This is a superb chance as his whole concentration is in balancing himself. Angelina get rid away from his paws and we swim as fast as we could. Now we are out of his reach.
We are feeling very hungry as in jungle right now their is very little stuff to eat and very hard to survive. In search of food we see rocks standing side by side in jungle. We are swimming towards them. how to cross this ! We are observing a lot of hole here so we entered in one of this slit an swim towards other end. On the other side a wonder is waiting for us!
We are in a jungle but a green one! means we are now in a jungle where life is everywhere. We all are deciding to live here till death. This is very beautiful!. I am happy now. Now i have a life which is not aimless.
And this journey always reminds me that no one`s life is aimless, everybody got their aim sooner or later.