Kids Short Story – Imitation Parrot
Photo credit: chriele78 from morguefile.com
Let me tell you about myself , you see this oak tree , its taller than all the trees in the forest, its big ,old-brown color and its branches spreads through out the forest. I was born here in a Eagle nest. The big mother Eagle stole my mom’s only egg and brought it to her nest to have a feast but I guess she couldn’t eat the egg because she had eggs herself or she felt sorry, before we were born.
One evening she went out for food and never came back. A young chicken Hawk kept us warm during the summer, she cared for us and we grew up together. One fine morning we heard a whistling and mummy Hawk said to us ” children its time I got some children of my own.”
She flew away and summer finished, spring and winter passed. We went out to looked for food where Mrs. Squirrel saw us and invited us in. She kept us warm and feed us. She had three babies and papa Squirrel. She was happy because my Eagle family caught a big green snake that came in her home.
They pull him outside and had a feast. I don’t eat snake. I eat nuts. Following day we went out for some fresh air and I saw why my Eagle family stayed outside for so long, they was flying and playing with a big Eagle thinking she was their mother, she came up to me and i fell back and I was frighten. I stepped back and my three brothers and one sister were crying ‘mother!’ ‘mother!’ I started to cried but like a human child.
Mrs. Squirrel walked up and said, “children its time to move on,” they all turned to me.
A baby squirrel said, ” mummy that cry strange.”
“Yes child,” said Mrs. Squirrel. I cried like a parrot, like a hawk , like a pig , like a dog and like a human baby. “What he’s doing Imitating?
Papa Squirrel said “from today your name is imitation parrot.”
My Eagle family said their goodbyes to us and flew away with their dead mother. My Squirrel family loved me and I remain with them until winter finished.