Children Short Story – Bus Drivers Can Drive Faster
Photo credit: hamper from morguefile.com
Once Swapnil got up in a bus. It was mid summer and the bus was crowded. So naturally Swapnil did not get a seat and was standing. It was literally proving to be tough for him after whole day’s tiring work at office and then the heat and the pressure of the crowd. On top of that the most irritating thing was the usual nature of the bus driver of driving in very slow to get some extra passengers from coming stops and to have some more business. As a result of this, the centre of the bus inside was almost becoming something comparable to hot lava where no air was reaching through the windows.
After tolerating this for sometime, when it became unbearable anymore, Swapnil thought of playing a trick. He knew pretty well that it would be something like telling to a deaf to tell the driver to drive fast. He with some more pain somehow reached near the driver’s seat. Took out his cell and hold near his ear and started telling, (pretending as if one of his friend called him in his cell):
“Hey Susant, where are you yaar? Today we decided to return together. I waited for you for so long and when you did not come, I started. But anyway, we would meet where we meet everyday before we move towards our individual destination. I would be waiting. But by the way, where are you currently? ….What, o really? so you are just two stops behind me? So in which bus are you coming? O same? myself also. Great then hopefully we both almost would reach at the same time. Cya then at the stop.”
Swapnil uttered this with such voice that unintentionally also everyone within 1 metre around him would be able to hear him. As a result the driver also got to hear this. Immediately he started driving fast with the fear that if the next bus of same route and number overtakes him, he would be fined after reaching the destination. The conductor though asked once the reason, the driver narrated the same thing he got to know (which Swapnil acted), pointing at Swapnil, thinking it to be 22 carat truth.