Children Funny Short Story: A for Atom and B for Bomb, Exciton(1)

Children Funny Short Story: A for Atom and B for Bomb, Exciton(1)
Photo credit: Kevin_P from
“a b c d e f g h, papa am I correct?”
“Yes cuty, cuty, cuty; my sweety; kitty kitty kitty”, and then with his hands he tickles his waist and kisees his sweet and small little genius head.
“Paapa, papa, a b c d e f g h i j k l m, right?”
“Ya baby, go on”
“n o, right papa”
“Yo, yo kitty”, and then he hugs his son and kisses on his cheeks
“Ayushi, I am really proud of you to give me such a cute baby dear, in fact intelligent, brainy and learning.“
“Please, don’t make me shy. He is also a son of yours Mr Arjun.”
“Yes my dear indeed he is my son. My son, just like me. I will teach him to grow like me, to learn like me, to be smart like me and to rule like me. Yes he will make me proud. And he will take our business to its peak just like the Akbar of the Babar’s dynasty.”
“But Darling, don’t you think that it’s too early to fix things like this?”
“What are you talking dear? See my son, just a year old and he can think and talk basic things and think this is above exceptional my dear. Absolutely, no doubt on this. Look my friend’s sons are useless and they cannot even speak a sentence.”
“That’s right, but I mean fate, fate is something we cannot decide na”
“Oh so then my son’s fate is to be exceptional”
“Hmm”, then she tighten up her lips and move it a bit leftwards and says, “stupid”.
Mama’s brain is a perfect derivative his parental mother of classical thoughts and somewhat spiritual types. She is against of that much father-son love. She recollects his parental mother saying that such affectionate loves gets more and more deep that only let the son sits on his head during his teenage and would listen to his father no more. What it means is that the father can no more control his son. She has lots of such things stuffed up in her head by the mother.
In harsh she speak up, “Baby, come let’s go and sleep”.
“Na mamma”, with 12 teeth, he makes a very annoying gesture that sparks her up.
“Hmmmm”, and suddenly she give a very angry look at him like the huge demoness.
“It’s okay dear, I will take him to sleep, alright now cool down”.
By now the father is pretty sure that this son is his, I mean completely of his attitude.
5 years have passed since then when he was born and by now he has developed his cognitive skills just like any other kids in his age and all of these just like a normal. Watching child from now on is the most hilarious moments of a parental life. I would not wonder why parents are very specific about the development of a child that they even follow best bookseller on kid’s psychology. Indeed this is a matter is big concern for the parents to teach their kids on the right path. Kids are beautiful creatures of gods and very hilarious.
With his eyes wide open he watches patiently on TV, “Waav”. Shadows, that appears like travelling towards him at a very high speed that in three flicks of an eyelid it disappeared. It’s a very gigantic mushroom, filled with bright lights is what he sees. Yes, the atom bomb of the great power.
“On the 16th of July 1945, the first detonation of an atom bomb.. It is a very very big big explosion people had ever imagined before. Huge waves are so powerful that is can blow away a heavy truck over miles and so huge that it spread miles and miles”; well this is what was going on.
“Atom Bomb”, curled up in a monkey poses the kid watches carefully at his astonishment.
That night he sleeps preoccupied with his passions that are taking some shapes.
“Need to make atom bomb, my atom bomb”, says to himself with great determination and in an inaudible way.
10 days passed and it’s Diwali time now. Somewhere in his heart the passions are boiling up. And suddenly there comes a great violent sound from a firecracker. Unable to control his eagerness he swiftly traces its origins. He wanted to see how did this explosion came?
“The red bomb”, yes this is the one he had long been waiting for and now is all set to test it. Soon he spots some bundles of red bomb and take it whole and runs back to his sweet little kitty cabin of his house.
“1 2 3 4 5 … 120 .. 369 red bombs”, now he is all into a great preparations mode.
While on the outside of main door some of neighbours are enjoying the moments of Diwali celebrations with sweets.
“Ayushi, the sweet really so soo yummy; you are just a fabulous cook”, says one of the neighbour.
“It’s just the magic of my hand Didi”
“Where is your kitty son dear”
“May be in somewhere near and too busy with himself”
“No, be careful dear don’t let him outside, it’s just very dangerous to let him outside. See these firecrackers; again these teenagers are messing up with that bundle of crackers. Keep your son with you dear.”
“Don’t worry Didi, he is just afraid of it and would be playing quietly in his cabin”, replies Ayushi
Then suddenly, an explosion occurred that could be heard 100m away from its epicentre. I mean this one is bundle of time bigger than what was been heard till now.
Didi got an extreme shock of fear.
Everyone rushed to its epicentre, perpetually everyone round the corners have assembled here.
“Antarang Bachcha”, she cries at high pitch and soon approaches to dear her son.
“How are you, how are you, what happened, who did this haan?”, cries the mother
“What happened dear?”, cries the mother.
Checking if there are any marks on his body, she cries. She prays the god that he is alright and nothing happened to him.
“Oh my god, you have saved this child”, says the old man
“Who could have done such a terrible thing?”, one of the person speaks
“Someone should have threw it from the window”, replies one old man
After all, how a mother can’t be familiar of her son’s mischievous instincts. You know it’s the mother-son thing, it a thing that mother can understand from years of affection, love, teaching, guidance and noticing. Mother knows, it’s him and she conceals that thing. Father is stunned. Everyone believed the old man; as such things of throwing firecrackers into someone else’s house have happened before.
“Okay sons, let’s go now. Son take care of your child and close the windows”, says the old man
Mother knew that it’s only him and later father get to know that it’s him.
Soon as they left a pin drop silence prevailed for moments.
“Kundali, Kundali is the problem for your son. Please tell me that this son of yours will be able to live a normal life like others?”, speaks the father at high voice at the lady.
“What? This is your son, your Antarang right and your very very close kitty. See what he has done now”, replies the mother
“What’s wrong with your son? Why can’t he just sit on one place haan?”
Soon this entered into verbal issues of husband-wife complex.
Lending support from rocky walls in monkey pose and head facing the floors, our hero lays steady and motionless and lost in a self-actualization.
Special acknowledgements to my friend,
Suhail Rizvi (IIT Kanpur)