Children Story – How my parents separated me and Maun- A cruel decision
Photo credit: hotblack from morguefile.com
“But Pa I love it, Mommy loves it, You love it.. Everyone does..”
“No, I don’t.. I will kill it today or send it back..”
“Pa.. Have you forgotten feeding Maun, our lovely seven weeks old kitten, from your own hands? Have you forgotten when Maun slept in your lap?”
“I don’t know anything.. I want no discussion, no argument on this topic. This is my final decision”
Horribly scared from my father’s anger, I came out of the room, left unconscious. How could they do this to me and Maun? How could they separate us? How could they leave a 7 weeks old kitten outside in chilly cold of December? What was Maun’s mistake? What was my mistake? Why did his anger, his frustration shatter over Maun so badly?
LOVE CAN HAPPEN TO ANYONE AT ANY MOMENT, ANY TIME. Love is a strong emotional liking for anything. So why couldn’t I love Maun?
I will never forget the upset face of Maun when Pa was ordering me to let Maun go. It was like Maun understood each and every word and he was mourning too. Maun came to me on 3rd December 2014 and in just 24 days, it became like my own baby. I would call “Maun” he rather than “it” because “he” was and is my life.
I became exhausted from life and didn’t like anyone in this world at that moment. How could they do this to me? My own parents! Why always their rules were more important than my emotions, my happiness? Why am I suffering from this ignorance and negligence? What did I do that they never talked to me politely? Why have they been so strict and rude to me from my childhood? Is only giving clothes to wear, house to live in and food to eat the correct definition of good parents? Isn’t it necessary for them to sit and understand their kids? Isn’t it important to ask the children what they love, what they want and what makes them happy? It was the day I promised myself that one day when I’ll be a mother, my first and foremost priority will be my children!
It was “Maun” due to which I came to know that I was not really important for my parents. If they valued my emotions, they could have allowed me to pet “Maun”. Even though he was my life, Maun was then also not more important than my parents. I don’t know whether that moment will ever come or not when they will sit by my side, bless me and hug me. I feel like I am nothing to them. I always wonder why they didn’t make an understanding with me. I know life goes on. They will forget this incident. Everyone will forget. No one will remember a creature like “Maun”. But I will never forget my baby. I have forgiven them but I will never forget this incident.
They have taken my happiness and everything from me. This is the case where parents are selfish. This is the case where children are less important to parents than their own happiness, own will.
That was the worst day of my life. I wish I could quit, but I didn’t. I decided to dedicate my life to poor and needy and I promised myself to do everything that I can do for them. One day I will do something remarkable for the poor and needy as well as for animals.