Childhood Short Story – A WALK TO REMEMBER
Photo credit: rachjose from morguefile.com
Getting off from work after a hard day and returning home is a breezy feeling. Humming one of my favorite song , I was walking towards my home. A home that is a treasury of memory, was just a few mile away. I could see a school boy who was going back and forth the zebra line struggling to cross the road. I walked a few steps ahead, so that I could help that boy.
“You want to cross the road?” I asked by letting my hands out.
“I will cross it myself “,he cut me off..
I liked the way he replied so much that, I asked him” can you help me cross the road because I am new to these traffic and all…can you?”
With a sigh of relief he replied” yeah sure hold my hands tightly….we have to look at this side, there is no vehicle coming..so now walk fast come on..a little fast…”and we reached the other side and he said ” this is a tough job ..I dont think you know it now…you need practice..can you come to this place tomorrow at 8’o clock I will help you out when i go to school in the morning and in the evening too, like this.”
“Okay boss,sure…” i said and he waved me good bye and passed by to his house nearby. After he went, I did not take an auto as I usually do on a tiresome day, I planned to walk , to get back the memories of ravi chandran.
When I first saw him, I was in my second grade. My street was full of stray dogs and it was my father who used to walk me home from school. He left the town the day before and I was made to come home alone. I was virtually on tears when I saw two dogs fighting with each other in my street. I had no hope of going home that evening and then a man of about fifty years came near me and asked me why I was crying.
I replied him and “come with me i will take you to your home” he said offering me his hand.
“I used go only with my father ” I said swallowing my tears.
“Yes,your father asked me to walk you home when he was not there” ,he held my hand and walked me home. From that day on in the evening he used to wait eagerly in the road and I would clutch his hand and we would walk the street making the most interesting conversations ever. He would ask about my day and always would remember me about my daily homeworks.
This was regular irrespective of the presence of the stray dogs…I didn’t miss my father much with his presence.
I stepped into my house with a pleasurable smile and set my alarm clock an hour early so that I get to see the boy on time.