Short Story of Mother – THE PREGNANT MARIE
Photo credit: duane_j from morguefile.com
She caressed the snowy cheeks of the infant as she handed over her fourth child to the middle aged couple. The beaming couple’s happiness knew no bounds. They had waited eighteen years to be parents and Marie had agreed to be the surrogate mother. Emotions never stirred Marie as she departed from her child, she had been carrying nine months.
Pregnancy gave her pleasure and she dreamt to be perennial pregnant. Caring for the unborn foetus, talking to it, watching the creature of God and extension of her body, come out of her gave her mystic pleasure. The first cry of the child and it was all over for her. Her serene face turned remorse and she seemed a woman devoid of human emotions. She quickened her pace clutching the legal papers and funds and walked off as if she just delivered a mind blowing charismatic presentation. It did annoy the people known to her but they felt sorry for her as years of callous attitude had hardened her, they felt.
She shot dead two of her children to escape a brutal marriage and ran away with her paramour. But she was deceived and eventually tried for murder. She had unknowingly opened the floodgates of hell for her. To her cell mates she was a woman of few words and few knew she was from France.
Marie’s contour bore an earthly sensuality in it although it was withered with her child bearing passion. Marie was only close to Greta whom she trusted in moments of despair. Marie’s third child was adopted while she was serving prison term. Greta could fathom the burning revenge in Marie but her exterior was placid and contend. She had control on her senses which amounted to giving her total freedom.
Marie did feel guilty of killing her children for reasons but she compensated it by bearing more of them. Gradually she started enjoying her pregnancy. She delivered many still born children but she persisted with endurance. She wanted to be in control of her womb and took pride in giving birth. Finally Greta’s coerced her from further pregnancy due to Marie’s failing health.
On her final days as Marie held Greta’s hand, her eyes reflected her futile passion but life gives a purpose however empty to sustain each day, were the words from her eyes. She disclosed she had finally cheated the men of their sperms, dispersed them in this big wide world and she was destined only for this purpose. She used her motherhood as tools of revenge to make good the lies her paramours promised her.