Story of a Hunter – The Big Foot
Image Source: www.cepolina.com
Dear readers, with your prior permission, I would like to describe some facts about my life, as they are actually concerned in creation of this novel.
Most time of my life had involved in adventure, hunt, suspense, and horror. When I was in a young age, I was believed in to spend ideal life, even some unusual. I must say that my past is a precious gift for me.
I have no remaining wishes, which are still needs to be come true. I have many unforgettable experiences in my past and my real closed friends are well aware with them onward.
I know everyone had experienced about to see movies and read novels about the animal namely (Big Foot). Infect many Filmmakers/ (Directors) of Hollywood had already focused their films on that animal.
But, I think no any (Respectable) writer or Director’s would successfully explain the actual character of that animal, before the viewers and readers so far.
Therefore, in view of my experience and deep study about that animal, I decided to write a manuscript (Novel) on the topic of animal called BIG FOOT, so the readers can understand and get actual knowledge/experience about that animal.
I am sure you will read and feel for the first time, authentic Thrill, Horror, Love story and adventure in my this novel. Readers never forget this novel (Master piece) entire of their life.
I am pretty sure when you start reading of this Novel, you will never let the novel down before finish it, due to its suspense. You will feel your self as a part or character of the story as well.
Hope this novel will give an unforgettable memory to all my respectable readers.
The story of the Novel, actions, places and every character is purely fictional, therefore any similarity with anyone or anything will be coincidence.
This novel has dangerous and horrible story, therefore heart patients and underage children’s should avoid this novel for reading please.
Description of Novel
The story starts with the normal life of hard worker and poor farmers of a village/town. This village was situated among in the deep Rainy Forest.
During the routine life of the farmers, dramatically some deaths were reported on the edge of the village. But nobody was knows the actual reason of the deaths.
The sudden death rate of the farmers rose up faster gradually. The hero of the Novel namely “Smith” was strong, sharp, handsome and naturally brave Youngman.
Smith was also worried about farmer’s deaths, he was trying to find out the suspect animal, but the circumstances were against him.
Any how after the identification of man eater animal called BIGFOOT, Smith requested for an emergency meeting with his friends, so they could trap the animal. But unfortunately no any idea was working in order to kill the creature. Infect the attacks of animal on the farmers getting faster even it started killing off people in daylights.
No any help could be reached for the innocent peoples of the village, and they were waiting for their worst end one by one.
Smith’s and his friends were trying to trap the animal again and again, but their every attack on the animal was rebounding towards them with unavoidable damages of human lives.
The peoples of the village were afraid and decided to migrate from the village, but there was no way to run. The Death was waiting for them in everywhere as well as in all their exits.
What happened then……..? You have to read the novel instantly.
The village “Texas” was situated between the thick Forest, there was only one way exists through the forest, wherefrom the people of the village use it for transportation and general use.
The Forest around the village was thick and covered with huge trees, therefore the Sunshine not reached properly on the land of it. There were cruel worst animals found every where.
The population of the village was around 200 peoples, and they were living in 70 self made temporarily houses, which are built by mud and stones.
The facilities in this village like electricity, Gas, Telephone, were not available, due to unapproachable distance between others living areas.
The administrative control of the village was run by Mr. John, which was known as a rich and honorable person among the whole population.
Mr. John was helping full to poor’s, and had the quality to solve the disputed matters of peoples easily with honesty.
Mr. John was the owner of many agriculture farms and poor farmers of the village was working on these farms.
Mr. John pays back to the Farmers reasonable cash amount, so they can run their domestic matters easily.
Smith was the one and only Son of Mr. John. Smith was naturally brave, Strong and handsome than other boys of the village.
Smith was believe in to helping the deserving families in the village, therefore he was extraordinary famous in the village as his father’s was.
The youth of the village live together like a family, while four friends of Smith, namely Edward, Edison, Lambert, and Randolph were close with him.
Rather Randolph was extra ordinary close to Smith then others, both of them were goes to their farms and back to homes together.
After the hard work of whole day Smith and his friend get together near the Tube well, this was installed between the village. The people of the village get drinking water from this well.
All friends share with each other, activities of the whole day, as well as other burning topics of the village also comes into discussing. Overall the life of this village was passing smooth safe and sound, every one was happy to live there.
The winter season had started, and people of the village was facing worst freezing.
It was coldest early in the morning 6:00 am; the village was covered with deep fog, all the people and their pets animal were in their shelters.
The freezing air was blowing badly and becoming intense in every minute. The trees of the forest were creating horrible noise around the village.
Smith was ready and going to his fields. Ok Mom we will meet in evening Smith said loudly and was departing from the main door.
“Hey listen” wait for me; she was his Mother calling behind him having glass of milk in her hand.
Mom I am already late, Smith was trying to avoid drinking of milk as usual.
No way Son, I think you are not taking proper diet, loot at your face, you have to drink this, she was insisting.
Ok Mom, I know “there is no way to run” without drinking this glass of milk, Smith replied with nice smile, he drank the milk hardly and departs from the house.
Take care of you Son; there is worst cold out there. His mothers once again advise behind him loudly.
Oh it’s freezing; Smith grumble and moving fast towards the Field way. He was expecting his friend Randolph at the edge of the village as usual.
After about five minutes walking distance Smith was about to reached at edge of village. He Saw Randolph was already standing there aside.
Good morning, Friend how are you? Smith asked nicely
I am fine dear, why you are coming late? Randolph asked.
Actually I was discussing about farms with father, he was advising about irrigation of crops, Smith replied.
Ok man let’s go, Randolph said and both of them move towards the farms way.
Oh there is deep fog and worst cold, Randolph said and set his rainy coat on his shoulders.
Yeah this is really coldest morning Smith replied
I think you are irrigating your fields today? Randolph asked him
Yeah we are doing that today, but I guess heavy rain is expected shortly, just in case it will be difficult, Smith replied and looking towards the clouds.
Yesterday your farmers were talking about killing of field Dogs? Is that true? What happened exactly? Randolph asked of Smith.
Oh yes, some farmers were trying to inform me yesterday about that, but actually, I was busy in the field work, therefore I can’t heard them consciously, well I will ask about the matter today, Smith replied.
After about one hour they were about to reach their farms, ok friend we will go back to home together please come into my farms when you finished your work at evening, Smith said and move forward towards his farms.
Smith was sensitive by nature, he was still thinking about the yesterday misshape about killing of dogs. He was trying to find the reasonable explanation of the issue in his mind.
After some distance Smith was also entering in his farms. Hi, Smith, how are you Son..? The old man (farmer) asked, and came near of him.
I am fine what about you old man, what’s up…? Smith asked.
Everything is fine, farmers are waiting for you Son, we should starts irrigating of farms now, old man replied.
“Yeah sure please proceed, but I think heavy rain is expected shortly, therefore extra water in the farms could damage the crop be care full, do it according to the mood of weather, Smith replied and all the farmers along with Smith got busy in field works.
The rain had also started; Smith and his farmers were trying to completing their field timely, work so they can return back to Village before evening.
Smith and his farmers had done their work successfully before evening and now they were winding up their work.
Smith wants ask to old man about yesterday incidence that killing of field dogs, as Randolph was asking him early in the morning.
We had done our work Son, Old Man informed to Smith.
Great, before we proceed back to the village, I want to see the bodies of dog which are killed by an unknown animal, as you informed me yesterday, Smith ask of Old man.
Sure, it was really strange, we have not dispose off the bodies of dogs yet, please follows me, the old man was leading him to the next field on the incidence spot.
There was ugly and bad smell near the dead bodies of dogs.
Smith was surprised to saw the bodies of Dogs. These dogs were our best healthy dogs of the field, how can they will be killing like that, its impossible. Smith grumbles.
That’s un-believable, Smith get down and band up on the footsteps of unknown animal, which are still clear and present on the mud.
I think these dogs were killed by the Silver Back’s (Gorilla), the old man trying to make an idea in view of his experience.
No old man, these footprints didn’t match with Silver Back; however these foot prints also bigger than Gorilla’s foot. We should take care.
You may please alert all the watchmen of our field that they avoid unnecessary visits near the incidence area at night time, this could be risky. I don’t want even miner wound to my farmers.
The farmers were ready and fixing Bulls to the cart. Hi Guys are you ready for back to home. Smith asked them gently
Definitely, we are waiting for you; the weather is going nastiest we should leave now one farmer replied.
But your friend Randolph is not came here yet, one farmer informed to Smith.
Yeah he will be busy in his field so far, well let’s go we have to pick him from his field Smith said.
The cart had fixed behind the Bulls and now they were ridding one by one on it, in the same moment Smith heardd the voice of Randolph he was coming towards them saying hello to every one.
Where are you man? It’s too late. Smith asked him.
Yeah friend I know, I am sorry, I am late due to lot of work at field Randolph replied
Its ok lets go back to home, and after some whiles the cart was on the way towards the village.
The Bulls were moving slowly on the muddy path, because the path was very slippery due to rain.
All the riders were busy in talking with each other except Smith, because he is still thinking about the type of unknown animal.
After about 15 minutes, suddenly, the Bulls run away atrociously, all the riders got an alert before they drop down from the cart.
Every one was looking around, but nobody could understand the actual reason for this mishap.
The farmer which is controlling the Bulls was also trying to make a guess, that why the Bulls was run like that; probably the Bulls must saw the snake down there, while the other farmer was insisting to convince others that the Bulls were afraid by the ghost.
Randolph was looking towards of Smith, as he must knows actual reason about the matter but he did not ask him right now, he was know that smith will not explain anything to him at this stage.
Unexpectedly, there was a clandestine smile on the face of Smith, and he was looking towards the forest. All other riders were also looking at his face with wonder.
Smith was knows the Ox must felt the presence of dangerous and unknown animal around, therefore the Ox ran away, but consequently the foot prints on the incidence spot were like a humans foot, but it was extra large than a normal human, what kind of animal is around us, Smith’s mind was nervous.
The rain had increased when they reached in the village. Randolph was went towards his house and after some whiles Smith was also getting down from the cart before his house and now he was giving instruction to his farmers for the next morning.
.His Mother was waiting for him, she opens the main door of the house, one servant was also with her.
Hi Mom how are you? Smith asked her mother with lovely smile.
“I am fine Son” but you are not looking well, checked out your clothes, they are wet, you should go to your room and change it first quickly, his mother seems worried about him.
Ok Mom, Smith replied, kiss her face and step forward toward his bedroom. He really loved with his mother.
Smith change his clothes and go to his bed, he wants to get some rest; he was upset, since he visited the damaged farms and dead bodies of dogs.
After about 30 minutes somebody knocked his bedroom door.
Come in please, Smith replied without opening his eyes.
Dinner is ready Sir, Freeman (servant) informed him nicely.
I think, I have to take some rest, so bring my dinner in my bedroom, I will have it later Smith replied.
Freeman said ok Sir, and depart from the room.
How sweet she is? She must be energy with me, due to long absence of mine; I have to meet with her next morning positively.
Smith was thinking about Diana, she was pretty nice and loving girl, and was the sister of Smith’s close friend Lambert.
They like to each other very much, but unfortunately Smith was unable to take any serious step this respect due to his friendship with Lambert.
Smith was afraid if his friend would be aware about that, it will be not good, as Lambert could starts enmity with him, that’s why Smith was careful about making serious relations with Diana so far.
After about one hour later, somebody knocked door of his bed room again.
Please come in, Smith said and looking towards the Door.
Hi Son, Mr. John was entering in the room.
Oh Father please come in, have a seat why don’t you call me if you need to talk, Smith asked with gently.
Your Mother informed me that, you are so tired therefore I think I should meet with you in your bed room, Mr. John replied.
How was your day? Mr. John asked.
Every thing was fine Dad, but one thing I would like to share with you father, Smith replied.
Sure Son, why not, please proceeds, I am listening carefully his father asked.
Dad actually, I want to share something about the farms, and Smith share with detail all the matter along with his observations with his father.
Oh its bad news, so what would you plan to do now? His father asked.
I want to investigate the matter further more for better results, as I told you this is just my guess that I am expecting an dangerous unknown animal around our fields, but we could not take any action until we confirmed Smith replied.
You are right, but take care of yourself, his father advised him some important instructions and depart from the room for getting sleep.
Smith was tired; therefore he was also in dreams after some moments un intentionally.
Next morning 6:00 am,. It was worst freezing outside, the rain was stopped, but the clouds were still on the sky.
The pet’s dog of the village was barking badly in the streets. They were running all around.
There was horrible noise of the trees due to heavy wind.
Smith was gets up early in the morning as usual.
After the offering prayers, Smith and his family were having breakfast.
Ok its time to go, Smith said goodbye to his family and move towards the exit door of the house.
Listen Son, I have something for you, under this knot of cloth, I have fix the piece of Paper which has some Holly words, you have to put on, I believe this will protect you ever from evil or from any trouble, his mother put on a wrist ring on his hand quickly.
Oh Mom please don’t do this to me, Smith was avoiding that.
Don’t arguments with me just leave it as it is, His mother insist, even Smith drink the glass of milk as well and depart from the house.
There was cold and freeze wind was blowing out there. Smith sets his rain coat on his shoulder and walks towards the next street where the house of his friend was situated. He planed to pick Randolph from his house today.
After some moments he was near to turned into next street but in the same moment he heard barking of pet dogs of the village, they were following something in the next street.
What’s going on there, Smith grumbled and ran towards the dogs to check it out.
Smith was running behind the dogs, suddenly he stopped at once and trying to check out smell which is coming towards the next street.
Oh no this bad smell is belong with suspected animal, Smith grumbled and once again ran towards the dog.
The dogs were reached near the forest initial trees, Smith trying to see in the forest, but he cant see any thing clearly due to darkness and fog.
At the same time Smith heard the scream of one dog behind the bushes; it may be already had entered in the forest.
The other dogs which were still stand out of the forest became afraid and gradually, they started run back to the village at once, even some dogs accidentally touch with his feet badly.
What the hell is going on Smith grumbled and moved forward very carefully towards the forest; he was feeling bad smell continuously.
Smith had entered in the Forest, it was horrible, but he was controlling him self so he could face the situation.
After some steps Smith feels the dead body of the dog nearby his foot, oh my God, he grumble, at before Smith can move forward, he saw a huge animal was appearing behind the bushes.
The animal which seems extraordinary huge, and covered with brown hair, it was ugly and horrible, the animal growl and looking to the Smith.
The animal looks like a Gorilla but in body shape of human, he was standing on his feet, but his heights must be more than 7 feet above.
Smith had frizzed, and was looking to the animal without any movement; he was really panic-stricken, what the hell is this? Smith grumbled and backward some steps.
Smith was experiencing that animal for the first time ever in his life.
At before the animal attacks on Smith, the animal get alerted at once due to heavy noise of people out of forest, the animal disappeared again behind the bushes once again.
People were making noise with different things. Smith gets out from the forest but he was in shocked.
Edward. Edison, Lambert and Randolph were reached behind of Smith along with people of the village.
What happened? What are you doing in the forest? One man came forward out of them and he was asking of Smith.
Actually the dog of the village were barking towards the jungle, I was just checking out, what going on here, that’s all, Smith replied shortly. But all of you here like this? By who informed you, Smith asked a farmer.
Actually Randolph informed us, he told us you are running behind the dogs towards the forest, that’s why we some peoples urgently approached here for immediate help and to ask what going on, farmers replied.
“Oh I see” ok we talk about this in a meeting, please call the people of the village near of Tube well, I am coming there with father, Smith requested to all the peoples and went towards the friends, they were waiting for him aside.
What happened dear? Randolph asked to Smith.
We are in danger friends, a new unknown animal is around us, we have to kill it, otherwise the animal kill all of us one by one, you all wait for me near of Tube well, even stop the farmers to go to their fields immediately, I am coming back, Smith said to his friends and move towards his house.
Smith had reached his house; his Mother was wonder to see him again in the house instead of farms.
What happened dear? Why you are back to house? His mother asked.
Mom every thing is all right I want to talk with father right now, Smith replied and move forward towards his father bed room.
May I come in Father? Smith asked.
Sure Son please come in, what happened. Mr. John asked.
Father I was going to farms and I saw that animal very closely near the edge of village.
Its horrible and huge one, I never seen animal before like this.
Smith explained all the situation word by word to his father.
Oh it’s not good, that’s mean the animal is hungry and it prefer our village than forest, but what kind of food it is searching? Mr. John was seems worried.
Father I think its carnivores, Smith replied with confident.
Just in case we are in danger my boy, we have to alert all the people of the village and must be killed the creature as soon as possible, Mr. John suggested.
Yeah father I had already sent my friends to call the people of the village for an urgent meeting, we have to attend them, Smith informed to his father.
Oh that’s good, waits for me I have to change first, Mr. John replied and went for changing the cloths.
The Mother of Smith was worried about, and she was advising him for avoiding any surprise hunting plan in respect of that dangerous animal.
After about some moments Mr. John and Smith were depart from the house.
The Sun had raised all the people of the village was started gathering between the village, Mr. John, Smith and his friends were already reached there and waiting for them.
When majority of the peoples reached there then Mr. John started address to them on word.
“We are here to discuss an important issue concerned with new animal which is reported n our forest.
My. Son Smith see it closely today early in the morning, in this continuation I would like to inform all of you that all people of the village avoid un necessary visiting around the village after the sun set.
Children’s and women’s are not allowed to visit even village streets just for two days.
All the farmers were attend there farms dusk till down. Finally I will request all of you don’t worry about that animal, we are planning to trap it today positively. Hope you all will understand the situation.
Any questions? Mr. John asked loudly, but everybody was surprised and looking to each other faces.
Ok you may leave now, Mr. John said good day to all.
At he end of meeting some senior people of the village came near of Mr. John and start discussing about the animal
Father we have to leave now for search of that animal, Smith asked permission of his father.
Sure Son you may precede, but don’t make any mistakes, I don’t want any miss hap in the village, Mr. John advised him.
Smith and his friends were discussing and planning for hunting of the suspected animal.
We have to kill that animal anyway, but I do not force to any friend for hunting of that animal, you all feel free from this task, join me for this hunt if you have wish and interest.
This is our village and we all take care of it with mutual understanding I think no one from us would like to stay at home, Randolph said, yes we are live together and die together, Lambert said as well.
Gradually one by one all friends were ready to proceed for the hunt.
Ok prepare yourselves and we will meet again after one hour right here, Smith said and they leave for there houses one by one.
Smith had reached back to his home. Now he was getting prepare for the hunt, he wear his hunting suit, and took pair of special hunting knifes, as well as his shot gun, he checked every thing once again and depart from the bedroom.
He was planning to meet with Diana before he precedes for kill the beast. Therefore he wants to visit Lambert House.
Are you going Son? his Mother was standing near the kitchen.
Yeah Mother as you knows all the people of the village dependent on us, we never leave them alone at this time when they need us, we have to safe our people of the village any way.
You are right Son, You should go and get the animal, my prayers are with you. His mother was getting sentimental.
Thanks Mom, hope we will meet in the evening. Smith said and departs from the house.
After some moments Smith was before the Lambert house. He knocked the door and waiting for reply.
Who is this, some body asked and came out of door, she was Diana.
Hello, how are you? Smith asked hardly.
I am fine, please come inside, she replied with nice smile, Smith entered in the house behind her.
They came in to the Drawing Room, please have a chair, I have to inform Lambert. Diana said and turned around quickly.
Wait listen to me, are you angry with me? Smith asked and came close of her.
No, not at all, why should I? I know you are busy person, she replied while she was looking down.
Smith was watching her face continuously. She was really beautiful and nice girl, Smith liked her very much.
What happened? Why you are looking me like this, she asked.
Smith takes her both hands in his hands and kissed them. Ok we are going to hunt the dangerous animal right now; this is would be our last meeting instead Smith replied.
Oh no please stop this, Diana block his mouth with her hand, please don’t say like this, I never imagine my life without you, she replied.
Yeah I know but the matter is dangerous, you should pray for me. I will be back for you sweetheardt, Smith said.
I have to inform to Brother about your presence, Diana said and turned around.
After some whiles Lambert and his mother were entering in the room.
Hi Aunty, how are you? Smith get stand due to her honor.
I am fine Son, its long time to see you again, where you were busy? I had already asked many times before, about you. Lambert told me you are busy in your farms.
Yeah I was busy in the fields since last two weeks, however you will already aware about the animal which is around our village. Infect we are planning to kill it, Smith replied with detail.
Yes I heard about that animal, God bless all of you, the animal seems dangerous. Lambert’s mother advised him.
Meanwhile Diana entered in the room again having lunch in her hands. She placed carefully pots on the table.
Lets take a lunch first, do you know we are cooked your favorite dish today by chance. Therefore don’t miss it. Lambert drags his chair near the dinning table.
Smith joined him without agitation. Ok sure, but I had already taken heavy breakfast, Smith replied.
After the lunch both friends depart the house and their friends were already waiting for them at the decided place.
Are you ready friends? Smith was looking towards their weapons. They were loaded with their own revolvers and knifes.
Yes boss we are mentally and physically ready to kill the creature, Edison replied showing his Revolver with nice smile.
Good, but look at the sky the clouds are coming, we have to reached in the forest before rain starts. Smith said to them and they all move towards the Forest.
They were talking about the animal that how to trap it, meanwhile they were reached in the forest. The weather was becoming intense gradually.
I think the rain starts shortly, Randolph was making the guess. He was last man entering behind other friends in the forest.
Smith was leading; he pointed as well the right place where he saw the animal early in the morning.
They were moving ahead very carefully in the forest.
After about 30 minutes they reached in the deep forest where the wild bushes were so thick. And they were not able to move furthermore easily.
Its seems difficult to move ahead, Edison said., at the same time Smith stopped at once.
Keep quite every body and don’t make any sound, Smith alert them all.
All the friends were well knows, that there was something dangerous before them.
Smith once again turned around and advised them all that they move ahead within different directions.
Smith was down and crawling ahead by abdomen and on his knees.
Smith was hearing low growls behind the big tree. He drag himself slowly aside and trying to look what kind of animal was behind the tree.
He saw there were two healthy wolves busy to eat a deer.
Smith was knows they never cross this place without facing these wolves, and Wolves could be attack suddenly on them.
To avoid any misshape Smith decided to kill the Wolves first, but he don’t want to use shot gun at the moment, as the other suspected animal could be alert.
He saw his friend were behind him, and spread in different directions.
Smith was ready for sudden strike. Suddenly he jumped over the first nearest Wolf.
Before this Wolf can understand the situation, he was under the solid hand grip of Smith.
Smith set it down tightly and hit the knife on the abdomen of the wolf.
The wolf was screaming and trying to escape but it was failed, due to un releasable grip of Smith.
Smith hit it more than three times even there was no further movement seems in its body, it was dead, Smith aside it and stands up quickly.
At the same moment the other wolf was on the air towards the Smith, it was badly attack by another wolf.
Smith was not ready for this, he drop down behind side due to heavy wait of the wolf.
The neck of the wolf was under the grip of Smith; Wolf was trying to bite off with its dangerous teeth.
Smith was blocking it to do this, even he turned down on the wolf using his full strength.
This was enough for him. He pulled his hunting knife again and strikes it powerfully to the wolf.
Wolf was unable to release it. Smith was behaving like an animal as well; he was hitting his knife again and again to the wolf into its sensitive body spots.
Even the other wolf was also dead.
Un-believable what a strength he has, Edison said to Lambert.
Yeah, but keep quite otherwise he also kill you like a wolf, Lambert warned him with a smile.
You are really great man; you had killed those heavy wolves easily, Randolph seems really impressed.
Oh thanks, but infect every one from one of us can do this easily, Smith replied with smile.
Will you explain? why you do not use your Shot Gun instead of knife? Edison asked to Smith with wonder.
Actually dear you know the thunder of shot gun could be alert to the suspected animal therefore, I decided to kill them without gun, Smith replied.
Whatever it was horrible and dangerous, Smith had good job, Edward said and came close of friends.
Ok let’s move forward, I think the rain has also started, Smith said and they moved forward behind each other, without any further questions.
After about one hour they once again stopped, Randolph was insisting to return back to village.
I am agreed with you, there is thick wild bushes before us, this will be not safe to move forwarded in these circumstances, Smith said.
So let’s go back we will see the animal tomorrow, Edison said and they all return back with fast steps to the village.
The rain was also increased when they reached at the edge of forest.
Its evening friends lets go to my house, take a bath every one then we will drink hot tea, Smith invited them all.
No brother, it’s already late and our families were waiting for us, we should go to our homes right now, Lambert was making excuses.
Ok as you wish, we will meet next morning, Smith said goodbye to all of them and move towards his house.
The parents of him were already waiting for him.
Hi Father, Hi Mom, Smith was entered in his parents room.
Oh Dear Son, please come in “God bless you” his parents were happy to see him again.
Any good news? His father asked.
Not so far father, we never find the animal in the forest, Smith replied and sit down on the chair.
Its ok, may be its leave our forest probably, his father making a guess.
God knows, father, well we search it again in the next morning, Smith replied.
Ok I want to take a bath, Mom please send my lunch into my room ok I am so tired, Smith requested to his mother.
Ok Son as you wish, you should take some rest, your lunch will be serve in your bed room, his mother replied with smile.
After taking a bath he changed his cloth, and laid down on the bed for some rest.
After about ten minutes he was in sweet dreams.
Next morning about 5:00 A,M unexpected screams of the people from the village, Smith gets up at once saying what the hell was these screams.. He was thinking is this is real or he is watching dream.
Shortly he once again heard the more than loud screams of the women and children’s again. He leaved his bed quickly and ran towards the main door of the house.
Wait for me Son the matter may be belongs with suspected animal, you should take my shot gun, Mr. John handed over the gun to him.
Ok Father I am going to check it out, Smith replied and had departed from the house.
There was dark and freezing air out there. Smith was running fast towards the screams which are now converted into grieves gradually.
Smith was covering distance very fast and finally he reached on the spot. He saw shadows of few women which were standing in front of their houses, along with their children. They all were weeping loudly.
When they saw a man was coming towards them, they came quickly near of him.
What happened here? Smith asked them loudly.
Who are you Son? Probably they can’t recognize him yet due to darkness.
I am Smith the son of Mr. John, please tell me what happened here? Why you all weeping like that.
Son, look at our houses, a huge animal came from the forest, it braked the door of our houses and took our men’s who were trying to fight with it, even it killed three women in those houses, we had lost everything my son, how we can survive now without our men, the women trying to describe the situation in detail.
Before this Smith can ask something, he saw his father along with some peoples was coming behind him.
What happened here, Mr. John was surprised and trying to understand the situation.
Father, the animal attacked again and he killed some peoples in those houses. Smith inform to his father.
Oh my God, this is bad news. Mr. Smith was in shock.
Friends of Smith was also reached there with Mr. John, they came near of Smith and asked the matter, he informed them onward accordingly.
Friends lets go we have to check those houses. Smith said and move forward towards the incidence place.
They visit with detail under attacked houses by animal one by one from inside and they found everything was broken like the earthquake was passed on. The main doors of these houses were broken like they were built with paper.
There was blood and dead bodies seem around in these houses. They all came out with graveness.
Mr. John was advising some peoples to clear these houses and make necessary arrangements for dead bodies in the graveyard.
All people of the village were gathered on the spot one by one and talking about the animal. They were all seems afraid.
Smith and his friends remove the dead bodies from the spot, and get busy to repair the affected houses, so the peoples can use them again.
They finished their work hardly before evening. Every one in the village was in sorrow due to recent incidence.
Smith and his friends were decided to hunt that animal tonight; perhaps they were stay around the village.
I think we all so tired due to hard work of whole day, it was really tuff job, so we have to take some rest, we will meet again at tonight, Smith briefly informed to friends, and they said good buy to each other till night.
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