Story of a Girl – Routine
Photo credit: veggiegretz from morguefile.com
Wake up wake up its a good gooood day…. Sang the alarm. in her latest Samsung Galaxy. No matter how new is the phone or how soothing is the waking up Tune…waking up itself in the mornings will always be traumatic and frustrating. Medha thought to snooze it one more time …its already 7am. She will have to get up now to get ready on time and reach office at 9:30 “SHARP” as mentioned in latest office circular. She picked her clothes from her table which she always kept out In night for ready to use in morning. Mornings were always a rush and Medha does not like to waste morning hours to think about what to wear. She always keep her clothes , shoes, and bag ready for morning along with some of her food and snacks boxes for office.
Even though metro has eased difficulty and pain of catching a bus still it was a pain in the neck to change metro three times to reach her okhla situated office. Thinking of metro made her head heavy. Aaaahhh the day has just started …whole day of routine is still to be followed. Medha started shower and started chanting her mantra as “prescribed” to her for a successful day by her religious mother.
After a quick bfast of tea and parantha and bye bye to mummy, Medha ran down the stairs. Her father and sister has already left home for their office and school respectively. She will walk to metro station to loose some weight, as if it matters. “Today I will take the stairs in all metro platforms” …medha was determined and quickly dropped her idea as soon as she saw three storeyed stairs of first platform..two more levels of platforms were still to reach metro. She checked metro schedule,next metro was in two minutes. If only she could manage to take this. It will save her 10 minutes . She threw her bag in scanner and quickly picked up after seeing “not in use” written on paper stuck on it. The police lady asked her to open all zips of her bag.
“Come on I am not carrying any bomb” Medha pleaded helplessly to hurry up.
“We know madam. Just routine check. Independence day mess ” argued the police lady.
Once finished,Medha ran towards escalator to catch approaching metro. She was climbing steps on escalator to reach till metro before the door gets closed. At least she has taken one stair on platform even on escalator. Medha laughed to herself.
Oooooofff…she sighed relieving as finally she was in the ladies coach. So what if she had to stand on one foot. Her duppatta was tangled in some other lady’s bag and her own laptop bag was banging a short lady’s head. The slim college girl with Parineeti style haircut on her right was talking coyly to her boyfriend on her tab. While fat aunty on the left with old fashioned small phone was busy complaining about her irritating and obnoxious mother in law to her own mother who was probably making the same complaints about her daughter in law. Life s a long list of complaints about the same problems. Just Names/relations get changed in the journey. At one point of life, we have same problems from our mother which our children have from us on the other side of life cycle. As a daughter in law we make same complaints about our mother in laws which we will have from our daughter in laws at other point of age cycle. Generally in the core of every problem lies our in depth urge to control other person and run their lives as per our wishes. We increase our BP over these trivial issues while dragon size problems like money making and finding a perfect life partner also hovering over us. Uffff sometimes Medha found old fashioned farmers kindaa life more peaceful and settling.
“Just four stations..it will pass somehow at least I am in.” Thought Medha wearily. “Today is Tuesday…three more days to week offs. Ohh wait.. Thursday is off due to independence day”. A shine came to her eyes. “yeaahhhh!!!!! one day of mid week off ..beautiful…we will plan a family outing in NCR. Yukti( her younger sister) was crying to go to Dumduma lake. Her school friends have recently visited and recommended to her. ” Planned delighted Medha mentally dancing and singing to herself.
“Kashmiri gate metro station” rang on metro speakers. Everybody leaned forward in an attempt to get out first as if they will get some sort of medallion or its one of the KRA in their performance evaluation. Trust me sister. No matter how early u report or how late you leave from work or how much you slog in office missing your lunch/ breaks…your evaluation still depends on whims and mood of that ever yelling awful creature sitting comfy in his/her seat called “BOSS”. Being herself in HR nobody else could have explained this better to her.
Medha with her hair in mess made her way through human mess and deboarded at central secratriat. Her last train to badarpur was waiting. Finally she got half seat and squeezed herself in. She took Galaxy, her latest overpriced asset out of her bag and vented her frustration on Facebook.
” Morning journey through metro looks like some population explosion. Humans and humans everywhere ;-(”
Getting some likes and comments would minimize her agony a bit. Her other friends also face same trouble everyday. As they sharing is caring. At least she is not alone.
9:20 a.m Ouch! Medha literally ran to her office after getting down on metro station. Ting came the relieving sound of office time punching machine . She has managed to make her entry by 9:30. Now she won’t have to face haunting raised eyebrows from her manager. God!!! Does he ever goes home. Always in his plush glass cabin. Seems that new joke on facebook is actually true . ” To succeed in career forget your family. Employee is a new trendy swanky form for old age sanyasis/hermits;-)”
“I guess its just not only families but also leaving one’s dignity and self respect at home which counts” thought Medha with disgust.
Inspite of being in HR; Medha could not really understand logic of short forms attached to employees’ names in an office. Why some always remain Exec; while some employees change their visiting cards every year making their way from AM to DM; to M ;to VP; to CEO.
“Are we having a theme tomorrow madam?” Asked Trisha breaking Medha’s thoughts.
Medha – “Why? What’s the occasion ”
Trisha – ” 14 august. We should have a dress theme and games along with snacks for employees. They will perform better you know” suggested Trisha, floor manager for call center department showing her insights on employee engagement.
” as if engaging employees’ mind to think about dress and games or stuffing 2 samosas and chips in their mouth will force their customers to buy their products!!! Huhhh!!! these call center people always come up with such kind of wasted ideas to make her job more mundane and stupid. Sr. Executive – HR & Admin. Sounds so powerful with a glossy job description. While in actual its a dignified term of English speaking peon. Arranging birthdays; ordering samosa and tea; requesting staff to play games; facing resentment from staff and rebukes from upper management. phewwwww!!! Showing big dreams to employees in recruitment and induction while being fully aware how weak are the strings of this so called career nest is. Offering peanuts as salary to every monkey who will work as donkey after induction.
” I will take approval from VP and will plan accordingly. Will let you know Trisha” Medha told Trisha dismissively.
‘Meeting with VP for independence day’ party Medha added one more task in her to do list. “Aaaah day has just started and already she was feeling tired.. All this routine of everyday rushing to office.. Working on mundane things and then rushing back to home. Eating dinner and sleep early to wake up early ..
What a boring life with boring routine. Life is nothing new. There should be change in routine to make life more happening. Even on independence day. Life is still clutched tight by chains of these daily routine of life.” Philosophies Medha to herself.
” I can only sanction Rs.2000/- for this thing. How you manage, its up to you. But it should be good.” Ordered VP.
” but sir! Even a simple Samosa costs Rs. 10/- how I am supposed to manage in 2000 bucks only. There are at least 40/- callers in calling department only. Cold drinks and chips also have to be purchased.” Medha tried to give logic.
“You already know economoy and anyways company is going in losses. I can’t manage everything. I have other huge responsibilities.. You are HR, you are supposed to manage all this. Please come with solution and not problems whenever you approach me.” VP dismissed Medha.
“Fine sir! I will try something out” with these words Medha stormed out of cabin.
” hey Medha! Whats the news” asked Trisha
” later” Medha rushed to her desk.
“Tringg Tringg”… She picked up her phone. It was her mom.
“beta! Come home early today. A terrorist has been captured by Delhi Police. He has informed that Delhi is in danger. Please come soon and don’t go to any markets today” her terrified mom informed in single breath.
“Don’t worry mumma ! I am not going to any market. Anyways my terrorist boss does not give me enough time to enjoy my personal life. I anyways travel by metro. I will be there. bye mom” Medha reasoned and cut the phone.
She was planning dress theme and snacks menu for independence party for call center department. Day passed like this. 5:30 pm. She checked clock. Thank god and she packed her bag. Medha has almost completed every task in her to do list. Rest of the work will be done tomorrow.
She was about to punch her card when her VP called from behind.
“Going early today???”
” sir its 5:30, not early”
” oh yes ! You people have a great life. I can’t even think of leaving before 8 pm. By the way have you sent me your daily work report.”
” yes sir! Already done. Bye sir”
Medha faked a phone call and rushed out. Hunhhhh!!!! You people have a great life. As if we don’t work. You bloody bug have a great life. No salary cut in case of latecomings. Work from home. Car and mobile reimbursements.not to mention salary figure in lakhs. What a life sirji!!!!!
Medha was in second metro now…. Suddenly all lights went out. Don’t tell me another snag in line. Anyways this route faces maximum problems out of all lines. Suddenly metro jolted like earthquake. Standing medha fell on the floor on other ladies who also could not tolerate such a jolt. It was complete dark and then next moment, bright sunlight came in the coach with a loud thud. Medha noticed with heart in her mouth that next coach was nowhere to be seen. Medha tried to see painfully through dark layer of smoke. She wanted to cover her nose to escape from horrible smell of burning human flesh. But she could not move her arms. Due to jolt she was thrown onto the railway track and her right arm was broken. She tried to move away from the scene but her leg was also broken. Due to shock and immense pain she lost consciousness.
“Are you alright now beta!!!” Medha opened eyes and found her teary eyed mother and sister. She was in a hospital.
“What happened mom? How did you find me? Where is daddy?” Medha wanted to know everything.
“Beta! There was a bomb blast in metro. Police found your office id card and called on the home no mentioned in it. Thank god you gained consciousness. You were unconscious from one and half day.”
“My arms and legs mom!” Medha found her left leg and right arm plastered
” don’t worry! In one month, you will be able to work normally. Just relax!!” Consoled the smiling nurse.
” where is daddy??”
When Medha asked this, yukti started crying badly. Her mother took her out of the room and came back after 2 minutes.
“What happened to daddy mom?” Shouted terrified and panicked Medha.
” Medha!! There was a bomb blast near your daddy’s office as well. He was returning home on his scooter. When suddenly there was a blast in a dustbin near red light. ” her mom started crying.
” where is my daddy?? Mom tell me now”
” he is in the same hospital. Child. He has lost his right leg in the blast and got some fractures in ribs. Doctor says he will be alright soon” mom explained still crying.
” I want to see my daddy now” crying medha demanded.
” yes, I will take you to him in evening. Please you rest now. Let me see your daddy and Yukti now. I will be back kid!!
Her mom left.
Yukti came in a while and both sisters cried together. Thank god their dad was alive at least.
After two days medha was at home. Her mom was a strong lady. She took care of medha and her daddy both. Home was a mess. medha was dependent on her sister for her basic needs as well. Her mom was looking after Medha s dad. medha was not able to sleep in nights after she has seen her father in that helpless state. Her father used to be very cheerful. But now he has turned into a gloomy personality. He used to be always ready on his scooter to take his little girls to places and now he needs someone to take him from one room to another even. Medha and her family were shattered. Medha was missing her routine of daily waking up, rushing to office , bfast with daddy and yukti. How ironic it was that medha was yearning for same routine which she used to despise. she understood importance of routine. Routine means everything is running smooth, that no mess has happened, no one has sparked any blast in anyone’s home of happiness. Medha wanted to go back to her routine earnestly.
“What???? Sir! How can you do it? I am not on any holiday. I am recovering besides you know my father has also lost his foot? I need this job.” Medha reasoned with her VP over the phone.
This was the angry reaction call to email Medha has received from her office of officially disassociating her from her position. Reason was very reasonable “office s suffering due to your continual absence. Either report to office or we will have to replace you” Medha was still unable to sit for one hour due to back problem she has suffered in blast.
“Sorry Medha! I know everything but an organization does not understand human emotions” her VP retorted.
Medha already was aware how much he wanted his sister in law to take this job. medha was not ready to beg more. She submitted her resignation as resigning was better than getting termination letter. Now medha was fractured not only physically but financially also. Now she understood importance of govt jobs. Her father was right in pushing her to get bank jobs in her college days. She was too mersmerised by corporate culture to try for those endless examinations for banks. Thank god her daddy is in govt job. They have given him 6 months paid sick leaves and also were paying to get artificial limb for him.
After two months Medha’s fractured removed. She was recuperating well now. Although she has cried initially about losing her job but now she was actually in proper rest mode. Medha read all her favorite books, saw her favorite movies, and actually enjoyed her break. She was more spiritual now, had her full faith in God; and believed that whatever will happen,will happen for good only. And for the first time she actually pondered over her career choice. Medha realized she hated working for others and she could do something on her own. She wrote one story just for fun and posted online. All the comments and likes she received made her look closely again at her creative side.
Break was not that bad for her now.
Medha’s daddy was also at home now and together they were trying a lot to cheer him up. After sometime her dad also became normal and habitual of his new artificial limb. He joined job after sometime. Medha used to drive her dad on her scooty and bring him back. Medha started her own tuition center at home and started writing to satisfy her artistic side.
” wake up wake up its a good good day”. Medha’s Samsung sung at 8′ O clock. Medha’s new routine of new day of her new life has begun. Medha was not at all complaining now. She had her own business now. She has taken responsibility of taking her dad to and fro to his office. Then she was busy in her tutions and writing. She had a new routine and she actually loved it.
A new routine…..A new day ….A new life !!!!