As the Night Comes – Story of Family Love
Photo credit: ccmackay from morguefile.com
(Note: Image does not illustrate or has any resemblance with characters depicted in the story)
Sana looked at her watch. 8.15 pm. Still there was no call from Aditya. She walked around the hotel premises restlessly. Today was a very important day for her. Her company was going to launch a new product line in the US market, and she was heading the project. The final presentation of the idea was to be done today followed by a business dinner. The foreign delegation would arrive any moment now. Though Simant had gave her assurance of handling everything till she was done with the phone call, yet her presence was utmost important. Today’s business dinner was planned a bit suddenly. The chairman of the US Company who was the official partner in this launch, had to return tomorrow and hence the whole thing had to be preponed. Sana was worried for Aditya more and in the process had forgotten to mention about the meeting to him. She had thought she could inform that anytime once Aditya was done with the check up.
Sana had tried calling Aditya but his phone was unreachable which meant he was still driving through the Mumbai-Pune expressway. Aditya had last called four hours ago when he had reached the Hospital for the check up. Through the last few weeks Aditya was complaining of a slight pain in his shoulders. Finally last night when he tried lifting Mahi in his arms, he had felt a throbbing pain and the baby had almost fallen down. Somehow he had managed to prevent a big accident which resulted in the pain to become worse. Sana was in Delhi for one week regarding the product launch formalities. She could not do anything from there except giving suggestions.
Dr. Dwivedi was the only doctor Sana had faith on for any serious matters. She had pressed Aditya to see him, in spite of the fact that he was in Pune and they were in Mumbai. Today in the morning, the pain had become so worse that Aditya could not even change the gears of the car. But Sana had stayed put on seeing Dr. Dwivedi. Finally Aditya had asked Shrikant, a friend of his to drive down to Pune. She knew though Aditya was very particular about everything else, he was very careless about himself. He always wanted someone to care for him like a baby. Sana loved to do that because she knew Aditya was so much dependent on her for these things. After the baby, she had started to take her career a bit more seriously, and Aditya was the one who had talked her into this. And once she started climbing the corporate ladder, there was no turning back. She missed her old life as a simple housewife but now she was in the midst of so much activity that she could just not turn her back anytime she wished to. Many things depended on her. People were looking up to her for anything and everything. Things were running smoothly in the family only because of Aditya. He was such a wonderful and supporting husband. She knew what she was today was because of Aditya. She was much more dependent on him, than she ever expressed. Aditya was everything that she was not. He was her answer to everything. She felt so blessed to have him as her husband. She was never as expressive as Aditya. Her love for him was silent and composed. While Aditya never failed to show his appreciation or love for everything whole heartedly. He was vibrant, lively. She quietly admired him for everything he was.
“Hey, there you are, are you done?” Simant’s words broke her reverie.
Sana shook her head silently.
“Oh dear. Ummm ok I just came to tell you that David and others have arrived. They were asking for you” Siman said.
“Ok let’s go” Sana said with a sigh.
“Aare no, I can manage them for a couple of minutes more” Simant said with a wink. “You finish the call first”
Sana smiled weakly and said “Thanks”
Simant patted her back and went inside.
8.25 p.m. Sana tried to call Aditya again. This time the call got through. Her face lightened up. But after three rings, she heard the busy tone. Aditya had cut the call.
Beep Beep. The new message icon flashed on the screen.
‘Don’t call now; I will call you in a while. Expecting a call from Florida’, it said. Sana looked at the phone with frustration. She really wanted to speak to Aditya once before the presentation started, because it was going to take a lot of time. She began typing a message.
‘Adi I am going in for a meeting. Wont b able to talk for at least 2 hours. You carry on dear. And let me know what the doc said. Luv’
Sana started walking towards the seminar room. The night was looking beautiful, stars sprinkled all over the sky with specks of grey and white cloud. But she could not enjoy it; her mind was going back to Mumbai again and again.
Back in Mumbai, the climate was quite hot and humid today. It was just end of February and already the barometer read 36 degrees. The A/C inside the car was also not able to provide any respite.
Aditya frowned as he read Sana’s message. He had just reached home. His full arm was paining now. Somehow he felt he shouldn’t have had gone for the physiotherapy session. The pain was making him numb. And after reading Sana’s message he felt the pain aggravating. Aditya was such a guy who enjoyed staying at home the most. And especially at the weekends he hated to step out of home. It was a Thursday night today, but if he had his way he would have preferred consulting a doctor in Mumbai for medication than diving all way down to Pune. But he knew if he had done that Sana would have thrown a fit. Hence for the sake of maintaining peace he agreed. Aditya sometimes felt so sick and tired of Sana’s stubbornness but since there was no way out, he conceded every time for everyone’s well being.
He pressed the doorbell. His mother-in-law opened the door. His in-laws were visiting them for Holi. His was a very secular family, they celebrated almost every festival with the same mirth and joy. Parents of both sides lived in Maharashtra only and hence would meet up occasionally. Aditya was a hundred percent family man and loved to be surrounded by relatives and near ones generally. But today was different. Today he wanted to be with Sana badly. He just felt like collapsing in her lap right now. But she was nowhere.
He gave a dry smile to his mother-in-law, kept the car keys on the key stand and trudged towards his room. His father-in-law saw him and asked, “What did the doctor said beta?”
“Oh nothing much, it needs a few sittings of physiotherapy and some regular medication. The muscles are strained out” Aditya said with the best cordial smile he could manage withstanding the pain.
“Nothing serious I hope?” Father-in-law asked with raised eyebrows.
Aditya knew how serious it was, but didn’t want to create panic for them. Dr. Dwivedi had given a very sorry picture of things to come if he didn’t take care of it seriously. Aditya had been avoiding this pain for so long. During his college days he had hurt his arm badly while playing cricket. The doctor had told him not to engage in sports which strained his arm for a while. But then slowly as the pain subsided he had become brave and continued with all the sports. It had been fine, till six months back when he was playing tennis and he had felt the first pangs of the deadly pain. The old pain had bounced back in full vigour. And only today he had come to know how much the damage was. The muscles at the joints were affected to the extent that if he exerted it any further it would snap. Also he needed to go in for some tests tomorrow for checking whether the nerves of that place have been affected as well. In that case he had a chance of losing his arm for ever. Dr Dwivedi had clearly stated that in that case he would have to carry with the disability throughout his life. Aditya had become speechless with shock. He was just 29, and the thought of one of his hands becoming dysfunctional was extremely disturbing. The doctor had then assured him and said, if he took proper care things could go well. But the bottom line was to be very particular about it from now on. Leading life following strict rules and regulation was never Aditya’s cup of tea. And now he had to do that.
He shook his head and said,” Nehi papa it’s ok. Just need to take care of it a bit”
“You go and freshen up. Then I will serve the dinner” His mother-in-law said.
Aditya nodded and went inside his room. He switched on the light and sunk in the bed. Closing his eyes he lay there still. He didn’t know which pained him more, his shoulder or Sana’s absence.
He wanted to reach out to Sana now, but couldn’t. He typed :
‘I’m home. Won’t be calling you now. I want you to be in the right mood as you are going in for a meeting. Have a pleasant evening. No more sms will follow. Takecare’
He knew he was the one who had made Sana this much career oriented, so he couldn’t even put the blame on someone else and vent out his frustration. He remembered the time when they were in Symbiosis. She was such a docile girl having the amazing ability to accommodate every nonsense into her life easily. Everyone would crush her under their expectation yet she would never complain. Aditya was really not into the love thing but he could not tolerate anyone taking advantage of any girl just like that. And that’s what had brought him close to Sana. Aditya was considered to be the instant solution to everyone’s problems. He was almost like a good Samaritan to everyone. The first time he had met Sana she looked quite disturbed. He didn’t say anything that time. But gradually he came to know there was a guy in her life who was making things very hard for her and she was doing nothing to come out of her miseries. Usually Aditya never approached a person for knowing their problems, because already people were flocking around him even without asking. But the day he saw Sana crying alone in the library, he couldn’t control anymore. He had pestered, pleaded, and did everything until she came out with everything. He could never tolerate anyone bending down to anyone else’s whims, and that was what Sana was doing exactly. They had become good friends and their friendship continued even after they joined their respective companies. First he had tried to hammer sense into her, but when she didn’t budge and kept on accepting all the non sense by the other guy, one day Aditya had taken her for a ride. After almost a couple of hours on the eastern express highway, they reached a god forbidden place and Aditya had stopped the car. Sana had innocently asked what the matter was. Aditya cast one of his most intense look and had said, “Lady you have just been kidnapped. Ring your dad right now and say that until he is ready to marry to off to me, you won’t be allowed to go back!” Sana had either taken it very seriously or was completely faking the million dollar expression on her face, whatever it was; she had sincerely called up her dad. And the rest is history. They were married off in a couple of months. Aditya always wanted to see her as a strong person, able to handle all situations in life. Hence he began to give her all that he could. She was a ardent student and learned everything under his guidance. So much so that, the results were much more than Aditya had expected. And now he regretted it. He wanted her so badly now.
Suddenly he felt something wriggling by his left side. He opened his eyes and saw Mahi sitting by his side. She was looking at him very intently. She was just three years old but already behaved like she was Aditya’s mother. Aditya smiled. Mahi extended her small arms and touched his shoulder.
“Ahhh” Aditya withered in pain.
Immediately Mahi retracted her arms and had a look of guilt on her face. Aditya’s heart melted the moment he saw that look. He pulled her to his chest.
“Papa it hurts? Sorry” She said in her baby accent.
Aditya hugged her closer and said, “Na beta, it does not” and kissed her forehead. Mahi was the best thing that happened to him till now. His most valued possession – he treasured his little angel like anything. Every day when he came home from office, Mahi greeted him with a warm hug and kiss. Then she would go on endlessly about what all happened at her play school and around home. Until she was done she would not let Aditya to even change. Aditya would carry her in his arms and walk up to the terrace listening to her talk. It took all the tiredness away from him. It was the thing he looked forward to the whole day – when he would hold his princess in his arms again. Aditya used to feel Sana in Mahi all the time. He had always wanted a girl. Just before the delivery Aditya had warned Sana, “I will not let you in my home if you give me a boy!” Sana had smiled. She was aware of Aditya’s ways. Sana had answered, “ Just because I want to be with you all my life I will definitely give you a girl” Aditya had hugged her so tightly after this that she had almost choked. Throughout the time Aditya was praying for a safe delivery, he was ready to accept a girl or boy as long as Sana was doing fine. And finally when the nurse had informed that the mother and baby girl were doing fine, Aditya’s happiness knew no bounds. He still remembered the first time he held Mahi in his arms. For a second he could not believe that the tiny life that he was holding in his hands was created by him only. And slowly that tiny thing had bloomed into a little angel whom he was holding onto his chest right now. Girls are considered to be closer to their fathers. Aditya could not spend even a day without Mahi. And that’s why he made Mahi sleep with him at night. He felt an amazing comfort when he held her and went to sleep, especially when he missed Sana.
He felt vibrations and looked on the side. His mobile announced an incoming message.. Sana.
‘I want to talk. Tell me in short. Will be into a presentation soon’
He replied: ‘Try to understand please. Provided you were not having any other engagement i would have rang you. But that’s not the case. So relax don’t spoil your mood. I don’t have anything pleasant to talk, that’s why not calling you. Go ahead with your work’.
Sana closed her eyes just to stabilise herself after reading the message. She knew Aditya was in a bad mood now. All his words were boiling down to that. This would continue till sometime, till he takes it all out. Why can’t he choose a better time to get angry, she thought. When will he understand the gravity of the situation and act accordingly. Now she was feeling more frustrated because she couldn’t reach out to Aditya and cool him off. In two minutes the presentation would start. She knew Aditya need her now and hence he was behaving this way, but there was no way she could help it. This presentation was equally important. Still she could not concentrate.
“Are you ok?” Simant nudged her, feeling her restlessness.
“I just wish Adi would pick up the phone at least once!” Sana said.
“That’s bad. Did you fight with him?” Simant asked.
“No. He is just a bit angry” Sana said looking away.
“Excuse yourself for a minute and move out. Anyways Deshmukh will be starting the demo na, you are not required in fifteen minutes” Simant said.
“Sure?” Sana was certainly not sure.
“Yeah now move” he said with a smile.
She excused herself and went out. She hated to do this, walking out in between such an important meeting, and for that fact any meeting, but now Aditya was more important than anything. She just needed to know what was going on at the other end. The hotel lobby was dotted with people. She needed a quite place. She slowly walked out into the garden. There was a slight breeze now. It felt good when it brushed past her face. She dialled Aditya’s number.
Aditya had to put in much effort to get into the tee shirt he usually wore at night. His hands felt limp. But he couldn’t call anyone for help also, that would make his in-laws aware of his condition and which would create an unnecessary panic situation. Mahi helped as much she could. She always did that. Whether it was Aditya, or her friends.
Aditya stood near the window. The moon really looked beautiful with the venus so near to it. Together they looked like a perfect couple – complimenting each other. He didn’t knew why but he was really missing Sana now. But then again why should he bother her now. She was so happy in her world, giving presentations, managing projects. Where did he fit into among all this? A mere husband? Just a surname? That’s what he was to her? Sometimes Aditya felt that if it was really not required then Sana would have preferred to sit back at the office all the 365 days.
He needed to talk to someone so badly. The mental and physical pain was excruciating. He just needed to take it out. The extension of the landline was in his room. He picked up the receiver and dialled his home in Nasik. He wanted his mother to pick up the phone. That’s the only person in the world who could comfort him now. The moment he heard his mother’s voice his eyes became moist. He controlled himself from breaking down completely. His heart wished to cry out but he knew his mom would catch the next train to Mumbai, if he did that. Aditya could never cry in the public, it was always that he would break down in inside and carry a happy face externally. Sana was the only one, in front of whom he had become weak sometimes. But that too was a thing of past now. Seemed that both of them were so busy in their job life that emotions were losing its way somewhere in the middle.
Mahi was usually a bubbly, chirpy girl who oozed with life, just like Aditya himself; but today she was unusually calm. She was too much attached to Aditya and knew her papa was not well. Sometimes her matured behaviour surprised Aditya. He did not need to tell her anything she would just understand somehow.
Aditya was already feeling a lot better talking to his mother. The confined agony was melting away slowly.
Aditya’s cell began to ring.
“Papa phone” Mahi chirped.
“Just a second ma” Aditya said to his mother.” Beta hand me over the phone”
Sana calling. Aditya felt like rejecting the call but then he picked up and said, “I’m on the other line talking to ma. I’m ok. Will talk to you later”
“Adi listen…” But by then he had disconnected the call.
Aditya threw the phone back on the bed and resumed talking to his mother. It was a strange feeling, a pang of frustration, anger and jealousy all mixed together. Mahi gave him a strange look when he threw the phone. Aditya saw that and felt a bit guilty. He never showed his temper in front of Mahi. He didn’t want her to feel any tension going on in between Sana and him.
He finished the call with his mother quickly and then hugged Mahi and said, “Sorry beta, didn’t do it purposefully”
He didn’t know what she understood, but she patted on his back slowly. His mother-in-law called him for dinner. He picked up Mahi and walked towards the dinning space.
Sitting down at the table, he started typing a message again: ‘Just for your peace of mind, this is the status: my shoulder pain may lead to some major disability. Tomorrow some therapy is planned; I am a bit disturbed and needed to speak to someone for long hence thought of reaching you once home. As you are busy, I had to speak to mom and dad. I have also talked to my friends. They have already made me feel a lot better. Too much dependency on anyone is harmful. This was a lesson’
He pressed the sent button and felt a bit better. At least he could convey some of his anger by this message. The dinner was already served. Fish curry and rice, one of his favourites.
“Let go off the mobile. Give some rest to your hands son” His mother-in-law said.
“Don’t worry mummy, just a few official things which needs to be taken care of” Aditya said as he shoved a spoonful of rice into his mouth.
As she walked slowly back to the seminar room, Sana felt a pain in her heart. A lump was forming in her throat.
Control. Her mind rebuked.
Sana went into the washroom and splashed some cold water on her face. Tears came flowing down with the water. It felt a lot better. She let the tears flow. The words in Aditya’s message pierced her heart like an arrow. She knew her Adi was in much pain, but could do nothing for him being so far away. Aditya was terribly upset otherwise he wouldn’t have been behaving like this. She felt so helpless. Suddenly she was missing him terribly. She wanted to hug him right now and comfort him, but there was no way out. She came out of the washroom. She had to be stable now. A lot was at stake on the demo.
Her mobile beeped again. Aditya’s sms. She prepared herself for the worst.
‘Please you have better priorities in life. Now forget me for some time, finish your work and be happy. Don’t worry. I will take proper care of myself and everyone else is here for me. At such instances as today I realise there is something which demands your time more than me. Sad but true. I needed you a lot at that moment and didn’t want any limited time. Speak to you tomorrow. Goodnight’ – it read.
Sana pressed her lips. Calm down. Her mind said. Adi is just upset he doesn’t mean it. But she just wished Aditya would understand her limitations a bit today. Everything was just going all wrong today. She wiped her face and adjusted the smile on her face. The show must go on, even if her heart was in pain.
Sana replied: ’Shona i know you are upset. I love you more than anything why don’t you understand that? I miss you so much but i am unable to express. Please take care of yourself for me. Nothing will happen to you. Hugging you even if you don’t want. You are my baby. Holding you close to my heart, feel it’
She remembered she had heard somewhere, the day your personal life goes up in smoke; you will know you are getting real successful in career. She smiled bitterly at herself looking at the mirror for one last time and walked out of the washroom.
Aditya read the message two three times. He had almost forgotten when the last time Sana had exchanged such a romantic message. Maybe in the first year of their marriage. He felt a bit better but not fully convinced. Maybe she was just trying to console him, so that she could be at peace at the meeting.
No Sana is not like that, his mind said. She expressed her feelings rarely but when she did it was genuine. At least there was a slight ray of hope that she still loved him the same way. Aditya sighed and switched on his laptop. He had to finish a few things before he went to sleep. The pain was getting worse with each passing moment.
9.45 pm. Sana looked at her watch. Everyone would be awake still back at home. A break was declared after the first half of the presentation. She came out of the seminar room and dialled Mumbai. Her dad picked up the phone. She had called on landline. Aditya was going to pick up but since it was already taken he continued with his work. Only one mail was left to be sent and his work would be over for the day.
“Is everyone asleep?” Sana asked.
“No dear. Me and your mom are watching a movie right now. And Aditya is working on his laptop” He said.
“Oh. How is he?” Sana could not hide her concern.
“He said nothing to worry. It’s a matter of proper rest for a few days”
Sana knew Aditya would never tell his real problem to them which would make them anxious. She sighed.
“What happened dear? Didnt you talk to him? Should i give him the phone?” Her dad asked.
“No papa. Was caught up in some work, so couldn’t get through” She said slowly.
“Take some time off your busy schedule dear, Adi also needs you” He said.
Usually her dad spoke very less on her relationship or for that matter anything else. Sana was a very independent kind of person who hated any intrusion into her way of life. But today she listened silently.
“Papa where is Mahi?” she asked.
“Must be somewhere in the other room”
“Can you give the phone t her once?”
“Yeah just hold on” He called out to his wife and asked her to bring Mahi.
“Hello?” Mahi’s baby voice cooed in through the receiver. Sana closed her eyes for a second. It was so comforting to hear her voice. She felt her eyes becoming moist.
“Hello?” She repeated again.
“Hello beta mama here”
“Mama!” Mahi gushed.
“Beta I need a favour from you today” Sana said controlling her sniffles.”Don’t let papa be alone today. Go there and be with him. Just make sure he doesn’t miss mama today. You are my big girl na? Will you do that?”
There was a faint “Yes” from the other end.
“That’s my girl “Sana kissed on the phone. “I will call you tomorrow. Goodnight sweetheart” she said and kept the phone.
She didn’t know why she said this to Mahi, but she felt better after saying all these. Somehow she felt Mahi understood her. She smiled for the first time in the evening and went back to the seminar room.
Aditya was just about to press the send button on the mail window when he felt Mahi hugging him from behind. He looked at her and smiled.
“Finish your work fast” She said looking at the laptop.
“Ha beta, it’s over see?” And with that he pressed the sent button. He switched off the laptop and arranged the bed. Mahi helped to put away the things.
Aditya pulled the blanket over him and rested his back on two pillows. Mahi came and sat on his lap. She fitted into his chest so perfectly – like a jewel in a jewel box.
“So what story does my baby want to hear today?” Aditya asked caressing her hairs.
“Nothing. You are hurt. You need rest” Mahi in turn caressed Aditya’s hairs. He looked at her surprised. Usually Mahi would not sleep till Aditya told her some story.
Mahi stood up on his lap and pulled his head on her chest. Then said, “You just feel my love today and go to sleep. I’m there to look after you” and patted on his back.
Aditya was speechless. He looked in Mahi’s eyes. He could not believe it. Those were the exact words Sana used to tell him whenever he felt badly tired, three years back.
Mahi kissed on his forehead and said “My baby”
Aditya could not control himself anymore; he pulled her to his heart and hugged her tightly. He could feel her breath on his chest. Two hear beats melting into one. He did not know how long he held Mahi like that, the message alert tone broke his reverie.
“I understand your pain and that’s why you are my baby. I can never stop loving you. The heart that beats inside me is yours. You are my love. But I am your mom tonight. Just feel my love and go to sleep”
Aditya held onto Mahi tightly and typed: ‘Never wanted to come in between you and your work. I knew if i started speaking I will upset you. I did not want you to go into the meeting with a bad mood. But failed to do that. You don’t need to prove your love for me and make me feel bad. I know it’s my boon to have you in my life. Please forget and forgive me. Don’t feel bad please it’s just because I needed you badly then. Your one sms made me feel better again. I miss you but feel your love. That’s my strength. I am in big pain mentally and physically, please understand. My mom, my wife, you are my life. Never missed you like this. I am off to sleep now. I am feeling you in Mahi. She is me only. And I am you. Love you a lot. Goodnight’
The soft heart beats of Mahi sounded like a lullaby. Aditya felt sleep descending on him slowly. He did not miss Sana any more.