Story about Father – Lost First Love
Photo credit: taliesin from morguefile.com
She was shedding tears on that whole day.
Not because she was ditched by her boyfriend.
Not because she has been cheated by her boyfriend.
Not because she was hurted in a relationship.
But because she lost the hero of her life.
Yes, She lost her real life hero, her role model, the first love of her life, her friend, her well wisher, her true carer, her only adviser, her guardian,
Her ‘DAD’. Yes she lost her dad.
It was one of the most sadest and worst day of her life she would have ever experienced. She lost her only savior of her life, she lost her best friend.
She still remember how her Dad used to feel insecure when she used to leave the house for college!
She still remember how her dad used to worry about her , when he used to get some news about a girl, running from her house to marry a guy not from her caste!
She still remember the day, when she bunked the class and went for a movie with her cousins and her dad came to know about this. That was the day when her dad slapped her for this incident!
She still remember that moment , when she used to have a fight with her brother, and her dad used to defend her, just because he loved her the most!
She still remember that day when she used to get down with a fever and her dad would become restless so that she can recover soon.
She still remember how her dad used to be with her in her good as well as bad times!
She would miss her dad. She would miss him daily. Not because he was her dad, but because of all those beautiful moments she spent with her dad. Those days were glorious, just because her dad was with her, to guide her, to guard her, to love her, to share some wonderful moments with her. He was her sole admirer.
He was gone and the only thing her daughter was left with was the memories of her dad!
She had to accept the fact that she lost her dad. She has to accept the truth that now she has to take all the decisions on her own, she has guide herself, she has to guard herself. She has to rise up from this incident. She has to be strong, strong enough to face the world alone!
But at this moment all she could do was to weep!!