Photo credit: mvictor from morguefile.com
I think till now you might have gone through the first story. In this story the parents were overambitious about their daughter. The school where she studied from nursery to class ten was in no way lower than any highly reputed school, but even then the parents withdrew their daughter and admitted her to New Delhi’s school in anticipation that she would perform the best beyond imagination which can help build her career excellently after twelfth. Here the daughter was attending her school in the morning by school bus and coming back in the afternoon every day. The parents loved her like anything and the daughter also love her parents immensely. With the sunrise their love and affection starts with but even late in night it continues till the daughter did not go to bed and sleep well. She was in well guidance and supervision of their parents, so to say under their eyelids whereas in New Delhi she was far – far away from the sight of her parents . Whatsoever the reasons might be, the story ended in tragedy, resulting in unbearable loss to the family of Mr. Mallick.
The second story is just reverse of that i.e. the first one.
Shashikant was a student of class ten in a village High School. He passed tenth class with very good marks. His parents were very pleased with the result of their son. There were many options for admission of the boy. Someone advised to admit him to Saint Xavier College, Ranchi, some to Saint Columbus College, Hazaribagh, some asked father to admit him to New Delhi’s school.
Father heard everyone patiently, did not displease any one by opposing face to face.
The parents were of the opinion not to send their eldest son anywhere, but to admit him to a local college.
One day father called his son and wanted to know his view also. His son replied briefly, “what you think is acceptable to me. I will do better irrespective of what of standard college is.”
The college was only eight kilometres from his house. He used to attend his classes regularly. His father sat with him, asked how he was pulling on, how his classes were held, regularly or irregularly, so many things were discussed between the son and the father.
As soon as the boy passed twelfth class, he was admitted to the same college.
The boy expressed his desire to take B.Sc. ( Hons.) in Mathematics.
Father said to him clearly, “ If you be a school master, I will be the happiest person, I have the least desire, you must too, but work so sincerely, so hard that you can compete one of the toughest entrance examination of the country, side by side you will have to plan properly and prepare for both the examinations at the same time. I know you will have to work very hard, what of that, one day it will repay you, and you will forget what you sacrifice now. We are here, myself, your mother, your elder sister, your younger brothers – all will help you in your study as well as in your sports and games which you like to play after you feel monotony and be free from your study. You can relax whenever you are tired of work.”
When the boy passed B.SC. ( Hons ) in Math. Part – I Exam. and obtained 89% in Math., the highest marks in the college, his father asked him what entrance exam. he wanted to prepare for IIT only.
“ Well! as books are the best teachers, I can buy necessary books for you. Make efforts from your end to get all necessary syllabus, question papers etc. for the last few years or so. By that time I am registering your name as an external student to Brilliant Tutorials, one year postal coaching, it will help you and guide you to a great extent for preparation. You can join three teachers for three different subjects for tuition also. The names that you have proposed are of high repute, so I allow you.”- his father said to him.
The boy himself sought for a lonely place in the house for study. It was in first floor. Mother used to go there with a glass of milk or Horlicks every morning and evening.
In B.Sc. second year he obtained 78% marks in honours papers.
He appeared in IIT JEE but not competed when he was in second year. He didn’t lose heart and once again appeared when he was in final year of B.SC. ( Hons )
This year he was selected for admission to IIT, Kharagpur. His AIR was around 1500.
Here is the Turning Point in the story.
He studied for 4 years, selected in campus, joined an MNC. He guided his younger brothers, helped them financially in their admission to engineering colleges. When his father retired from services of the company, he took the whole charge on his shoulder and made the parents free from household anxiety.
The son works in an MNC and holds a key post but far – far away from his father nearly 2000 kilometres from home – his native place. But not too far as the distance has shrunk to the nearest one with the development of science & technology in communication inasmuch as mobile, smartphone, internet,video conferencing are readily available for whole day for use. The parents and the son talk to each other and share their views regularly.
When the son arrives home, father goes one step forward and embraces his son with love and affection that he deserves.
My dear friends!
Now you have read both the stories. No doubt in it when we are overambitious, we will have to pay for it. And when we think of the least, exert utmost for the best, there are favourable chances that we can pave the way to achieve our goal.
Writer: Durga Prasad,Bich Bazar GTRoad,Gobindpur,(Dhanbad)
Dated : 8th. November 2014, Saturday, Time: 8.45 AM