A WOMAN WHO WAS NOT BARREN – Short Story of a Woman
Photo credit: pablogv2004 from morguefile.com
It was the day of Ahoi Ashtami, the festival of Indian mother when they kept Fast for their son’s long life. It was a big celebration of Kanika’s in laws home. Her mother in law and sister in law kept fast but she couldn’t because she had no child. Five years had completed for her marriage but she did not became a mother. For this everyone toned her always. Her mother in law always said that she could not give one Heir for that home. She was a like useless thing which they nor throw neither kept in home. Poor Kanika listen all that things silently.
Many time she told her husband that he should have go to doctor for check up but Mukul did not go and scold her to keep quiet. He said that he had not any disability. Definitely Kanika was not able to give birth to a child. Slowly-slowly it became a habit of Mukul, he came with drink and fight and beat Kanika and said you would not give a child to our family. Your are disable to give birth to a child. She was very depressed. Kanika was tired to bear daily torch er and tones.
One day she sat alone and thinking,” why she wouldn’t be a mother yet she……….”. Then she had gone in to her past memories. She remembered Ayaz, her collage friend. He was a handsome and a good looking man. Most of her friend liked him and wanted to be Ayaz’s girlfriend but he liked only Kamika. Kanika was so prity has long hair, fair complexion and had charming personality.
In starting Kanika was not impressed with Ayaz but he was trying and trying . At last he got success to impress Kanika. Solely- slowly Kanika and Ayaz love each other. After some day Kanika came to know that she was pregnant. Both were knew very well that their family would not be ready for that relation, because first of all they belong different caste and second thing there was a great financial different between their family. They both knew it very well yet they fall in love and result was in front of them. When they talked in their family about their love but the family members were orthodox. They did not understand.
At last Ayaz and Kanika gave up. They did not have courage to fight with their family and society. Kanika was the only daughter of her parent so she tried once more from other way and in last her father became ready to married her with Ayaz and went to Ayaz’s home but there was no one. The door had locked. When he asked from Ayaz’s neighbor they replied that Ayaz had gone USA with his family, his aunty’s home for always. They would never come from. Hearing that Kanika would became like a statue. She abort her child in pressure of her parent and for whom she stopped them. Her first love Ayaz cheated her, he had gone to leave her and would never return.
After some Kanika’s aunty told her mother about Mukul and his family. He belongs very rich and settled family. So Kanika’s parent married her with him.
Every thing going good till two years of marriage. Responsibilities made Kanika more mature. Slowly-slowly Kanika fully flat on Mukul’s goodness and qualities. She fall on love with him and it was a true love. She did not know that which Mukul she loved too much, would changed suddenly. He started to drink and fight with Kanika but Kanika never variance Mukul because she would love and make her husband by heart.
Suddenly the voice of Mukul and her mother broke Kanika’s memory. She had came back with her deep past memory. Mukul’s mother was showing him Rashmi’s photograph and said he should married with her because Kanika could not give heir to their family and Rashmi would give it. If you want that the name and fame of your father will continue. You would have to marry with Rashmi. You don’t worry about Kanika. She also live in this home. Mukul was stand silently and listening everything. He wanted to say some thing but he couldn’t.
After listening everything Kanika shocked. Once again her life decision was taking by other person. She found herself on the two way of life. She decide that now she would not give right to anyone to enter in her life. Once she accept Mukul as her luck but now she would fight for herself. But the main problem was that, she was an Indian woman and she couldn’t tell any one about Mukul’s disability because it was not her culture and she loved Mukul too much.
Then she decide that she had to do some thing like that from which every thing would be ok without any disturbance. She was very clever, she called a doctor and talk some thing and went to the bathroom. After some time her sister in law went to her mother and said,
” Mamma bhabhi is vomiting”.
“definitely she eat anything wrong”.Her mother replied.
Then Kanika came and said, no Mamma we should have to go the doctor may be I would be a mother.
Suddenly expression of her mother in law had changed, “Oh! What a good news you have given” She said.
Both went to the doctor, doctor tested and said, yes your daughter in law is right. She would be mother. Mother in law was very happy. When she came home and given that good news to all family members. Every one became happy and why had not because this happiness movement had came in their life after five years of Mukul’s marriage. Father in law had just given money and said bring sweet and distribute it in society.
” I would be a grand paa. It’s a great news.”
Mukul came and asked “whats a good news. Why you all are happy?”
“Oh! My son you were saying in the morning that you don’t want to do second marriage. Now no need because I would be grand mother and you would be father.”
Mukul was surprised, “How it is possible, How Kanika would be a mother”.
His father happily said “Kanika would be mother and I would be a grand pa. That’s why you would be a father. Oh my son, Kanika and you have given me the biggest happiness of my life.”
“But papa how it’s possible.”
“Oh Bro. what a great news bhabhi has given and you are upset why?”
“Really I would be a mother” Kanika said.
Mukul was very angry, “How you could be mother, what you have done?”
Mukul was going to slap Kankika suddenly mother in law hold his hand and said, “ why are you doing this?”
Mukul angrily said, “ Mom you don’t know definitely she had done something wrong. She could not be a mother?”
Kanika asked,” but why?”
“Because I could never be a father.”
Now there was a great silent. Every one looked Mukul’s face. One voice came among from them. It was Kanika’s voice.
“This I do want to tell everyone that I haven’t any disability. You are disable to be father. I could be a mother.”
There was tear in her. She said “I don’t want to abuse you and I would listen the tone of barren woman in whole life. If mamma did not asked you about second marriage. But when she said this I have to take this decision. So that you said your truth to all. After listening my story doctor also helped me.”
Mukul apologized for his fault and be ready for check up. After taken many test doctor said, there was a good news that Mukul could be a father. He had some Harmon problem. Which was fully treated. After treatment Mukul had medicine regularly. He gave up drinking also because he drunk only hide his disability. After seven month Kanika came to know that she would be a mother which news had came last time as curse that comes this as a boon.
Everyone was very happy either her in law or her parent. A month had pass away. She gave a birth to a cute son. Kanika forget her all problem, pain and sorrow after watching is innocent face. Then Kanika was feeling very special. She was very happy with his husband and son and family. Now there was no more space in her life for any Ayaz. Her face of love has changed.