Gems! – Short Story with Moral Lesson
Photo credit: anitapeppers from morguefile.com
Staring up at the dark cloudy night sky, the wind seemed drastically cold and the scenes flashed by Sarah’s eyes as if taken from a movie. But there was nothing she could do about it now. It was too late. She could not stop the images from flashing and the sounds of the last conversations screaming inside her emotion filled head because now realization washed over.
From the moment she came in this world, the moment she opened her eyes, she did not see Facebook or her i-pod or her friends but the reason of her existence… “Her parents” who loved her for who she was back than when she couldn’t speak or eat or could even stand on her own legs. When she wasn’t aware of the world outside her cot. Her father taught her to walk and held her little hand so she wouldn’t fall. Her mother ignored her little mistakes and forgave her for she was innocent. Sarah smiled at the fact that they were the ones who stayed awake at nights because of her, the ones who were embarrassed in front of the guests when Sarah behaved absurdly. The ones who loved her dearly!
Sarah could remember the pictures of her first day at school clinging on to her father’s leg. She could remember the times when her mother used to tell her those bedtime stories and kiss her to bed. But what did she give them in return..? How did she repay them..? By those late night fights. Those irrational arguments. Or by hurting them? When they asked Sarah to accompany them for a drive, to sit and have a family dinner or watch a movie together Sarah chose her friends and personal life instead of the people who should have meant the world to her. She did not sit with them to talk rather spend hours on the internet. When her parents scolded her, guided her to the right path, she ignored considering them old fashioned. She thought she was right and that her parents did not want her to be happy they didn’t care much. But she was naïve and inexperienced, she trusted her friends more than her parents. Time passed she didn’t listen to what they had to say. Sarah was unaware of the fact that the world is a cruel place people stick with u only for their own benefit. Good friends are hard to find. Not everyone is how they seem to be. When she got mature enough to realize and ask for forgiveness it was already too late. She understood that they had been right all along after all those troubles and mistakes the only people in the world who could forgive her were her parents. They would still love her the same way. Parents are the ones who scold u. Forgive u. Cry with u and always love u. but what now?? Who is she going to talk to? Who is she going to complain? who will she fight with? Who will sit by her side for endless hours to comfort her? All was lost and Sarah realized the value!!
Now she could take everything back just to be with the ones who meant everything to her. She was engrossed in the memories as Tears rolled down her face and reality hit. Remorse was all she had left. But they were not gone. Maybe for the world they had but for Sarah they were always alive. She was going to act upon their teachings. Her parents had taught her everything she knew, about life hope and the long journey ahead, she will always miss them but their love is like the wind she couldn’t see but could feel it…!
We realize the value of gem when it is lost…