Family Short Story – A Mother’s Meditation
Photo credit: anitapeppers from morguefile.com
So what does meditation mean to you? For the mother in me, right from that very first day, it has been the calm that blankets me when I am with my child. Every minute that this working mum can spare with her cherubic little daughter, can be counted as meditation.
Whether it was the nightly vigils, sleepless feeding sessions, singing lullabuys or just sitting and rocking her to sleep, I feel connected to a ME that I never knew before.
Even in the midst of her tantrums, and the early morning rush hours, I just need one small peck on my cheek or even a hurried hug, to make me believe. Isn’t meditation meant to do just that. To reconnect you back to your soul, your reason for being?
And some how, this feeling has moved on to my love for writing also. May be, it is because most of what I write revolves around her and my experiences as a mother. I crawl back in to this quiet space, even amidst chaos and the cacophony of household or work chores.
A space that I can very well relate to my times spent with my daughter. On the darkest days, when nothing seems to have gone right, all I need are two twinkling lights in her eyes and a million dollar smile. The say goes, ‘There’s always a light at the end of the tunnle’. Well, it will have to be two lights in my case, her enchanting eyes.
One look at her, from the moment when she flies in to my arms every evening (even if it is only to poke and dig through my purse), and I am in a different space all together. Nothing else seems to matter, and I am rendered deaf and blind to the world around me.
All the world’s worries, trial and tribulations are swiped right out of my mind, for as long as I am with her. Her songs, her endless questions and our never ending conversations – that is how this mummy and daughter duo, bond together in the evenings. And that is how this mother meditates.