Short Story on Father and Daughter – My Father
Photo credit: taliesin from morguefile.com
Memories came gushing in as a parcel hit my head hard as it fell from top of the old rugged cupboard at my fathers house,
I looked at the parcel not knowing what it contained……was dumbstruck to see my fathers precious last words locked away in an enclosed piece of paper…..
Those words made me lost in old memories as i sat on the sofa of my room looking far towards the shining stars…..
18 years back -
Look dad!! that pink diamond necklace, its soo pretty I cried in joy………
My father smiled and said ” hmm… you fancy jewels just like your mother dear…..”
“Was mummy just like me??” I asked excitingly.
“yes very pretty just like u, you have her sparkling smile and lovely eyes” replied my father as he held my hands,
“Daddy can I have that necklace…please….”
“You are too small to own such a thing, but I promise one day you’ll have this same pink diamond necklace……”
“promise daddy?”
“yes its a promise Beth…………..” he said with an innocent smile.
Years passed….and my father got married for the second time……he felt I needed a mother…..god knows what made him feel like this….
anyways he knew better….
Well,my father was a kind man…..My mother was no more, But my dear dad never made me feel as if I had no mother,
he was a person whom I could look up to, my father was my hero…..
I didn’t argue with my father when he married Julia……my step mother……
I knew my father would never do anything wrong because he always thought of my betterment….But yes I was horrified and disturbed at his decision…..
I wasn’t ready to have someone in our life….Things changed as years passed and so did my step mother Julia, the first 3 weeks were o.k until she got jealous and upset with me for getting all the attention from my father.
Oh yes! she was a women who wore masks…..masks of all kinds!!!….
She pretended to be an angle front of my father but turned into a devil whenever she encountered me.
She abused me physically and mentally whenever she got a chance to do so…..All she wanted was our family riches.
I never let my father know about her evil soul….I didn’t want him to be sad at his decision as my father was already suffering from sickness…
Eventually everything changed….
My poor father turned pale as days passed and sickness worsened his condition….He was no more….
I had no one to share my feelings with….I wanted to run away….But how and where could I go???
Every penny of my fathers earnings was snatched away by my step mother……..I was just Julia’s slave now and nothing more……After few years Julia got married to someone else and I was abandoned, left alone to rot in an mean world…..
“Mummy! what is inside?” my 6 year old daughter asked me lovingly as she clenched my hands into hers….Breaking myself from my subconscious mind I looked at her with tearful eyes…..
“its a pink diamond necklace dear” I replied…..
The parcel contained one more thing………a letter.
It read…..To my
My dear girl Beth,
Its never too late or too early to share your inner feelings remember?
Am sure the time you read this letter i’ll be already gone.
Am so sorry I wont be able to see you grow up,
But remember I will join your mother in heaven and will be smiling down on you everyday,
I know things just didn’t turn out the way i thought it would be, Hope you forgive me for marrying Julia,
she thugged and took away all our riches……..I didn’t have anything to give you my dear,
What could a helpless man suffering from cancer could possibly do?
That’s why i decided to sell my organs for money…..anyways i was gonna go someday…...
I just wanted to fulfill your wish……. How could i possibly forget about my promise to you…..Remember the diamond necklace??
You will find the necklace along with this letter…….
Hope it falls into the right hands…….
Your daddy will always be proud of you and will always love you,
And never forget that god knows what is best for you, trust him with all your heart,
Everything will be fine. my blessing will always be with you,
I pray for your happiness, always be happy my sweetie.
With lots of love,
your Daddy