Short Story of a Mother – Just a child
Photo credit: pablogv2004 from morguefile.com
Tiny fingers. An open mouth. Long eyelashes. Pea pod like toes, that tickle me all night. I am what I am, only when I am with you. We color walls and make up instant stories. You choose the colours and I think of the music.
We wave good byes and say I Love You. Kisses fly across the hall way, and pillows are our secret dream stores. You and I, we meet in the evenings. While you chatter by the dozen, I sit quietly and listen.
What is it about your rosy cheeks and instant smiles, that drag out the child hiding within me? How is it that your innocence never ceases to amaze me? You become the purpose of my life, my life too, in fact!
You are but, just a child. As the wise ones say, HE resides in the likes of you. So I will have a silent chat with HIM, as you mumble in your sleep. May be He will answer now that the world rests, and He quietly sits weaving their countless dreams.
I wish you won’t grow up so fast. You are just a little older every evening. And when I wake up in the morning, you have grown so much through the night too. I miss cuddling a tiny soft bundle close to my chest from sun rise to sun down.
I just know that I am safe, when I am with you. You are my guarding angle, who runs behind me, and plays peek a boo! You are but, just a child, and I wish you remain so forever. Even when you are up right next to my shoulder, may you still be a child. The same innocent mischievous rebel that you are today.
What magic wand did He send you with? That you smile and the worries vanish. That you find such simple solutions to my never ending woes. After all, are you not, but, just a child, who knows nothing of this world?
May be that is His Master Plan. To let the child like rule the roost. I promise to let you be a child forever. To be innocent and inquisitive and ask questions over and over. You will dream and imagine and do what your heart decides.
If you hurt your self some how, you and I, we will sit together and kiss the wounds away. The roads will be long and tiresome too. But I know it for a fact, that you will carry on till you reach the next milestone. There will be no right or wrong paths to take.
My belief is in your innocent sleeping face, soft cheeks and tiny fingers, that still curl up around mine. They warm my heart and hearth, and my soul too. Every time my faith will falter, I will bury your soft palms in to mine and touch base with Him, once again.
You are and always be the reason for who I choose to be. You are a precious dream that has come true, and I wish to goodness, that may all yours be as true and sure as the sun shine and the morning dew.