Short Story – Of dreams discarded
Photo credit: diciu from morguefile.com
She never went to the beach, she hated the waters. From the first time she set afoot on the sand she knew this place wasn’t going to be fun. Today she is standing on the beach, and staring at the wide sea.
Sudha was 22 when she got married, she was brought up to believe that was her aim in life, to marry and to birth kids. She did both well. Kids settled abroad, and a nice cozy home in one of the plush places where only a few middle class people could fathom to stay in. Needless to say, she would be happy.
Sudha turned 58 today, but there was no reason to celebrate, she didn’t feel any achievement or contentment in getting older everyday. Each growing year only reminded her how she never did anything for her self and her own life. How everything was for the kids and her husband.
She met him only once before they got married, she had no say in it and she never thought she needed too. She didn’t have opinions on marriage or married life, she never fell in love and never attempted too. All she wanted was simplicity and uncomplications.
But as years went by, simplicity turned to silence and the uncomplicatedness turned bitter. Her over ambitious husband, achieved great success and with which great tastes, in lifestyle and in women. Extra martial affairs, lavish holidays and a foul temper.Each growing day the marriage seemed like a compromise, life seemed useless.
Sudha never had dreams but now she wished she did, because then she’d know what she was giving up on and have the courage to fight for it
Yesterday Amee,her youngest daughter, gave birth to a baby boy, she couldn’t be happier and was due to visit her daughter next month.
Back home her husband, was reading a book and looking at the clock, he was waiting for his evening tea.
Next day the news paper headlines read: 58 yr old. women drowns to death.