Family Short Story – Joy, Joy and more Joy
Photo credit: nasirkhan from morguefile.com
31st December’ 2013
It was a positive, Meeta’s happiness had no bounds now. The little magic stick in her hand showed 2 clear lines, she was going to have an awesome New Year’s eve. Meeta ran and showed the stick to Rahul and they hugged instantly with tears in their eyes.
“Rahul, can you believe this. It has happened. Something that we had waited for so long is finally coming to us.” Said Meeta with tears in her eyes.
“Yes, yes. I love you so much. I cannot tell you how much I love you. Thanks a lot darling.” Whispered Rahul
It was finally happening. They were pregnant; it was the time to celebrate a new life that they had created together. Busy with New Year’s preparation house party, the household chores did not look like a big deal. After all, they were getting the biggest happiness of their lives in a few months.
15th January’ 2013
“Mom, it has happened finally. I am so happy, I am already 7 weeks pregnant. I am so worried mom, I don’t want to do anything wrong.” Said Meeta in one of the conversations with her mom-in-law.
“Don’t worry baby, it going to be all fine. Don’t worry at all. Just don’t take physical or mental stress and just be yourself, be happy. That’s the most important thing.”
“You know I saw the baby’s limbs and head in scan today. It is so tiny and it is inside me.” Said Meeta letting her tears flow.
“You know mom, even Rahul was so astonished looking at that little life inside me. He looked at me and then he looked at monitor. Mom, I am so excited.” Continued Meeta.
She knew her in-laws were very happy. They were jumping with joy the first time she told them. Her brother in law told her later that mom was practically dancing. She was finally going to give them the happiness of being grand-parents. She was very happy because she knew that they were so proud of her.
5th March 2013
Meeta was nervous and also tensed. She was just standing outside her boss’s cabin to give him the news. To tell him that she would take a maternity leave very soon, not only that she would also want to take 2 months extra unpaid leave because she plans to go to her mother’s place for delivery. She entered the cabin tensed as to what the reaction would come from the other end.
“Hi Krishna, I need to tell you something. I am almost 4 months pregnant and will need to take maternity leave from August this year.” She just said it in a single breath.
Krishna’s expressions were stiff. “I see, congratulations!” said Krishna.
That’s all. I see. What sort of the reaction was this? She knows Krishna to be strict and of course did not expect him to jump with joy at the news. But “I see”. This was weird.
“Krishna, I will also need 2 more months, I plan to go to my mom’s place and stay there for some time.”
“Fine, it’ll be taken care of” now there was a little smirk on his face.
She felt better. She got up to leave, when Krishna said, “You have given a lot to this organization and I want you to know that we will support you as much as we can during this happy and tough time of your life” Now, he was smiling completely.
“Thanks Krishna. I am glad you feel this way.” She got up and left, feeling much lighter now. It is always difficult for a girl to break this news to her boss. But then this was her right. As a woman, she will want to be a mother and as a virtue of that company is entitled to give her the support that she deserves. Yes, she knew all of that, but there is always a little bit of nervousness while breaking the news.
Well, this headache was over her head.
11th May’ 2013
Her office cab was waiting outside, she was getting late for work. It was getting difficult to handle. She had much less energy now and she was hungry all the time. She was just clearing up the kitchen, Rahul had already left and she just took the lift and sat in the cab. She remembered that she is not supposed to hurry up no matter what.
She was sitting in front of her laptop trying to focus on the code review that she was supposed to complete in a couple of days. But her brain was not with her. She wasn’t able to concentrate. She was quite used to the nausea now, but she was experiencing it after weeks. She just dismissed it. After a while she felt a bit wet down there, she rushed to the loo only to find her panty soaked in blood. She screamed and she got help immediately.
Rahul came rushing to the hospital. Meeta just kept crying unable to say a single word. It was all over for her. All the happiness was turned into blood now. Doctors said that she had bled too much and there was no hope for the baby. Rahul was appearing to be strong but Meeta knew he was as broken as she was. All the excitement was gone, it was only pain all around.
She was operated and when she woke up she saw Rahul sitting there holding her hand just staring at the floor. She hugged him and both of them ended up crying. “It is going to be okay. Don’t worry. We will try again.” Said Rahul.
11th May’ 2014
Meeta was sitting on her bed with that magic stick in her hand. The two lines on it had faded away but were still visible. It was the first sign of her baby. She had the scans all around her. She simply couldn’t take her eyes off them. Baby’s limbs, head, heart – it was all so tiny.
“What did I do wrong? I wish I took off from work. I wish I didn’t stay back late at work couple of days before. I wish I was more careful. I couldn’t carry you, baby. Mamma was weak, she couldn’t carry you well.” She said in whispers.
Meeta who was known to be the life of every gathering and party had become very dull and lifeless; as if a part of her own soul was taken away with that miscarriage.
It had been an year and she was struggling to explain Rahul why she was still upset. He would get angry at times or irritated. He would try to be nice to her and explain to her why it is important to move on. He would sometimes just lose his patience and shout at her. No matter what he did, Meeta did not get back her life. She did not want to go out with friends, she did not want to go for movies or dates with him. Sometimes she did come with him for shopping but he knew it was only to keep his wish.
Rahul was struggling and sometimes he strongly felt that this marriage might just fall apart. They have been trying to conceive again since last 3 months, but it doesn’t seem to be working out. Every month when she gets her period, she gets the same pain again. It was becoming difficult for Rahul to handle her.
Meeta on the other hand felt, “What does he know about becoming a mother? He did not carry the baby or rather mis-carry the baby. He doesn’t understand. I will take time.”
“How much time, Meeta? It is going to be an year. It’s ok, we will have a baby eventually.” Said Rahul.
Meeta was lost in her thoughts surrounded by the scans and tears in her eyes, when the door bell rang. She knew it was Rahul. She went to open the door and surprisingly Rahul seemed very happy. He had a little basket in his hand, she wondered what it was. And he said, “I have a pleasant surprise for you.” He came inside and kept the basket on the ground and opened the lid.
Meeta screamed with joy as soon as she looked at the little puppy pop out of the basket and started roaming around sniffing.
“He is only 20 days old, he has just recently opened his eyes. “ said Rahul and saw Meeta holding puppy close to her, hugging him and embracing him and he knew he did the right thing.
Meeta was crying and this time these were the tears of joy. She was holding in her arms a little baby, a little life; maybe not her own but it was a little life. She held him for long and then fed him, gave him water and her life found a new happiness and a new joy.
Meeta and Rahul named him “Joy” because Joy was the source of real joy in their lives. Meeta got so busy keeping Joy happy that her own life fell in place. Joy came and healed her pain, Joy gave her a new hope, Joy gave her a new reason to be happy.