Short Story Mother Daughter – Undercover
Photo credit: taliesin from morguefile.com
Once there was two girls that lived on property that wasn’t even there’s but helped people. They didn’t live in the house, they lived in the woods. They ate things that were edible on the land, not actual food. They didn’t use a vehicle, but they walked wherever they would go. The two girls, though, they were caught by the people that lived at the house. And this is the story of the two girls named Emma and Sarah.
“Do you think we’ll ever find our parents again?” said Emma
Sarah looked at her and said, “I doubt it. Look how old we are and how many years we’ve been here. They’re not looking for us. And even, we don’t remember them.”
Emma looked at the house at the property and said, “Are we ever going to tell the people that live there that we live on their land?”
Sarah picked up an apple and placed it in a basket and said, “Of course not. ‘Hi nice to meet you, we’ve been living on your land’, yeah that would turn out right.”
Emma picked up an apple and gave it to Sarah and said, “Do you think they have seen us?”
Sarah sat down on a tree stump and said, “Maybe. We usually aren’t out in the day around the area. Though, I think the people there are moving or going on a vacation.”
Emma got up bright eyed and said, “I have an idea.”
Sarah stood up and said, “Oh no, when you get ideas they usually aren’t good.”
Emma looked at Sarah and said, “My ideas aren’t always bad, some work…sometimes.” She smiled remembering some.
Sarah snapped her fingers in front of her face and said, “So what is your ‘brilliant idea’?”
Emma said when she walking, “Well, they are leaving for some amount of time, we don’t know how long…”
Sarah nodded and said, “Yeah.”
Emma continued, “Well we can explore their house, see how people really live, see the things we’re missing, and try things.”
Sarah looked at the house and said, “I don’t know, that doesn’t sound right, that means we’re trespassing and we could get detrimentally in trouble.”
Emma walked in front of Emma and said, “Technically we are already trespassing and they haven’t done anything…come on, Sarah?”
Sarah thought about it and said, “Fine.”
Emma walked away and turned and said, “This is gonna be fun!”
The next day the family left in a van. The girls were peering from behind a tree seeing the van leaving. Emma said, “Well they’re gone. Let’s go.”
Emma started running down the driveway to the house and Sarah ran and grabbed her arm and said, “Are you sure we should be doing this?”
Emma got her hand released and said, “Yeah. What’s the worst thing that could happen to us?”
Sarah looked around and said, “There could be camera’s, there could be an alarm when we go in. Something. Anything can happen.”
Emma looked at her and said, “If there were camera’s they would have caught us by now. And alarms? That one year someone from the house got locked out in the night and broke in, no alarm went off. This house isn’t in the city.”
Emma started to walk and she turned and said, “Are you coming?”
“Yeah.” said Sarah walking behind.
When they approached the house Sarah said, “So how are we going to get in the house?”
Emma said, “Um, maybe open the door.”
“Oh yeah, they are just going to leave their door open. Oh yeah okay.” said Sarah
Emma opened the screen door. To the left of it inside was a key. She said, “Maybe this will open the door.”
Sarah said, “Okay, yeah, they are going to leave the key in the door.” As she said that Emma used the key and opened the door.
Emma looked behind and said, “Yeah they won’t do that.”
Sarah said, “Maybe they would.”
Emma then walked in the house and it was very dirty and she said, “Why is it so dirty in here?”
“I don’t know.” said Sarah.
Emma looked at Sarah and said, “You know, after we look around and try things we should clean the place up. Hey, it’s the least we could do, we have lived on their property all these years. What do you say?”
“I don’t know, Emma. I don’t think that is a good idea.”
Emma said, “You said this wasn’t a good idea.”
“I know. It’s not.”
Emma gave her a mean look and said, “Oh come on.”
Sarah looked around and said, “Maybe. But not at this very second.”
Emma walked into the living room and seen a photo, she said, “This must be the family that lives here.”
Sarah said, “Let me see.”
Emma gave the picture and she said, “That one guy in there is really hot.”
Sarah looked at it and said, “There is a mother and a father and a son that lives here. I wonder why we haven’t seen the son, he looks somewhere around my age?”
Emma said, “Maybe he’s more inside then outside. Besides, we usually aren’t around in the day, like you said.”
“I guess.” said Sarah putting the picture down.
Emma picked it back up and started kissing it where the boy was.
Sarah said, “Don’t do that.”
“Why?” said Emma
Emma put the picture down and they walked into the kitchen. Emma said, “Whoa, food.”
The girls seen all the food from deserts to dinner. Emma said, “I have gotta taste some of this.”
She grabbed a bag of chips and was ready to open them, but then Sarah grabbed it out of her hands and said, “Don’t open brand new things, open things that are already opened and take a bite, but not too much.” She placed the chips back in the cupboard.
Sarah walked to the table and there was a television hanging and Emma said, “What’s that?”
Sarah looked at her and said, “It’s a TV.”
Emma gave a questioned look and said, “What’s a TV?”
Sarah seen a remote and pushed a button on it and the black box lit up with color. Sarah said, “It’s something that you can watch shows and things on.”
Emma lit up and said, “Wow. I love this place.”
Sarah walked to a door and it said ‘Kevin’. Sarah opened the door and walked in and it was filled with sporting things, a guitar, a desk, a dresser, and a bed. She looked on the desk and there were many papers spread out and she looked at them. Emma then bursts in and said, “What are you doing?”
Sarah said, “Looking. That boy that lives here, his name is Kevin. It says on the door. He must be very active, and he must love music.”
Emma looked at her and said, “How do you know?”
Sarah said, “Because there is a guitar and there are all kinds of sporty things around the room.”
“We should get out of here. I think that’s the best idea.” said Sarah
“Why? I love this place. Let’s look around some more.”
Sarah walked out of Kevin’s room and said, “No. If they come home and see us here, things can happen to us.”
Emma turned to Sarah and said, “What ‘things’ could happen to us?”
Sarah said, “Things like arresting us. Or if they are so serious, they could kill us.”
Emma stopped and said, “Kill us?”
Emma started to walk again and said, “Well, dead or alive, I am continuing to look. So if you want to leave, then go.”
Sarah said, “I can’t leave you in here.”
“So you’re agreeing to stay?”
Sarah said, “I guess I am.”
Emma said, “Great.” She then looked in another room and said, “What room is this?”
Sarah said, “It’s the bathroom.”
Emma said, “I don’t remember this room in our house.”
Sarah said, “That’s because you were too small to remember.”
“What do you mean?”
Sarah said, “You were only four or five.”
Sarah said, “Emma. It’s hard to remember that far back. So please.”
Emma walked out of the bathroom and said, “Okay, let’s start cleaning, I have seen enough.”
Sarah said, “I guess we could do that. But we have to be out of this house soon. And by that I mean sooner the better.”
Emma nodded.
Then Sarah seen something shiny and went over and Emma said, “More keys, what could those be for?”
Sarah grabbed them and said, “These aren’t house keys.”
Sarah ran outside and went to the garage next door and went opened the garage and Emma said, “What are they for?”
Sarah said, “This.” It was a beautiful car.
Emma said, “Those are those things that people drive, cars.”
Sarah said, “Yeah.”
Emma said, “What are you gonna do?”
“I’m going to drive it.”
Emma said, “Can I?”
“Emma, you aren’t old enough to drive.”
Sarah got in it and Emma got in the passenger side and said, “How old do I have to be?”
Sarah said, “16.” She then put the key in the ignition and turned the key. The car turned on and Sarah said, “Okay, let’s see how we do this.”
Sarah put the car in gear and hit one peddle and it went forward. She hit the other and it stopped. She then tried some other things. Emma said, “What does this do?” She hit the button and it turned the radio on to a song called “Story of My Life”.
Sarah said, “Music. I love this song.”
Sarah then started to drive and she steered. She then went down the driveway and stopped at the top and turned to Emma and said, “Ready?”
Emma said, “Are you sure about this?”
Sarah said, “Yeah.”
She then went on the road and went and then another car pulled behind her. Emma said, “Isn’t that one of those bad cars. I mean police cars?”
Sarah said, “Oh my God. Yes, crap!”
Emma said, “What?”
“Technically I am not aloud to drive.”
Sarah then turned off, but the police car continued going. Sarah said, “That was a close one.” Sarah then went in reverse, turned around, and went back in the driveway. She parked the car where it was and put the keys back where they were.
Emma said, “I am surprised that you knew how to drive.”
“I’m surprised to.” said Sarah.
For the next week the two girls cleaned the house. That Friday they were burning a bag of trash when the van was pulling down and Sarah said, “God! Put the fire out, now!”
Emma poured water on the fire and they hid behind a tree. The family got out of the car and the mother said, “What’s burning?”
The father said, “I don’t know.”
The family then went into the house and Sarah and Emma looked through the back window at their reactions and they were surprised but scared at what happened.
They walked back out and the mother said, “What happened to our house?”
The father said, “I don’t know. It’s like someone cleaned it. It looks awesome.”
Emma said, “See. I told you it would be fine.”
Sarah said, “I don’t know sis.”
Kevin then walked around the vehicle in the garage and it was polished he said, “Gosh! My car. It’s polished.”
The mother said, “It is. Someone must really like us for doing this.”
The father said, “But who did?”
As they unpacked, Emma and Sarah just stood by the stream catching fish.
That night Kevin walked out and was walking down the driveway going to get the mail and before he could he seen two sets of footprints. He then followed them and he then heard two voices coming by the stream. He looked from behind the tree and saw two girls. One his age and one younger.
Emma said, “Do you think they like what we did?”
Sarah said, “I believe so.”
Then Kevin came from behind the tree and said, “We did.”
Emma and Sarah got up and Sarah said, “Oh Gosh! Uh, what are you doing here?”
Kevin said, “I found footprints leading here. I was curious who I would find. And I found the girls that did our house.”
Sarah said, “Please don’t do anything to us.”
“I won’t. I promise. Out here we aren’t so concerned on someone breaking in since we lived down south. What are your names?” said Kevin
Emma said, “My name is Emma, hot guy.”
Sarah hit Emma on the arm and said, “And I am Sarah.”
Kevin said, “Nice to meet both of you. Why are you on our property? Why aren’t both you girls at your homes?”
Sarah said, “We don’t have homes. And we’re here because we have been.”
“What do you mean?” said Kevin
Sarah said, “We were dropped off here years ago by our parents and we’ve lived here since on things that we knew. And we’ve helped people throughout the years.”
Kevin said, “How many years?”
Emma said, “Nine or ten years, something like that.”
Kevin said, “Gosh! Why didn’t you do anything like ask us or whatever?”
“We thought it was for the best.” said Sarah
Kevin said, “Get your stuff.”
Sarah said, “We’re our stuff.”
“Come on.” said Kevin
Sarah said, “Where?”
Kevin said, “To our home. I’m not leaving you out here.”
Emma and Kevin started walking and Sarah said, “Oh.” Sarah then said, “Um, I need to get something real quick, give me a second.”
Sarah ran out of site and Emma said, “I honestly don’t know what my big sis is doing.”
Sarah then approached them and Emma said, “What were you getting?”
Sarah said, “I forgot after I left.”
“Okay.” said Emma confused.
As the walked Sarah said, “So why are you welcoming us into your household?”
“Because it’s not safe for two young girls like yourself to be out here after dark.” said Kevin
Sarah stopped and so did they and said, “First of all I am not ‘young’ and second of all we’ve been out here this long and nothing has happened.
Kevin said, “Well yeah but I just think it’s better. By the way, how old are you anyway?”
“I am thirteen, Kevin poo.” said Emma
Sarah said, “I’m sorry for her calling you all these names.”
Emma said, “How can I not? He is adorable. He is like….HOT!!”
“It’s okay but please try not to, Emma. And how old are you?” said Kevin
Sarah said, “I am 17 years of age.”
Sarah started walking again and Kevin said, “I’m 30 years old.”
Emma said, “Gosh, you don’t look your age since my sister looks the same age as you.”
“Honestly, your sister looks a touch older then what she is but that is just my opinion.” said Kevin.
Kevin then came to the front door and said, “Well, this is my house and it is about to be yours also. When we get in, though, I need to talk to my parents.”
He then opened the door and said, “If it wasn’t for you, our house wouldn’t look so clean.” He laughed.
As the walked in, his mother said, “Who are these girls?”
Kevin said, “This is Sarah and Emma. These are the two girls that cleaned the house and all. Thing is they’ve been living on our property for plenty of years.”
His mother looked at them and said, “Well thanks for cleaning our house. Why did you live on our property?”
Emma said, “Our parents left us here to die.”
Sarah said, “There is more to the story but it’s sad to talk about. Please don’t do anything to us, if it was up to us we would still be out there since that is the only life we know.”
His mother said, “We won’t do anything to you. I just can’t believe that two girls could survive out there.”
Emma said, “If it wasn’t for my big sis, I think we would be dead.”
“Mom, can you please welcome these girls?” said Kevin
His mother said, “I would but I do need to ask your father. Give me a second and I will fetch you an answer.
Kevin said, “Don’t worry, my Dad is thoughtful.”
Sarah said, “That’s good.”
His mother and dad then walked out and his dad said, “Girls, my wife told me about you and you’re welcome to stay here. You can stay in the spare bedroom.”
“Thanks so much Sir, you are very thoughtful.” said Sarah
His dad said, “Don’t call me Sir, just call me Dad.”
Sarah said, “Thanks. By the way, my name is Sarah and I am 17. And this is my sister, Emma, and she is 13.”
His mother said, “Nice to meet you.”
Kevin said, “Come with me and I’ll show you to your room.” They followed him.
His Dad said to his wife, “That one girl, Sarah, looks older then 17. She looks our sons age.”
She responded, “I agree but I don’t know.”
Kevin opened the door to their room and Emma ran in and looked at everything and Sarah said, “Thanks.”
Kevin said to Sarah, “Can I ask you something?”
Sarah said, “Yes?”
Kevin said, “Tomorrow can I take you somewhere?”
“Of course.” said Sarah.
Kevin then closed the door and Sarah walked in and Emma said, “What is wrong with you?”
Sarah said, “Nothing.”
Emma said, “Sis, you look like you are starting to like Kevin.”
“Of course not, Emma. He is 30, and I am only 17.” said Sarah
Emma said, “What did he ask you?”
Sarah said, “He asked if I wanted to go somewhere with him tomorrow.”
“Did you say ‘yes’? Please say you did.” said Emma as she hugged a pillow.
Sarah said, “I did say ‘yes’.” Sarah then got into the bed and said, “But for the moment I am going to sleep and so should you.”
That night they went to bed and the next morning Sarah got up and walked out and Kevin was eating breakfast, she said, “Why aren’t your parents eating breakfast with you?”
Kevin said, “They never do. I usually wake up and watch the news.”
Sarah looked at the television and said, “Well not like you I have things to do.”
Kevin said, “What do you have to do?”
Sarah said, “I’m going to do my usual.”
“Which is?”
Sarah said, “I’ll show you.”
Kevin got up and turned the television off and they walked outside. She walked around the back of the house and came to their old garden and watered the plants. He said, “So that is why those plants live?”
Sarah said, “Yeah. I usually do more. If you want I can show you what I mean?”
Kevin said, “Sure.”
Sarah started to walk down to the barn and down past the pond and said, “My sister doesn’t even know about this. And yes, you can ask questions after we arrive there.”
She kept walking with him behind her through the woods and they arrived at a cave. He said and she started to walk in, “Are you sure we should go in there?”
She said, “Yeah.”
They walked in and it was dark and she then lighted a candle which lighted a the whole place in candles. When they all lit there were photos and things throughout the cave. Kevin said, “What is all this?”
Sarah said, “Things Emma doesn’t know about.”
Kevin looked at the photos on the walls and there were many of them and he said, “Who are these people?”
Sarah said, “Well some are me, some are my ex-boyfriend, some are my parents, and more.”
Kevin said, “I have wanted to ask one thing.”
“What’s that?”
Kevin said, “Are you really 17 years old because you don’t look 17?”
Sarah looked down and said, “I’m not 17, yes.”
Kevin said, “How old are you then?”
Sarah looked at him and said, “I’m 30, your age.”
Sarah said, “Emma is not my sister.”
“What is she then?” said Kevin
Sarah said, “She is my daughter, Kevin.”
Kevin said, “What? Then how about your parents and you being left here?”
Sarah said, “I got pregnant young with my boyfriend. Though, he didn’t want anything to do with the child, so he abandoned me. But it wasn’t him that wanted us dead, my parents thought that me having her at a young age would ruin my life. So I left them and stayed in a motel for about 4 to 5 years and she was living there. Then my parents found where I was staying and so I drove away but I wrecked the car up the rode from here. And they were following me and so I seen your yard and I stayed here. They never knew what happened to me.”
Kevin said, “Why didn’t you tell Emma?”
Sarah said, “Because I didn’t want her to know that no one wanted her to be alive.”
“I’m sorry. Honestly, I remember that accident up the road.” said Kevin
“Yeah. But I do still have contact with the world, but Emma doesn’t know that.”
Kevin said, “How do you?”
“Well there are plugs in your shed down here and so I plug my phone and laptop in there and when Emma is asleep I go on it and that’s how I find missions for us.”
Kevin said, “I knew you couldn’t be 17. You know too much, especially that you know how to drive a car. If you were honestly here and left here you wouldn’t know how to.”
“You must have found out that I drove your car a bit.”
Kevin laughed and said, “I did.”
Sarah said, “Well what now?”
Kevin said, “Let me take you out to brunch?”
Sarah and Kevin walked up to the house and left in his car. Kevin said, “So tell me more about you?”
Sarah said, “Well one of my favorite things in the world is music. I love nature. I used to love to go places with friends but after I had Emma I never saw them again since they were angry I had her. The most important thing in the world though, is Emma.”
Kevin said, “You know every other girl that was in your place would have had an abortion and did what everyone wanted her to do.”
“I know but when I found out I was pregnant she was then the most important thing in my life and she still is.”
When they got to a little restaurant they got out of the car and walked in. When they got their food, Kevin asked, “Are you ever going to tell Emma that you’re her mother?”
Sarah said, “I don’t know.”
Kevin said, “I think you should. It’s her right to know that you’re her mother and that you saved her life.”
Sarah said, “You’re right.”
When they got back Emma ran outside and said, “What happened? Where did you go? Tell me, tell me, tell me?”
Sarah said, “Kevin and I weren’t talking about a relationship or anything.”
“Then what were you talking about?” said Emma.
Kevin walked past towards the house and said, “We were talking about you, Emma.” Kevin walked in the house.
Emma said, “What about me?”
Sarah said, “Emma, come here for a second.” They walked to a bench and sat down.
“What is it?” said Emma
Sarah said, “Emma, you are always so curious why you were here and where your parents are, now haven’t you?”
“Of course. They left us here, why wouldn’t I want to know?”
Sarah said, “Well, it’s a long story. First off your mother got pregnant with her boyfriend and he abandoned her. Her parents and friends wanted you dead and so she left and went to a motel close to here. She had you and you were four to five years old. Her parents then found where she was staying and drove there. Your mom and you drove this way and wrecked. As her parents approached….” Sarah looked away at the woods.
Emma said, “What happened?”
Sarah started to cry a touch and said, “As her parents approached she ran with you and found this land and went into the woods. Later she got things in the car, a few things, and lived on the land.”
Emma said, “Where were you in the story? And where is my Mom?”
Sarah grabbed Emma’s hands and looked at her and said, “Emma, I am your Mom.”
Emma said, “You can’t be my Mom, can you?”
Sarah said, “I am not your big sis, and I am not 17 years old.”
“Then how old are you?”
Sarah said, “I am 30 years old.”
Emma got her hands freed and got up and said, “Why didn’t you tell me? Why didn’t we leave? Why? Why?”
Sarah got up and said, “Everyone I knew wanted you dead, I didn’t want you to die for no reason. I gave up my life for you. I didn’t want you to know that no one wanted you alive except me. I stayed here with you and made those lies until the day I told you the truth.”
Emma started to cry and said, “Mom?”
Sarah said, “Yes?”
Emma hugged Sarah and said, “Thank you for giving up everything for me.”
Sarah said, “You’re welcome.”
Kevin then walked out and said, “How about we all go down to your mom’s special cave place?”
Emma let go of Sarah and said, “What cave place?”
Sarah said, “I’ll show you…come Kevin also.”
They walked down back to the cave and they went in and Sarah lit the candles. As Emma looked, Kevin said to Sarah, “See it wasn’t that bad.”
Sarah looked at Kevin and said, “Yeah. You were right. Thank you.”
Sarah then kissed Kevin on the cheek and he said, “What was that for?”
“For everything you have done for me these past days.” said Sarah
Kevin kissed her on the cheek. Sarah said, “What was that for?”
Kevin said, “For everything you have showed me.”
Emma turned to them and said, “Kiss already.”
Kevin and Sarah smiled at her and kissed. Emma said after the kiss, “Sis, can I still call you Sis or Sarah? Mom just doesn’t feel right just yet.”
Sarah said, “Of course. It doesn’t feel right to me either.”
At the end, Emma and Sarah lived the life as real people but camped out every month like old times, but Kevin did join. Emma never did find her Dad but didn’t care as much as before because she had her Mom, but preferred to still call her Sis. And even Sarah and Kevin started to date and were about to get married but that’s a whole other story.
Story written by Ashley Grachanin
Based on the original show “Undercover” by Ashley Grachanin and Patti.
A sequel could come soon, give me ideas below
I hoped you enjoyed, Comment and share