Short Story Social Isuue – SHE WAS MY MOTHER!
Photo credit: e_v_e_l_i_n_e from morguefile.com
“Thud!”, the door swung open.
I can heart that, they all are stepping in.
“The butchers!”
Their jinx steps besides pressing the floor of the room kicked off my sweet dreams originating from my beautiful sleep too.
Everything happens for a wide, satisfactory and unpredictable reason.
So, the good part of this happening is that now I can witness the conversation of the butchers.
“How much time will it take sir?” SHE is trying to utter something.
I can honor her as ‘SHE’ only, because her lubricious act could let me do her this obligation only.
Her act is compelling me to fall below this frontier too , but I’m not her. I’m not mature enough to understand what the word “women” signifies but definitely ‘SHE’ was now putting that beautiful word into big dilemma to a horrifying extent.
‘SHE is also a WOMEN’
“One more hour Ma’m !” A voice suddenly broke out.
I’m considering him ‘VOICE’, because that’s all I can do. I’m only able to hear them. I’m behind a big wall.
A wall that used to nourish me , flourish me and now we are tearing apart.
This is not a normal parting.
The ‘VOICE’ might have uttered those words by rolling his eyes and stretching his lips. He might have bend down as to show how his etiquettes pushed his backbone naturally to bend down a little that revealed how sophisticated his nerves were?!
“SO, CAN’T THOSE ETIQUETTES STOP him to commence the crime which he is about to commit with sophistication?”
Once more,
“THUD!”, the door swung open.
‘HE’ might have entered. I can say this with utmost confidence because HIS steps are resembling HIM.
HE said, “DO IT FAST!, IT’s been a long time!”
The VOICE answered, “we’re trying our level best , sir!”
Once again the VOICE might have bend down to expose his shameless sophistication.
“I’m such a PAIN for her and I’m such a BURDEN for him!”
They are rich , though THEY DON’T WANT ME.
They are influential, though THEY DON’T WANT ME.
They are literate and educated, though THEY DON’T WANT ME.
“They are not humans! That’s why, they don’t want me!”
“What crime did I commit, they are punishing me so severely?”
Tick-tick, the clock is going round, the hands are wiping out .The roar of the clock is dominating the howling of the butchers.
Few more seconds and I’ll be no more to curse them.
I’ll be no more to plead to them.
The VOICE will not be able to take out his weapon to check out whether , I’m still there beating my legs to mark my presence in SHE’s WOMB.
The VOICE will not be able to check whether I’m still alive , so that HE CAN KILL ME ONE MORE TIME.
“THUD!’, this is a big one.
I know!
This time it’s the “call of GOD!”
“Ma’m , ALL SET!”
They are taking out the stretcher, they are rolling it over the corridor floor, down the stairs.
“I promise I’ll never ask for dolls, you can give the bats, balls, trucks and cars to my brother. I’ll never ask you to spend a single penny on me. I’ll never rebel for any damn thing. I’ll never even raise my voice in front of you. I’ll never go out without asking you a thousand times, moreover, I’ll never go out. I’ll never ask for the things , which you will gift to your son. Let me get the right to be called your daughter!”
“If you’ll say, “sit down here!’. I’ll lay down there!”
“If you’ll say , “Do this!’. I’ll accomplish that!”
“If you’ll say, ‘Do as I say!’…I’ll follow whatever you’ll say!”
“I’ll wash your utensils, iron your clothes,
I’ll broom your house , wipe your floor.
I’ll cook you the tastiest food of all,
Just let me get the title of being born!”
“I will never ask you to marry me to prince. I’ll never ask you to marry me to a handsome, prosperous man But I’ll ask you to marry me to your happiness!’
“MOM, I’ll oil your hairs, I’ll help you to get ready for your kitty parties, I’ll add spice to your gossips and laugh with you on other lady’s accessories and clothes. I’ll carry your shopping bags and tell you which color suits your wardrobe the most!’
“DAD, I want to hold your hand and learn how to walk and I promise I’ll never let that hand go, I’ll hold you till your last breath. I want to lean on your shoulders and wipe your tears !”
SHE said, “thanks doc, we owe it to you!”
HE said, “Thanks surgeon, we got rid of a burden. You saved us!”