Family Short Story – Miracles do exist
Photo credit: dantada from morguefile.com
The night sky was starry, the breeze was blowing. She sat down on the terrace gazing the stars. “How lucky those people are whose wishes come true” , thought Rishika. An unknown smile passed her face. She realised her eyes were moist. She smiled even more.
She collected her sense. She wasn’t unlucky, but sometimes the scales did not weigh heavy on her sides. Though years may have passed there was something that lingered her ears. She could still hear the laughter they shared, her grandfather was indeed jolly. This day was special and she wanted to share it with him but he was far away.
“Hey princess, how did the test pass?” “Umm not so good as I expected”, replied Rishika. She could understand something serious was going to come from his side. She knew him well, his breathing could tell it. Yet she did not want to escape it. He was always tougher outside, more importantly he loved her more than anyone else.
“Why not child, did you not prepare well?” “I suppose the revision period was long than you expected.” She did not know what to say. She prepared well, but the nervousness played fool with her. She cannot lie, not at least to him. She adored him the most. “Sorry grandpa, will try hard next time, its a promise”. He smiled, she knew.
“Rishika, there is a letter for you”, her mother yelled. She was furious as she has been calling her for the last ten minutes. Rishika jolted and regained her senses. She was crying, she did not know. She got up from her bed and went downstairs to receive it. She did her best not to look insane.
‘To Rishika Sharma’, it read. No address of the person by whom it was sent. She kept the letter on her table. She was in no mood today. She missed him bad. She wondered who had sent the letter.
She wiped her tears again and tore the envelope. A key ring fell down. “My princess”, it read. She opened the letter.
“Dear princess, I am sorry I couldnt make this year for your birthday. Your granny is too weak to move and I too have been restricted to bed rest. I couldnt buy a gift so I asked Shankar to buy a present. I did not know he would bring this key ring. Anyways, I suppose you are happy because its pink in colour and has your name engraved. I will make sure we both spend quality time together exploring new things this summer. Please do not be upset.
With love,
Dated : 16/7/13
Rishika could no longer control her tears. She was sobbing heavily. She couldnt believe it. This letter was the best present ever. Not because it carried the key ring within but because it should have reached her the previous year. She couldnt believe her grandfather managed to wish her when he no longer existed in her tiny little world. She now recollected her grandfather’s favourite lines, “Miracles do exist, keep faith”