Family Short Story – The Gift
Photo credit: mconnors from morguefile.com
It was an ordinary day.Sameer as usual woke up at 11:30 a.m. and half crawled half walked from bed to study table and opened the laptop. How many important mails could have come in last 5-6 hours since he last checked before going to bed? He probably knew that too but it was just became a habit or addiction, to be precised , for him to do that.
“Are you doing something important??” a strong voice from behind suddenly startled him.
He turned back and saw Mr. Gupta standing outside his room. Papa at home today, it must be sunday he figured. His sleeping schedule spares him from facing his dad in the mornings and he enjoys a peaceful morning everyday but he forgets that week contains a sunday too.
“If you are not doing anything important today then take the car for servicing” said Mr. Gupta in a definitive tone and left.
What !! i take the car for servicing… who am i??? a driver?? annoyed sameer mumbled. This is not fair, one can not even enjoy his break after giving four years of his life to studies he told himself while getting ready.
Mr. Gupta was not very happy with his 22 year old son’s daily routine after he finished his college. It wasn’t the sign of a bright young boy to do nothing but lying on house’s furniture with his laptop upon him.
“He must sit in a proper position or else his backbone will soon be worse than a 90 year old man’s” he explained to his wife who was preparing meal for sameer.
“I already told him that but he don’t listens what else can i do ?” said Mrs. Gupta in her defense.
Sameer came downstairs and sat on sofa in front of t.v. and picked the remote while his mom arranged the plates on table. Mr. Gupta however busy in reading newspaper couldn’t resist himself from asking”Is it really necessary for you to watch T.V. while eating?”.
” Mummy” cried sameer like a 3 year old.
“ohho let him watch na” ordered Mrs. Gupta and went back to kitchen.
That’s what moms are made for.Mr. Gupta went back to reading news after being scolded by his wife. Food was on the table for the last 15 minutes and sameer haven’t even eaten a single bite from it. He eyes were fixed on his mobile .
This time Mr. Gupta’s anger surpassed it’s limit and he shouted “What the hell are you doing in this damn cellular phone instead of eating your food? “.
Sameer however shocked replied in same tone “I am just checking my messages….why do you have a problem with everything i do?”.
“You just checked your messages in your laptop before coming here!!” Mr. Gupta shouted again.
“those were e-mails and these are messages…you don’t even understand the difference between them” sameer replied furiously.
Like father like son.
“shut up sameer don’t talk like that to your father” his mother warned him entring the room.
Indian moms are used to this kind of predicament in their houses when their son’s and husband’s shirt size becomes same.
“look at him, disrespecting the food like that…he don’t have an idea how much hard work goes in earning a single meal” Mr. Gupta complained to his wife.
“You do the respect and even better worship it i am not going to eat it anyway” said sameer as he grabbed the car keys and slammed the door.
Loud noise of engine starting and tyres screeching came from outside and soon diminished slowly.What i am gonna do with this boy why he don’t understand me, after all i am his father, Mr. Gupta asked himself.
Three hours were passed sameer was sitting at a couch in the service center. His phone beeped and a new message came.
Ankit-“Heyy bro wassup”
Sameer-“Hi yar…pissed off totally..my dad’s a hitler :( ”
Ankit-” chill yar…wat happened?? ”
Sameer-“nothing yar.. started shouting at me while i as eating breakfast, how’s it’s my fault if he doesn’t know the difference between msgs and mails”
Ankit-” same here yar these old men never got past the calcuator someone should teach them how to use modern gadgets”
Sameer-“u r right bro maybe they will then understand us better”
Ankit-“anyway i got my new phone today…it’s quad core processor with 5 inch touchscreen and 8 mp camera”
Sameer-” wow dude…congrats you lucky dog”
Ankit-“thanks bro..bye n tc”
I wish my dad loved me like ankit’s dad i don’t know what’s wrong with him why don’t he understands me..after all i am his son, thought sameer.
“Thanks for choosing us for your car service and please wish a very happy birthday to Mr. Gupta on behalf of our company” said the guy at service station while swiping sameer’s dad’s credit card for billing.
Whaaat!! today’s dad’s birthday!!!…oh my god how can i forget. I am such a fool for fighting with him on his birthday. Sameer was feeling very guilty on his way back from service center and suddenly the mobile advertisement on a billboard caught his attention. I should give him a gift and this will patch things up. Yes that’s a great idea…you are a genius sameer, he praised himself.
Later that night Mr. Gupta came out from bathroom and started to get ready for bed when a colored box near his pillow caught his attention. He held it and read the note on it which said”To DAD, Sorry and Happy Birthday, from Sameer”.
His eyes got filled with tears,all the anger and frustation he had for his son was vanished. It was a very emotional moment for him.
“ohho don’t just stare at it open it quickly i also want to see what did my son gave to his father on his b’day” said Mrs. Gupta from behind.
Mr. Gupta very cautiously opened the packaging and opened the box.”It’s a mobile” he showed it excitedly to his wife.”but it’s sameer’s phone” said Mrs Gupta in a mixed tone of shock and confusion.
Meanwhile, in a distant house ankit’s phone recieved a message.
Sameer-“heyy bro…guess who also got new phone today??? ;)”