Family Short Story – Locked it
Photo credit: taliesin from morguefile.com
Every human on this earth does not know how to live life. Some drag it and some are far beyond the concept that they need master or guidance to move ahead. Yes, they know everything. They consider themselves superior because of the experiences they have lived, and the only thing they forget is that life is full of new experiences. If you have learnt from your mistake that does not mean that you will never create a new mistake.
Such was a story of Somy and Abhay. They fell in love on the threshold of teenage. . It was love at first sight for them.. Abhay proposed marriage to Somy and both were happy in their love nest.
Time flew and Somy stepped out in the world. She landed into a good job with excellent package while Abay on the other hand was still struggling to start some kind of career. He had not completed his education. He tried doing some business. In the quest of making easy money he fell prey to gambling.. His company of bad friends dragged him into the world of gamble where there was no return for Abhay.
Somy was troubled but thought that once they would get married her love and her support will change Abhay. She also paid off Abhay’s debts which he had after loosing in gambling.. But soon love was vanishing and catfights were the only thing between the lovers.
Somy was struggling between love and hatred for Abay. She wanted to move out of the relationship but all she had was Abhay. She was torn inside. She loved him, how could she take such an hasty step.. Her heart was now full of anger, hatred and resentment. To find solace Somy turned to alcohol .Soon it became an addiction for Somy. Now the couple had a new topic to fight for. Somy’s drinking habit.
Abay on the other hand decided to leave Somy for good as he was fed up of the fights they had each and every day . It was hard for Somy to believe that Abhay would ever leave her like this one day. She was heartbroken and drowned herself more in her drinking habit. She locked herself in self pity and alcoholism. She was no more adorable soft spoken lovable and full of life . Instead she had jealousy, hatred, resentment and unforgiving attitude. She closed the door of her hearts to life.
This was a big cause of concern to her parents and they tried to take her to their Guru. They thought he would be able to take her out of this state of depression and confused state.
Somy portrayed herself as normal and strong in front of Guru and refused to hear him at any point. Her inflated ego told Guru jee that she knew better about the shastras and upinshad than the Guru himself. She told him that she prayed regularly and needed no help at all.
Upon hearing this Guru smiled and said good if you know everything what can I teach you then you are free to leave.
She stood up to leave and asked her mother also to get up but her mother fell in Guru’s feet and asked him to help and guide her daughter. Guru jee smiled and promised Somy’s mother that things will improve soon.
Something magical happened next day. As Somy woke up she insisted on meeting Guru alone. Her mother was delighted and dropped her in the ashram. Rest was history as Somy was changed.
But the mother was inquisitive. She could not understand the overnight change in her daughter. She insisted that Somy explained her the change.
Somy took a deep breath and said Mother, the day we were back from the Ashram like everyday I had several glasses of alcohol and slept. I thought I was sleeping when something happened as if I was fully conscious and I could feel everything what was happening around me.
I saw I was in hospital giving birth to my child. In few hours I was pleading with the doctor and staff to give me my child. I stood up and howled for my child. but my pleading fell on no ones ears.
At last the doctor came to me and said I have a sad news for you Somy. Your child does not have arms.
Upon hearing that my heart cried but I told the doctor that I didn’t care. I will be my baby’s arm. Bring my baby please I pleaded.
The doctor said thank god you could digest this but if you can digest this you can digest another abnormality your child has.
My eyes widened and I asked him what he meant by such a statement.
He said sorry but he has no legs too.
I was shattered but I said if it is God will I bow before it. Now please can I see my baby!!
Still the doctor hesitated and said the baby does not have torso too. I think you should forget about it Somy.
Whaaat!! I cried hard and said the baby was born by me I am his mother he is my part. I don’t care. Please show me my baby.
He bought me my baby wrapped in a cloth. She had the most beautiful smiling face. But something was peculiar in her My heart said that. I was missing on something. Her ears were very big .As I was looking at the child the doctor informed me that she was deaf too. At that very moment I realized that the face of the child was mine. I looked startled at the doctor and was horrified to see that the doctor was no one else but Guru jee who was smiling at me.
He said that this is how you came to me. I saw you as a woman with arms which were being used to kill herself. I saw you as a woman with legs who was knowingly walking on the wrong path. I saw you as a woman who had ears but could only hear the manipulated thoughts of her mind. I saw you as a woman who had torso which does not realize the kind of pain she has inside and instead of coming out of it she was melting her torso and other body organs from inside. I saw you as a woman who had eyes but refused to see the brighter side of life and the pain which you felt as a mother of that baby, was the pain of your mother who had brought you in this world.
You can stop all this from happening. It is only you who can bring the change.
How, I asked Guru jee.
Spread your knowledge and empty yourself. Use your arms to help others. Bring compassion in your heart for those who want you to be happy. Use happiness as your other name, Use your ears to listen and tongue to speak what is important. Make good use of your legs by walking into the right direction. Make your torso strong enough that no love or resentment can melt it.
Use your pain Somy Use your pain. Unlock yourself from within. Unlock yourself from you in the now position.
But how I asked again .But He disappeared.
That is the reason I wanted to meet him. I know it is hard to break my habit of self pity but I will try mother and I am trying to move on.
The mother had tears in her eyes and thanked her Guru for showing her daughter the right path.