Family Short Story – His first absence
Photo credit: hotblack from morguefile.com
The school bell rings at 9am and it was 8 already. Little Arsh was busy saving the world dressed in his favourite superman’s costume when suddenly he opened his wide eyes as he heard his name yelled by his mom.
“Arsh!!! wake up baby. It’s your first day at school and definitely you don’t want to be late,do you?” shouted mom from kitchen, disturbing him from his dream of saving the world.
By stretching his tiny little hands and comforting himself under the blanket, Arsh woke up to the excitement of his first day at school.
It was 8:45 when mom took out the car from garage and little Arsh popped in with his school bag. He never looked so cute before in the uniform with a tiny tie hanging around his neck. Mom clicked a selfie with him before starting the car to remember his enthusiastic face of going to school.
Mom started the car and drove down the lane to school when he sat quietly observing the streets and roadside activities.When they finally reached the school he jumped out of the car and ran towards the school gate. Mom came behind him but was stopped by a security guard at the gate saying that she has to drop her child at the gate and can’t enter beyond it. This made her quiet depressed, she looked at Arsh who was now frighten to enter a place without his mom which was complete alienated to him. She consoled him by saying his teacher would be waiting for him inside and she will take a very good care of him and all he has to do is just obey her and not to disrespect her. With a little bit of courage and motivation Arsh stepped in and walked towards his class where he found his teacher who took him in the class.
Mom was deeply worried about him as this was the first time she let her child go away from her. She was worried thinking if he is comfortable in class, whether he took his snacks in time, if he needs something and many questions crossed her mind during the 4 hour duration of school hours. She waited in the car all the 4 hours and prayed for the comfort of his child.
Then it was 12 pm, the final school bell rang and she ran towards the gate faster than ever. She patiently waited for her son as the students left the class periodically. After 15 minutes of waiting and stressing about his son at the gate, he appeared! Yes it was him ,it was Arsh who looked tired and sleepy. He searched for his mom and when he found her at the gate he gained all his energy and ran at his highest speed towards her. Seeing him, mom kneed down and spread her arms across her shoulders,wide open to welcome him. He reached her and hugged her tightly feeling secured in the world’s best arms. She knew he missed her and tears rolled down her cheeks for the affection they posses.
She kissed his cheeks, took the bag from him and headed to the car and went back home.
This was her first day in his absence!!