Moral Story with Social Issue – Aashna-Hope to lead life
Photo credit: bjwebbiz from morguefile.com
According to you what’s the hardest thing you had ever done in your life. Love, driving the car, engineering, ha-ha just joke. We all go through many part of life at which we either surrendered or make a strong step ahead. May be one thing makes me feel unsecured is the reason behind all your happiness. For me anything will be hardest will be too easy for you. But still the most difficult thing a person could ever do in her life is to live a life as per other wishes.
You all will call me mental as if no one in the world lives life as per others and why did they? So look at your own house I think you get a living example, yes I am talking about your mother she has completely changed herself for you but what you gave to her? Ever discuss about it.
Aarti a loving woman as every typical Indian woman donated all of her life passion for her child. She has nearly forgotten that she is one of the people who have thousand of dreams. Now she is a woman at her 50’s who loves to do household chores, Pamper children. But will she ever able to do something as per her dreams? Will be able to cross a line as per her own wish?
Today is very special day of Aarti’s life because his son returning back to India after 5 long years. It is a long time she has been awaited for. A void that covers her thought after his husband death will be filled by her son. He has promised that he would never make her cry. He will support her at every circumstance. Why wouldn’t he? He is a living example how her mother has sacrificed her life for him. Having a bad marriage still she never complaints because she never wants Anand to live without his father.
She is totally engrossed in her thoughts that forgot door bell is ringing continuously a sense of happiness countered her thoughts and she runs to welcome her son. But as soon she opens the door smile at her face got vanished.3 large men standing at her door and smiling mischievously.
“Where is your son?”One of them asked as if they were adding fuel at fire.
“He will come soon. He has promised me he would never let me feel alone and as soon he comes we gave your rupees back “Aarti replied hopelessly.
All of three first starts laughing. A loud laugh which makes Aarti weaker.
“The same answer we have told you many of times that he would never come. Why didn’t you lose your hope? If he wants to come then he had come when his father died you know he would never come we don’t have so much time that we discuss about this matter please give our rupees back as soon as possible or we have to take this house.”One of the person told and all three of them move from there.
Those words are echoing Aarti’s emotions. She closes the door and hears a call. She runs and picks up the call.
“Hello “She whispered after seeing the caller id.
“Hello mom. I am sorry I will not able to come. Coming Tuesday my friend is going to celebrate his birthday hence. I’ll try for next month.”He cuts the call without hearing replying words of his mother.
For Aarti this is part of her routine. Never ever she able to reply about her emotions. This is what becomes our today’s Indian culture a place where we pray Goddess Saraswati for giving us knowledge, Durga known as AADIISHAKTI.Has no reason to reply. Open your eyes all people in world a woman gives you life knows best how to lead a life if you can’t put your head at her feet then never let her to do so.
May be you starts loving your mother when you know what are your responsibilities towards her? But she loves you when you are not in this world. A woman loves her child blindly. That’s why love is called blind may be if you have any physical problem this world can leave you but still she loves you a lot if you can’t love her that level then you have no right to snatch her love.
Aarti with a sought of disappointment sit at sofa and hugs the cousin tears starts rolling through her eyes. She let them flow; it was known for her that no one will able to feel her pain. Only this loneliness is part of their life. Those silent words which transforms her world. How did they know about it? If a person gets a cup of coffee free then how would they have attitude of gratitude for it.
Aarti has realised that now her son will never return and now she has to do something to live for. She must have a reason to live for.
Winds flows through there……
This is a place where everyone sleeps having pain inside their heart…..
Everyone wants time to get stop…..
All these spend whole of their life to bind up and make sweet home….
But still time swept and makes them without home…..
Aarti took step forward it is one of the place she never wants to go or we can say that it is a place where none of the parents wants to go. But time and circumstances makes them so weak that they have no option then it. Aarti has come to old age home because according to her at this place each old person lives their life faithfully and tries to live courteously.
As soon she enters she saw many of the people doing their own work. A sense of satisfaction filled up their life. She is engrossed at her thought that one hand tapped her shoulder. She turns and saw a beautiful young girl. She has never seen her but still an old acquaintance filled her mind. Her charming smile makes her forgot all her pain. Light at her eyes makes her believe that may be someone is living for her. Someone cares for her…
“Aunty, if you don’t mind may I know what is you searching for “Sweet words come out of her lips and her smile fills up Aarti’s mind.
She fumbles and thinks whether she has to share her secrets with someone who is unknown for her. She has pacified herself that she would never trust anyone then why she is losing her hope.
“My son lives in America and I have a bad time. I have never done a work so don’t know where to go it is a place where everyone do their own work so I thought “Aarti replied but still she thinks whether she has to speak those words or not.
“Oh that’s what your problem doesn’t worry Aunty there are many work these old woman do you can join them and may be stand at your own feet. I am sorry I have talked that much and even not tell you about myself. I am Aashna I mean Dr.Aashna here many people needs me hence my routine is to check about their health. I’ll talk with the management and they will surely help you don’t worry “Once more Aashna gave a smile of assurance to Aarti.
As time passes Aarti held in that environment. She comes more close to Aashna and looks to her how beautifully she cares for everyone without getting anything. She has seen so many mothers having 3-4 children but at her whole life she has seen only one daughter of so many people. She feels proud at her and the same feeling Aashna had for her.
“That’s beautiful I can’t believe Aunty how beautiful you write. You had a special writer inside yourself “Aashna said while reading Aarti’s diary.
Times makes both of them too close to each other that none of the Aarti’s pain is away from Aashna.
“Don’t say so much I have written many years before and now I don’t think that I can do it once more at this age “Aarti said same answer as she gives from many months but still Aashna never losses the hope daily she repeats the same lines.
“Aunty for once. For me please try to write I have given you name many publishers please try. I will love to see your written work.”Aashna said with enthusiasm.
“Ok I’ll try but now you have to go, look what’s time it is you have appointment at 3 pm”Aarti try to change topic.
“Ok be but be remembering my words “Aashna kissed at Aarti’s cheek and moves from there.
As Aashna went Aarti looks that she has forgotten her car key. Aarti tries to follow but at midway a person from bank comes. He held her an ultimatum according to which that if she doesn’t give her loan back her house will be taken away. Aarti runs and calls to Aashna because she know only she will try to help her. At first call is not picked up. When she tried second time the call picked up.
“Aashna beta they will snatch my house please help me I don’t know why my problem never going to finish please “Aarti begged while crying. For few seconds no one replied her. As soon she is going to cut the call. Some words echoed at her ear “Now no one makes you feel alone you will get all happiness of world Aunty. I will fulfil my promise “And the call gets cut.
Aarti get a sense of relief for what Aashna has told her. Aarti starts her routine 5 long days passed she hasn’t seen Aashna anywhere now she is losing hope in 2 days her house get sold and no one around her. She moves to bank to extend the date. But apart for hearing their problem bank manager calls security guard to take her away.
One of the security guard pushes her as soon she is going to ground 2 strong’s arms supports her it is the same person she has awaited. Her Anand has come back.
“I’ll give your rupees back please don’t you dare to touch my mother “Anand replied and goes and filled all papers. After that he comes back touches her mother’s feet.
“I am sorry mom you have waited so long for me I have done so many mistakes please forgive me “Anand said pleadingly.
Aarti hugged her so tightly. It is right saying may be you can do thousand mistakes but there is someone who loves you apart from it. Mother has courage to forgive each mistake of her son. Anand took Aarti to her house and starts living with her. Aarti leaves her work and now lives as a proud mother in law. Both Sweat and Anand took care of Aarti lovingly. Now she has forgot all her pains she couldn’t believe that her life could take that much beautiful turn. Is this is a dream? And if it is a dream one fine morning it has to end and that’s what happens.
After 6 months. One fine morning Aarti feet struck and a beautiful vase comes to floor.Shweta comes running towards that direction.
“I am sorry beta. I think my sari got stuck at this table “Aarti said.
“This isn’t given by your Aashna that you has a right to broke it “Those strong words echoed at Aarti’s ears. She isn’t believing why anything at her house has given by Aashna? And how did Shweta knows about her?
“How did you know about Aashna? And why did anything at my house will be given by her?”Aarti asks in strong voice. Shweta curse herself for slip of tongue. She tries to act normal but now Aarti has known everything. She gives her a tight slap.
“ Aashna had called so many times at our house. She wants you with your son. We had a bad time Anand business going bad. She has told us that she has some problem due to which she will not able care for you a long. She has given us a large money so that we came here and took care of you “Shweta replied cryingly.
Aarti couldn’t believe at her ears a girl who is unknown for her has done so much for her even getting anything back. She doesn’t able to control her she hasn’t done a bit for her but still she gave all her happiness for her. She runs from her house yes it is house her home is only that place where her daughter lives. She moves to old age homeland shock to see the scenario.
All old man and woman are with a girl they were trying to recognise her with everything around her. Tears are rolling through eyes she moves towards girl and hugs her tightly. She is crying as loud as she can be. But after few seconds Nirmala Devi ,Head of old age home took her to her room.
“She wouldn’t recognise you. She has Alzheimer at last stage.”Words comes out from Nirmals’s mouth her throat is filled up.
“How it is possible she is too small. May be 25 years “Aarti said as she wouldn’t believe at her ears.
“She has inherited this problem from her dad its long story we even doesn’t know about it. We have stored for you. She knows about her problem and hence written a letter to each person present here. Only your letter isn’t open.”Nirmala said while hand covering the letter.
Aarti opens the letter with heavy heart.
Dear Aarti Aunty
I know when you will reading this letter I will not be in that case that I can able to hold you. Aunty you praise me daily and say that I am the best daughter you have ever seen just for that I want to tell you something.
Aunty when I am 18,My father used to took care of me. I have loosen my mother at 5 years and he never married because he never wants me to feel rude behaviour of step mom. I used to complain him that he doesn’t have much time for me he doesn’t love me. And he only gave a cute smile. He used say that whatever you have live happily with it many of people pray that may be they got what you have.
I never appreciate him, At my age of 13 he got to know that he is travelling through Alzheimer due to which he starts forgetting everything. I used to make fun of him in front of my friends. But he never complaints. One day I found him hanged himself. When I search I saw a letter beneath it. He had killed himself just because he used to forgot her own daughter. A daughter never cares for her, make fun of him. That day I realise how wrong I am.
Whatever I have done is not that I am good. Its only because I don’t want to betray my father’s trust. I want that when I met him at heaven he will welcome with open arms and I feel whole happiness At that time.
Live a happy and faithful with your family and now please keep all your promises. Aunty do what I never ever able to do.
Your loving daughter
Aarti’s eyes got filled. A girl who took all her pain has never shared her pain. She has given all her life to make her life. Yes she has done mistake but may be punishment for it is too big. A girl who doesn’t know what a mother is? Never able to know what world is. But after her father death not only she changed herself she became hope for many person. If Aashna needs a mother then Aarti also needs Daughter like her, A reason to live her a new look towards life.
Her phone ringing as she went to Aashna who even doesn’t able to recognize her. She picks the call.
“Mom where are you? We were waiting for you “Anand asks.
“I am with my family, with my daughter you don’t have to worry “Aarti replied by putting hands at Aashna’s head. And she cuts the call without hearing what he said.
After 3 months at large auditorium. Many people are present taking interview of a new novelist Mrs Aarti Singhania.Her first novel Aashna-A new hope.
Aarti goes and handover Aashna that novel she kissed at her cheek and moves with her to new house.
My all happiness is hidden….
My all thoughts are buried….
All of my close people are gone away….
Only you are the one who have an old acquaintance with me….
You are the only one from whom I have AASHNA…………
In these path which were unknown for me…..
These paths with all betrayedness only you had a smile which makes my life….
Yes you have done mistake, but today you are example how could a person learn from mistake……
You are the only one from whom I have AASHNA………
And until this life is with me….
Until you are with me…..
I have AASHNA with this world……
AASHNA (Acquaintance….)