Family Moral Short Story – DIL to MIL
Photo credit: kseriphyn from morguefile.com
Shruthiamma, a loving mother of her son, Girish who works in a private firm with a decent salary and Soumya (daughter). Life was going smooth for Shruthiamma , Girish and Naveenappa (Girish’s Father). Shruthiamma decided to bring a DIL (Daughter in law) to home and discussed the matter with Naveen and Girish. Since Shruthiamma always plans good for her family, Naveenappa gave complete work of searching DIL to her.
Shruthiamma posted a matrimonial ad in a popular website about her son details and searched for a decent good looking well educated girl. Shruthiamma saw girl’s profile who is more educated than her son and good looking and holding good job and horoscope matched between her son and girls profile.
She decided to look forward into it and everything went well and marriage happened. Everybody was happy about the marriage and everything went well for first few years.
Preethi(DIL) spent most of her childhood in hostel and hence she never that emotional closeness with anybody other than girish. Shruthiamma(MIL) had lots of expectation that one day DIL will come and take care of whole home things one by one and she can spend time freely in devotional activities.
As hindu scriptures states “The very nature of expectations is to get unsatisfied. So we should be happy with whatever we have”. As days went Shruthiamma realized that DIL won’t meet her expectation and she started adjusting with whatever she has got.
On the other hand, Preeti started comparing her salary with girish and indirectly started saying girish that he should look for better job. At first, girish felt, his wife is trying to encourage him, as days went , he realized that the love and care he showered upon her is not enough for her. Preeti gave more importance to girish’s salary so that she and girish can lead much more better luxurious life.
Girish field was completely different from that of preeti where hike or promotion won’t bring that big change in short time. Things started going out of hand between Preeti and Girish regarding money matters.
Girish in this tension started ignoring her wish of changing job and started to spend more time with shruthiamma ,Naveenappa and soumya. Shruthiamma who knew what’s happening between her son and DIL. she advised him that learn some course and try to get a better job so that you can meet DIL’s Expectations.
DIL started feeling that girish instead of obeying her words , girish is spending time happily with his parents and sister. DIL started feeling bitter her MIL , FIL and SIL. DIL started feeling insecure where girish will stop listening to her, so she tried to gift girish most expensive gifts and made him to go for outstation trips and her family functions.
DIL and Girish were enjoying life in their fullest. Girish got slowly addicted to these expensive gifts, Luxury and Trips. Girish and DIL spent their earnings fully for these outdoor activities and hardly saved any money for basic necessities.
MIL and FIL were not happy about these, FIL worked hard in these old age and brought basic necessity items for the home. Days went like these, FIL health started deteriorating and FIL requested girish to manage atleast part of home expenses.
Arguments got exchanged between Shruthiamma , Naveenappa and Girish and Preeti regarding unnecessary spending of money. DIL decided to get separated but girish hesitated, since his earnings were not sufficient to pay EMI and rent. DIL somehow convinced girish and made him come out of Home and they lived happily.
Shruthiamma and Naveenappa, thought one or other day girish and preeti will know the value of their advices such as unnecessaary spending of money and lavish lifestyles effects.
As years went, Preeti was blessed with a son (jayant)and everybody was happy about it.
Expenses started increasing as time went on and Preeti and Girish had almost everyday fights over money matters.
Girish slowly started feeling that he should not have ignored his parent’s advice and should have lived according to his earning. Shruthiamma and Naveenappa somehow worked even in this old age and lived without asking one rupee from their children. Shruthiamma and Naveenappa felt with how much hard work and dedication she had bought up her children and now nobody is there for her.
As years went, jayant had grown up and married a girl by name sachita and left home and lived happily with his wife. Preeti and Girish felt so much sad that they cannot believe how could their son forget them and their love and sacrifices.
Girish could not bear the sadness, he came to meet his aged parents and expressed his sadness. Shruthiamma consoled him and said parents duty is only to raise kids and not to expect anything from return. You(girish) are an example of this. What you(girish) did to us(Shruthiamma and Naveenappa) twenty five years back, your son (jayant) did the same thing to you. I am not scolding you. This is truth.
You now worry only about how to live decently without depending upon jayant. One or other day Jayant will realize his mistake and will come to you. In your (girish) earning age, you spent money lavishly on tours and parties . now see how much you are struggling. If i (shruthiamma) and your father(naveenappa) had spent money like this then you would have never been able to become a graduate.
Preeti understood her mistake and felt guilty and approached MIL and said when i became MIL, and when my son jayant left me and i realized what pain my mil and fil have underwent when girish and i left you both.
Preeti and girish decided to stay together with MIL and FIL . Shruthiamma and Naveenappa felt happy. without preeti and girish knowledge, Shruthiamma and Naveenappa went and met Jayant and Sachita and tried to convince them to get together with their parents.
Sachita, an intelligent girl understood the intention of her grandmother Shruthiamma and made jayant convinced.
Jayant and Sachita next day came along with their belongings to live together with their parents.
Preeti and Girish had no words to express when they saw their children came to live with them. Sachita explained how shruthiamma and naveenappa convinced them many times to meet preeti and girish.
Preeti nodded her head and looked towards Shruthiamma and came and hugged her tightly and said When i became MIL of sachita, i understood how much it hurts when our children live far from us. Preeti, Girish , Jayant, sachita , shruthiamma and naveenappa lived together from there on.
Life teach us in different ways such as learn from others mistake, understand the intention from which our elders or parents scold us or advice us. Live together, adjust with other family members and be happy with whatever you have, more than this what else person needs to get a peaceful life.