Photo credit: duane_j from morguefile.com
PART – 1
He closed his eyes and let himself go..go away from this world…away from his family, away from his subdued life and most of all away from his FATHER..The one for whom he sacrificed his entire youth, his education and the love of his life.. The loud THUD his body made when it hit the deep waters travelled a long distance and slowly the water engulfed him partially at first and then completely wiping away every sign of his existence on earth… “ He was just a coward and jealous one…he’s better off in the other world”, thought Kaami to himself wiping away a silent tear..
Hiware Bazar was a lively place a few years ago when the entire family was together, working together in the fields, eating a simple meal and living a happy life. Bhavesh stayed along with his elder brother- Kaami and mom and dad in a small hut near the village square, the house was surrounded by big trees which were an attraction to all travelers, vendors and even the local village men..All used to collect under the tree in the evening and share their stories, their achievements and the daily brunt of their households..
Bhavesh’s dad , Paarth Singh was popular amongst all the villagers for his high spirited nature and generous gestures..nobody used to go back home without having a cup of tea and a papa biscuit from his hut..Bhavesh was an obedient and dutiful son whereas Kaami was a complete opposite, he lived for himself and was very ambitious.. Being 3 years elder than Bhavesh he used to shout at him , make him carry his bag back from school and get the blame from his dad for his follies. But Bhavesh never complained , he used to idolize his brother and used to keep quiet because his mother always told him…. “Respect your elders son…words are like arrows, once they are out they can’t be taken back..so never say something harsh for which you will regret your entire life.” These words had made a home in Bhavesh’s mind and he never uttered anything against Kaami..
Bhavesh was in the 10th standard when his life fell apart-his loving mother had bid adieu to this world..Returning back home he noticed a group of ladies gathered outside his hut crying loudly and praising his mother..His father was sitting in a corner near the tall tree and comforting Kaami..on enquiring from the group of ladies on what happened, he was told sorry beta but we don’t have good news for you-go and see for yourself inside..
Bearing the grunt of all these years, her eyes were closed with a smile on her face..a white sheet was covering her body and had left only her face open, a few flies were seen hovering over the corpse..his granny was sitting down fanning his mother saying, “she’s just sleeping, my daughter can’t leave me..she never has..I know she’ll wake up.”
“Maa, get up..I’ve come back from school..get up please…Maaaaaaaa come back”, cried Bhavesh as he shook her stiff cold body, tears were pouring down his cheeks and his body started shaking..He just couldn’t bear the pain..The only one he was close too and shared everything with, had left him forever. How would be able to survive without her.
“Get up son, It’s okay..be brave”, said Parth putting a hand on his shoulder and moving him away from his mother,
“ Dinner is going to brought by the Desai family today, you’ll have to learn to cook from tomorrow.”
How can you be so hard hearted dad, mom’s just passed away. She had served you selflessly for 17 long years, have a heart-these thoughts echoed in Bhavesh’s mind but he didn’t utter them aloud, he had promised his mother he would never disrespect any elder. A neglected wound on his mother’s neck had taken her life away. Parth was never interested in taking his wife to the local doctor and that wound got infected over time turning into a septic wound killing her slowly. Pain would force her eyes to be filled with tears but this didn’t affect Part at all,
“Looking for an excuse to go to your old mother..ahh..I know you ladies. Rub some leaves and mud on it and stop creating a scene, get back to work.”, he grunted.
Bhavesh had insisted always, “Maa..I’ll take you to doctor uncle on my cycle, It won’t take an hour”
“No son..I’ll be alright..It’s just a minor wound,you go and study and then help your dad in the fields otherwise he’ll get angry.”
“Bhavesh listen to Maa, dad will scold you, go and work in the fields I’ll go off with my friends.” Kaami said taking the cycle and some biscuits in his hand heading towards the market place.
Bhavesh shuddered recalling that incident a couple of months ago, he couldn’t sleep that night, he had not had anything to eat either despite his granny’s protests. After many failed efforts he finally closed his eyes and drifted in a disturbed sleep. “Son, I am always there with you but you have to be brave now, you’ve got your entire future ahead of you. Take care of your father and elder brother please, for me. You are never alone, so don’t be afraid Son.”, with these words she was gone and Bhavesh got up in a cold sweat, what message had his mother given him, It was his duty now after all how could Bhavesh not follow his dead mother’s last wish..