As Long As We Are Alive – An Inspirational Story
Photo credit: Melodi2 from morguefile.com
Every thing was ready . the wooden chair . the hanging rope at my room ceiling and a farewell letter . My room was clean as my mother asked . I was standing in the middle between the rope and the chair putting the rope around my neck . hardly i felt my feet touching the chair and now . there was only one more step to finish it , yes . one more step to finish my miserable life
I closed my eyes overcoming all my fears . I pushed the chair . and the rope became taut !!
I didn’t go anywhere . I was just flying in my room . I could see my hanging body
I asked myself . what happened ? why was I still here ?
I looked at myself . I was just a ghost . I was already dead . but why I’m not in the other side ?!
I tried to open the door . but I couldn’t . I didn’t feel my hand
Finally I was out of my room , I just passed through the closed door . the house was empty . No one was here . I had to wait everyone to come and see my dead body
at first . my mother came . I was very afraid ” No please God , not my mum ” I said to myself.
I preferred to be my dad or my brother . I didn’t want my mum to see that horrible scene . she could die
She entered her room and I followed her . after some rest , she went out again . maybe she remembered something , oh yes It was the mail
she opened the mail box and found two letters she looked at the first one but she ignored it and opened the second . she started to read it ” Oh my God . it was for me ”
it was from Princeton university . I was accepted !
I had sent them a request with no hope for acceptance . my mother was very happy , she entered the house again to tell me
” Oh my God . please mum don’t come in ” I said loudly but of course she didn’t hear me . I was talking to myself . I couldn’t do anything to stop her . she opened the door and my heart was beating
I never forgot when the letter fell to the ground and she couldn’t say a word . she couldn’t even cry or scream until she fell to the ground too taking my heart with her .
I turned my face and went out of my room ” I can’t see that anymore ” I said to myself and I went out the whole house feeling very sick .
“Is everything ok ? ” asked a beautiful girl wearing a simple white dress was next to me in the garden . I felt she was a ghost too .
I was shocked ” Are you a ghost? ” I asked ” almost , why are you very sad ? ” she replied
” I had killed myself . my mother is very sad now and I feel guilty . my whole family will be very sad too ” I answered screaming like a child .
She patted me on the shoulder and I was able to feel it !! ” who are you? ” I asked
” I’m Sara .Is that your dad ? ” she asked and I looked . I saw my dad . he entered the house , I followed him and she followed me !
It was the first time to see my dad crying . he ran to my body and tried to release it ” oh my son , please don’t die . I’m so sorry ”
I wanted to cry too . Suddenly ! the time was changed !
” Is that the hell ? ” I asked myself when I was in my funeral
The house was full of sad people and their faces were pale . I could see my family , my friends , my neighbors and my teachers . I could hear some grunts like ” poor , young , kind “”
The girl with the white dress was behind me ” who are you ? and where am I ? ” I asked
” Why did you do that to yourself ? ” she asked
“It’s not your business ” I replied
” but killing yourself is not a personal thing . look around you . dead body . sad people and collapsed family ”
I felt sorry ” yes . I have killed someone and it doesn’t matter if the victim is the killer . it’s a crime and I am the criminal ” I said to myself
Then . she began to cry ” Maybe if someone love you giving you some hope you won’t be dead now ” she said her last words and then she just disappeared ”
I looked for her everywhere but i couldn’t find her ” what ! ” I found her setting in my funeral but this time she dressed in black . she was crying alone
” I’m so sorry ” she said when she looked at a beautiful shell in her hand
” Oh my God . I remember this shell ” I said to myself
” yes I remember now . it’s Sara Michael . she was my childhood friend . I gave her this shell . but she moved a long time ago ”
Her mum was next to her ” why didn’t I tell him that I was in his class . I was just watching him . waiting him to remember me . I wish I could talk to him before he die ” she said to her crying
” I wish I remembered you . I wish I just gave to myself a second chance ”
I opened my eyes . looked around myself . I found the chair . the rope and the farewell letter on my desk . I slept while I was writing it ” Thank God . it was a horrible nightmare ” I said to myself and quickly I took the chair and the rope back in their places . I cut the letter into small pieces before I threw it in the trash . I’ll go and talk to Sara now .
everything can be ok . there is always hope as long as we’re alive .