Family Reunion Short Story – Daddy’s Return
Photo credit: rachjose from morguefile.com
One hot and long summer day on the basketball court playing a game of 21, as i rotated around the screen given by 15 year old cousin my phone rang and as soon as i stop to answer it the spalding basketball caught me in the face hitting the blackberry cellphone out of my hand causing the phone to hang up.
As i waited for the return call from my aunt back home as i was on a trip to the island of Abaco,i got a call from one of her daughters instead telling me some surprising news about person who i thought was already gone and did not want to turn back.She told me that senior was back in town and he was asking for his only son,he wanted to know how i was doing.
Me being 18 at the time did not want anything to do with senior because he left 6 years ago without looking back so why would he pretend to forgot something or someone.So i ignored them for about 2 months until my favorite woman in the whole world call and demanded i see what he wants,so i agreed with mother and returned back home a month after that with my cousins, both 15 years old i wonder how does it feel to be twins.
A few days after we arrived back home i called and alerted them that i am home for now,so they responded with joy and asked when am i coming to their house to see him.So i agreed i would pass by that Sunday morning,knowingly i can’t drive so i had to wait until my mother’s off day to go.Now its the day that i have to leave for “the senior project” i called it.
As i got ready and put on my clothes my body starts to shake and shiver as if i had a cold this was the first time since my graduation day i have shivered with such nervous thoughts.So i sat down and took a few deep inhales and short exhales,and i got up and sat in the heated jeep for a half an hour until my mother came.Now sweating and nervous talking to my mother i started to stutter with my words.I always keep a bottle of orange juice in my backpack,so i pulled it out and started drinking as the condensation on the bottle stared back at me i drank every bit of the cold refreshing orange juice.
As i glared out the window thinking about the pros and cons about meeting him again my mother suddenly stop and i was stunned to find out we had already arrived.Still a bit nervous i went inside as my mother drove off heading to the hair salon i was given a big warm welcome hug by my aunt and others.I walked inside and found out he did not arrive yet,but i was not surprised of him being late or not showing up.
About an hour after a pale red car pulled in front of the yard i did not check the type of car it was,but in it a person sitting waiting until suddenly he got out,and it was him he paced himself coming to the front door.
Then walked in and said “wow junior you’re taller than me!!”
so we sat down that day and talked and ate crab soup and shared laughs all round the wide dinner table with a gray table cloth,place mats and a beautiful glass center piece.And as they day went on i thought maybe its not so bad to forgive him so did.The day went pass quickly as i hugged everyone knowingly i had to leave for church,so we hugged and shared goodbyes this time.I got in the jeep smiled and thought”i can’t wait for next time”.