Family Story – A HEART FOR HEART
Photo credit: Ladyheart from morguefile.com
It was a very cold early morning with chill wind blowing heavily. Dust and dry leaves were flying. The early morning sun was just beginning to smile at the village. The farmers were getting ready to proceed to their usual work. The cock was hooting signifying the beginning of another cold morning. Birds were twitting, Crows were cawing and the cold wind was roaring.
People were going to the fields for the daily work suddenly in the middle of the heaped paddy straws the cry of a child rented the mid air. Many peasants did not care. But one old man aged about 60 years heard and over heard the voice of the crying child.
Out of interest he moved in the direction of the child cry. Ultimately he noticed that the boy aged 3 Years has been abandoned. The old man quickly picked the boy and took in his arms. The Boy was unable to talk due to fear and anxiety. Villagers gathered and questioned everyone who the child was. Nobody had any answer. Slowly one by one the villagers vacated the scene leaving alone the old man and the child.
The Old man decided to take the boy to his house. At his house his family members his two sons and their wives did not like this. The old man’s Daughter aged 12 years did also not like. There was aversion towards this boy. The old man explained the situation but his children were not interested to listen. All the children of the Old man along with his Daughter–in–laws are working as farmers in their own piece of land given by the government freely to them. They were preparing to go to the fields. The boy and the old man were left behind in the house. The poor boy was confused and not knowing the situation cried out of hunger. There was no food left over in the house. The old man removed his Lunch pack and served little food to the boy. At times he felt that this boy is a burden but at times he felt sorry and pity for the boy.
That evening heated arguments grew in the family the daughter in laws was not interested. The old man requested his family members to co-operate and waited for some more days to see whether anybody will come to claim the child. Days rolled and nobody came forward. The old man was worried he prayed God to save the child.
One day the Brothers and their wives decided to leave the Boy in unknown location. A Month passed and the other family members decided that that night they will leave the child. After the old man slept the elder brother picked the Boy and left to leave the child in a place not known by them. His Cycled Two KMs away. The night was very cold, the elder Son cycled and cycled and reached a shed like place. He was tired cycling and decided to abandon the child there. He placed the boy on the floor of the shed and started to leave. He saw the face of the boy for the last time. The boys face was pale confused and filled with fear not knowing what is happening.
Elder Brother started cycling back to his home. Two minutes after he left Lightning and thunder along with rain started. The elder Brother rushed back to the same shed for shelter. He found the boy was lying on the floor totally crippled and shivering in cold. This touched the heart of the elder brother and he decided to take him back home. He along with the child left home back.
On reaching home he narrated the incident and said that he will not do this work again. He was shouted by the other family member. After Two weeks the wives joined together and decided to take the responsibility and one afternoon planned to leave the child at a Market Mela which was happening about 6 Kms. away from their village.
As planned they gave good food to the boy and asked him to eat and wait there till they will bring some water to drink. The Two ladies left to fetch water from a distant Municipal Tap. One of the ladies then struck plan and decided to desert the boy. They did not fetch water nor did they decide to take back the Lunch carriers back. They reached home. Time rolled the crowd at the Mella was beginning to move back to their houses. The boy started crying, passersby did not bother to see as the night was about to begin. Suddenly one family notices the boy crying and went to him. The boy was not able to explain the situation. The lady picked the Plate and gazed it and found the name of the ladies on the plate that she knew. She identified the lunch carrier and decided to pick the boy to leave them at the old man’s house.
Meanwhile the old man’s ladies on reaching home said that the child was lost at the mela and they tried to trace but of no vain. The old man started shouting and the ladies were mum. The old man was disturbed and the night was falling all the villagers started reaching back home. He requested his sons to trace the boy but they refused. Tension mounted in the old man’s face when suddenly the family who picked the child handed over the boy to the old man. Two attempts failed and the family decided not to further leave the child and decided to grow him up . They named the child Ashok.
Ashok Grew up with lot of disturbances’ from the old man’s children and their wives. Government agents started announcing free education for the children and the old man put him to school. Ashok was very brilliant he found education interesting and started learning. He also started working in the fields with the old man’s family. Time rolled Ashok started understanding what life is. He knew that he is brought up by the old man. The old man explained the ups and downs of life. Ashok began to accept the old man’s family as his own member. Years rolled the family grew with two more additional new born the Sister got married. Neibhours started admiring at Ashok. Everybody was happy with him except his family members.
Ashok reached 8th std. when one fine day the Old man expired suddenly. The whole family mourned and Ashok was very upset and could not bear the loss of the old man. He was very affectionate and touched; he could not forget him in his life.
Ashok grew up strong handsome and completed his schooling in high colors. He wanted to study further which his home people was not prepared due to poor financial background. He went to the nearby town in search of job. He joined a richer Farmer and worked in his farm cultivating vegetables. The Farmer was very pleased with Ashok and took up the burden of educating him. Ashok would take the produce to neibouring Towns to sell them. He would get good price because of his talking ability and smiling approach. Everybody would love him. The Farmer and his wife were very happy and started treating him as his own son as they did not have any issues. The farmer’s relatives were very jealous of this. Ashok never had the habit of hating any one nor he ever had the habit of making any loose talk or unwanted coments. He will always smile at everything which won him lot of hearts. He was liked by all the women class mates in his class. He will never miss behave with any girls and treat everybody alike. He was a good preacher and adviser. He has seen; lot of ups and down in life. He would not forget his past. He still recollects the days when he did not have proper clothes to wear, there were days when he did not have sufficient food to eat. He was always wearing rags and bits. Many use to feel pity and come forward to help him. But he will not accept and will strongly oppose to people feeling pity for him.
Every day he will visit his earlier family and pay visit to them. He would support them in times of need. He will part a few pennies of his savings to them at the times of need. Ashok was very good in studies. He gained lot of good friends. He would never ever reveal his earlier background to any of his friends. Ashok was very interested to be a Heart Surgeon. Times rolled and Ashok completed his education and came out as a topper in MBBS although he was a student from a Govt. College he completed his education in a high note. Now he is a Licensed full fledged Doctor. The earlier family was now very happy in his achievement. The Farmers and his wife were over whelmed on his achievement. What Next. Ashok wanted to study further and he wanted to be Heart Surgeon.
He approached the Bankers to fund him for his further studies. Many of his good friends came forward to assist him. The farmer and his wife wanted to sell a piece of their land to fund him. But Ashok was stubborn and he would not encourage any such things instead request the farmers to stand guarantee for the Bank loan. With the help of the influence of the farmer the Loan got sanctioned and Ashok had to leave to Mumbai for Two Years to start his next education.
He bid a tearful farewell to all his two family members and his friends. The station was filled with large crowd of his friends and well wishers as the train creaked and moved they bid farewell to this great Hero. He reached Mumbai the next evening. He was new to this place. He had only little money with him. He did not wanted to take up any lodge as they will be costly. He sat at the corner of the station with his luggage thinking what to do next. In the other side of the station a little crowd gathered. People were gathering round. Ashok was not aware of the situation. With eager and Interest he managed to enter the crowd with his luggage.
He found that a middle aged lady has collapsed and was speechless. He quickly asked the crowd to move backwards for entry of fresh air. He pulled out his stethoscope and his BP apparatus to check the lady. The crowd realized Ashok to be a Doctor. He observed that the lady has fainted of Low BP. He quickly summoned to the one of the person in the crowd and asked him to bring the prescribed medicine. The crowd liked Asoka’s attitude and praised him for his timely help. The medicine was administered to the lady and the lady recovered. She now sat leaning to the wall. She thanked Ashok and One Taxi driver and Ashok offered to drop her at her house.
The taxi reached her house situated about 5 KMs away. She immediately called her son who was at her Apartment and they guided the lady to her flat. Ashok paid the taxi Walla who refused to take any money for this kind gesture. Robert the Taxi man offered to drop Ashok at his house. And asked him where to go. He explained him his situation and Robert felt very pity for him and decided to take him to his house for him to stay. At first Ashok refused then latter agreed and they moved to his house. It was a Little slum area. Ashok did not mind. Robert introduced his family members One son aged 12 and daughter aged 15 to Ashok. Ashok found to be comfortable at Roberts house. He explained his plans of his College and wished to join some hospital to practice at the same time. Robert explained that the College was very near about 5 kms. And Ashok was pleased.
The next day Robert guided Ashok to College. He got introduced to all the members and everybody loved him. That evening Ashok came back to his house and asked Robert to help him to get a room. But Robert said to continue stay with him. By force Ashok agreed and decided to practice medicine in the slum area at his house in the evening hours. People gathered and Ashok will charge only a minimum amount to the poor. For some he will do free of cost. The name and fame grew and Robert was with all smiles.
Roberts’s wife Julie would also assist Ashok. Daily collection was nearly 2000/- and he would give half to Robert. Robert would refuse but then it was agreed up to. With the money Ashok earned Roberts house was given a Face lift. Patients from nearby and far started thronging into the clinic. Daily Crowd grew up and the income became more and more. Ashok could send money to his native place to both his houses. One Year rolled and Ashok got offers from big hospitals. In the afternoon he would attend to hospitals and in the evening he would attend to his clinic. He started earning more and more. He began to save Money for the first time in the bank. He was very happy and convinced and feels good for having achieved the first milestone in his life. His next milestone is to become a famous Heart Surgeon and for this he had to go abroad which was very expensive. He worked Night & Day. By this time he has come across many woman friends which he has blindly rejected. He till date has never explained his past to any of his friends and well wishers.
Months passed and so has he completed his education. He scored in high distinction and was also a Gold medal winner. He wanted to study further. By now he has saved a good fortune ready for his higher studies. His clinic was growing and has to discontinue as he plans to go back to his native. The area friends bid a tearful Farwell and Ashok will not forget Robert and his family for having helped him at the time of need.
Ashok has the habit of taking everything in a positive manner and would not like to expose himself as a learned man. He always likes to give shock and surprises to people and so his arrival in his home village came as a surprise when one early morning he knocked the door of his house. He found that in Two years there was lot of changes in the village. When the door opened the inmates did not recognize Ashok and they were shocked when he introduced himself to them.
He quickly took his luggage inside and explained to them his life in Mumbai. He then went to bath and preferred to take a small Nap after his long journey. There were lot of visitors to his house and Ashok first preferred to meet his second family. He carried the entire gifts he has purchased to them and went to the neighboring village to meet the farmer’s family the next day. There his arrival at the house came as a rude shock. The old Farmer and his wife were filled with joy. They hugged Ashok and the Woman began to prepare special food to Ashok. Scores of visitors poured to the farmer’s house. Now Ashok is a Qualified and experience Heart Surgeon. Marriage proposals were pouring for Ashok now aged 25years but he had other plans. He wants to prepare himself to go to States for higher studies. Both His families joined together opposing him on his plans. He has already made enquiries at USA for his higher studies and made arrangements to move within 2 months. He does not want to waste a single day.
All the family members were in fix and confused but Ashok was adamant in his plans. He convinced his family members that he will be away only for three years and then return back to his village. He met all his old friends and exchanged his life at Mumbai.
Time came for him to leave within week for his last assignment. He cleared all his bank dues and gave some money to both his family members. And after attaining the blessings he left for the Airport with his close friends. He requested his friends to take care of both his family members.
With this he set of for the 18 hour journey to States. On reaching there he was given a royal welcome by the University. All arrangement was made for his stay during his studies. He quickly made good friends at his surroundings. He came across many renowned Doctors. He also starts working in famous Heart Hospital at America. Days passed and Ashok was doing well in his education. He was a good student and was quickly accepted by all his fellow class mates. He was in regular touch with his friends back in India. Years rolled and Ashok was becoming Home sick. He was very eager to return back to his home village. He completed his studies successfully and at the same time made huge money during his three years of stay at America. The Americans offered him good support and also offered him good job but Ashok had other ideas and wanted to return back to India. He said that he will decide after reaching back to this home village. He now decided to return back. He never informed to any of his friends and family members of his return. He vacated his room and began his journey back to his village,
He completed his last minute Purchase taking care not to miss anybody who has contributed in this successful life. With communication and techno ledge available in today’s world he made all arrangements to reach safely towards the journey to his home.
After a little tiring 20 Hrs. journey he landed at the airport in Bangalore and the taxi was waiting for him to drop in his village. He quickly changed his apparels at the airport to the local condition and wore a Plain but simple T shirt a plain black pant and slipped on a country shoe which he wore while going to USA. Now he adapted into his Home man.
The simple taxi drew to his village and it was 11.30 AM when he stepped to his house. He could not find any body at home. He quickly settled the taxiwallah and pulled his luggage’s inside. He first pulled a nearby chair and sat in it. He waited for a few minutes. Then came the Late old man’s Daughter In Law from out side. She had gone to the other side of the road to fetch some vegetables and groceries. All others have gone to Farm and the children to school . The Daughter in Law was shocked and that was what Ashok Expected. He loves this type of attitudes which gives him immense pleasure. The daughter in Law (Indira) could not believe her eyes and she was totally confused. Ashok explained all about to her and said that he wants to go to farm to meet her husband and other family members. He requested Indira not to tell them that he has come. She agreed and Ashok quickly had his bath. Meanwhile Indira cooked the regular food which Ashok loved to have.
Although Ashok was tired he put on his local Puncha and a old shirt of his which was there at home and set off to the Farm to see the other members. All the neibours were puzzled to see Ashok some believed some gazed some were shocked and some were not bothered. After answering each and every one on his way he reached the farm to present a rude shock to the family members. By now all the members ran near him some hugged and some dropped all their work and started talking to him. Ashok was tired of explaining but he would not show it out to his people. The members then decided to call it a day and set off to their house. It was nearing 2 PM they reached home and exchanged his experience at USA. Ashok distributed all the gifts and things to everyone and also asked them to distribute to the neibhours. He had brought a huge bafgs of gifts enough to give to all his well wishers. For some he gave sweets some he gave dress materials some girls he gave school items and some he gave toys and cosmetics.
He also visited his other Parents and stayed for some days with them. Slowly he was getting accustomed to this environment and was planning for his next plan.
A week passed and Ashok decided to start a Free Heart Hospital at his village. This requires lot of financial support. He called for a discussion with the village elders. Everybody agreed to his idea. The village has strength of 1200 Families totally about 6000 people. Asoka’s idea was different he never revealed it to them. He first wanted to start a hospital and that is the first priority. The village elders agreed to pool money for the same. One rich Elder offered to donate 1 acre of land. Another offered to construct a small building of 1500 sq.ft another elder offered to join him in construction and the size of the building grew to 3000 sq.ft enough for the hospital to start with. Another offered to provide water by gifting a boar well. The poorer villagers started collection of funds and the corpse funds grew to 5 lakhs. Rich villagers also started collecting money from their know relatives and friends, politician, and other Doctor Friends of Suresh has also pooled huge money.
Donation small and large was growing. Ashok was with all smiles and prayed to his creator and mentors.
All necessary work for making a good hospital was under progress. Things were happening. And by the end of three months the hospital building started growing and the villagers were all part of it. Ashok naturally being a good admino9strator and sportsman he assigned job to all the villagers. Everybody would do with love and affection. The beautiful girls of that village were busy in their competition eyeing at Ashok But Ashok was not of that mentality. HE would speak to them so lovingly and also would advise them to look into good things in life he would explain the importance of their parents involvement. Some would agree and some would not. But Ashok‘s mind on the other side was cross working regarding the hospital. He had never thought of ever getting involved in such activities. His mission is to establish a good free hospital to the poor.
Ashok was now getting recognized in the state level and became a visiting Doctor to many Heart Hospital. He was very high paid for his service. All the money he would pool to the hospital. Eight months after his arrival from USA the first Dream of free cam to be true when one auspicious day the Hospital “ A HEART FOR HEART” was declared opened in a simple function. All the villagers were present for the function. Hospital started functioning slowly. Consultation for the localities were free, Outsiders were charged minimum. Operations were charged at much cheaper than other sophisticated hospital to the outsiders. All Heart related operations were done free of cost to the Local people. They will have to pay only for medicine and accessories. Accommodations’ are free for the localities. Separate systems were made in professional manner to identify the locals to avoid malpractices and pilferages. It was setup systematically and each and every body who visited this hospital would appreciate the system.
News of this hospital started spreading far and wide. Patients started pouring in so the same bank balance started growing by the end of one year completion the Hospital developed Two times and many bankers came forward to finance. A Charitable trust was formed and the Hospital under the Directorship of Ashok was all set to take to new heights. This was the idea Ashok had in his mind. He wanted to give free service to his people and at the same time also compensate them for their willful help and courage they all extended to him. All the earnings from the hospital would be spent to the villagers. He would give money to each and every one he would give timely help for the education of the villagers children. He would also spread the knowledge of keeping healthy; he would organize Yoga Campaign and conduct various social activities.
By the end of Two years of this Hospital Ashok started realizing that he should have his own family. Now aged 30 years he decided to look for his better half. He has also informed his two families of the same. Many came forward to give their daughters. He had offers from the rich richer and the richest. Ashok would silently smile at it without commenting anything to it so that nobody gets heartbroken.
Time was running and who is the suitable bride. Ashok only knew what is running in his mind. Every day he recalls is past he rewinds back to the days of his young age the old man his family his schooling etc etc. By now he was well known and recognized throughout the world a dream that no one has ever thought of that he will come to that situation.
With his both parents pressuring for marring Ashok was locked and that day both the families sat together with him & forcefully wanted to decide on his marriage issue. Finally Ashok revealed his idea and the families were shocked as usual. Everybody was upset in the first instance. The old man’s daughter in laws could not believe it. They wanted to attach Ashok to their relatives girl on the other side his Second parents wanted Ashok to marry their youngest sisters daughter. IN other side his Colleagues and co doctors wanted to marry someone known to their family. All of them who were present gazed at Ashok with parted lips and straining eyes. The elders were not happy at the beginning. But on the other hand there were strained smile on their faces. But Ashok was all along with smiles only. He explained the crowd that he came to this world with no one behind him to support. If these peasants’ had not taken him he would have died at child age itself. He said that the village has done so many things for him in return he felt that he also wanted to do good. He also explained that when he announced to have a hospital in the village of his own each and every person had put their contribution in some way or other He gave the comparison of the squirrel and the Lord Ram’s preparation for war with Ravanna.
He told that he did not mean to hurt anybody nor did he ever mean to avoid anyone. It is one among the dream of his that he wants to marry a Widow who is having a child and who is struggling in her life to make her both ends meet. But he mentioned that she should be broad thinking and good looking understanding and he will take care of their whole family. In fact he has been searching for the same for the past two years but he has not come across till now. Ashok also mentioned that he has enquired in directly with some of his patients and he has not got any good response. Now that Ashok declared his wishes the Crowd decided to trace out the special Bride. News of this started spreading like wild fire IN THE VILLAGE. Many were annoyed but at the same time they were also happy. Many started praising Ashok after cursing him.
But as is the case always Asoka’s idea and decision is final and he will achieve it that is his character and style. After putting forth his views and ideas of the marriage Ashok had to leave to California suddenly to attend a Seminar and have planned to come back in a week’s time. Meanwhile each and every one was busy in searching a Bride of his choice. A week rolled but no result Ashok returned back to his village. After attending the regular Hospital duty he decided to take rest at the hospital itself. He requested one of the sisters to arrange a bed for him and the same was done. Ashok was tired after the hectic journey and went for sound sleep.
Hospital atmosphere was very noisy. Many new admissions of patients were happening. Being Sunday some of the Top Doctors stayed indoors at their home. Many patients admitted were from far and wide and some were from the outskirts of the village. Duty doctors as per their program were attending the activities of the day. Some of them were not aware that Doctor Ashok was taking rest there. One elderly patient looked to become very sick the duty Doctors were administering medical care as per the method. There was a power cut in the village and the generators were on. More noise in the hospital rented the Air. Somehow this disturbed Doctor Ashok and he decides to go home and take rest. He quickly called Nancy Sister and asked her to keep his kit in the car. He could see some of the sisters’ running Helter skelter. Ashok smelled the trouble and quickly followed the sisters. There he found that one family with all cry, a lady was consoling another, child was crying not knowing the situation. Two brothers were sweating, some of the duty Doctors were also running up and down to the library for reference. Dr. Ashok smelled that one of the patients is serious with his heart problem. The duty Doctors are aware that there is no Causality till date in this hospital that is the record being maintained and that is the promise that all were asked to keep up. Doctor Ashok quickly took up the issue and orders an Emergency Operation. He phoned to important Doctors to join him within half an hour and they were present for the emergency. After half hour meeting the Operation began which pulled for 4 hours. The Operation was successful and the patient survived. The patient was shifted to ICU and smiles filled in the faces of the family members.
Many poor patients come to Dr. Asoka’s hospital due to free, cheap and best treatment rendered by this hospital. Dr. Ashok went to the patients relatives and explained the situation that there is nothing to worry here after, All the members were very happy. The lady with a child was only peeping at the glass window of the ICU as no one is allowed inside. Ashok went up to her and consoled her and assured that nothing to worry. Dr. Ashok as usual advised the supporting staff and duty sisters to take good care of the patients and he left home. It was almost 7PM and he decided to visit his friend for a change. There he was lost in their activities.
The next day Ashok returned back to hospital he went in his usual rounds. He entered the ICU and checked all the patients he gave special care to see to the yesterday’s patient. While coming out of the ICU he observed that the Patients relative a Lady with a baby son was sitting alone all the other relatives have gone back home. She was waiting guard at the hospital to the patient who was her father.
Ashok quickly gathered information that the lady Lalitha was a widow and her child Sindhu ‘s father died in accident a year ago. This brought smiles in the face of Ashok. He immediately called his family members and explained the situation. They were also happy to see the girl she was very beautiful and pious. She had the capacity to handle everything in her life.
Finally as per his wishes and desire Dr. Ashok got married to Lalitha within a month. She started attending to the day to day activities of the hospital and also was very useful in taking up the administration activities of the hospital. She was a graduate in Math’s and did her education in the local Govt. College. She was very useful to her family and Dr. Ashok took care of the whole family with love and affection. He was latter blessed with another daughter and a son.