Family Story – Hard truths of life: true reflections
Photo credit: rollingroscoe from morguefile.com
• Nitin Desai is retiring in 60 days- age 59 YEARS -10 MONTHS
• Guru Dutt- is a professional counsellor.
• Deepak is CEO of American bank
• Hari is a practising lawyer.
• Sushma known as sush is the daughter of Guru Dutt, married to Rohan.
• Arun is an MBA working in Goldman Sachs
• Dolly is a free lance journalist and fiancée of Arun
• Aparna is daughter of advocate Hari and married to Siddhartha working in IBM
• Siddhartha is husband of Aparna working as marketing manager in Cadbury.
It is 2nd October 2012 and Desai had started thinking about his post retirement scenario. He was saying to himself ‘Only 2 months are left’. What is his plan after retirement? Where he will settle down. Metro cities are very expensive and with the post retirement pension he cannot afford to stay in Delhi. Shall he go to his home town, at least he has got a house there to live in. he was thinking about Thapa who retired on 29th September, Just a few days back. There was farewell of Thapa in office on his retirement.
On the day of the farewell, it is customary to say a few words in favour of the retiring employee, wish him all the best for his future life. Retirement brings a new phase in the life of individuals. After having worked for around 35 years in your life you are retiring from service. It is like a career menopause for the employees. We say Bye Bye to The colleagues whom we are meeting daily. There will not be any office hours. There will not be any compulsion of reaching office at 9.00 am sharp. You need not put alarm to wake up timely in the morning. No work pressures, no targets, no deadlines, no bosses, no subordinates, no head office, no audit, no sales and no customer everything will vanish from your radar. Are we happy with this forth coming situation? Human nature is very complex. When we have work pressures in life, we look at retirement; it gives the feeling of riddance from the dreary and tiring office routine. That time we feel that we will have lots of fun after retirement; we will have plenty of time at our disposal to enjoy our life.
But what happens to the same individual when the age of retirement comes near and you are only a few months away from it. He starts thinking what he will do, where he will settle down. How he will make both ends meet with meagre pension. it is all the more difficult for people retiring from top positions .such people are powerful while in service therefore they are used to some sort of VIP status. They have never done small jobs in their life like depositing electricity bill/water bill or house tax bills by standing in long queues .they have never faced the issues of wrong bills and all the trouble a common man has to take in getting it corrected.
All such petty jobs are taken care by the office peons or their servants. By and large their spouses have also not purchased vegetables from a ‘sabzi mandi’ at least on regular basis. They are used to a posh life where all the comforts of life are a phone away from them. I have seen such people getting frustrated after retirement when they are not recognised by the society, when they have to do all petty works themselves. When they have to stand in long queues with umbrella in hand. I have seen such people criticising the systems when they become the victims of the system. What an irony of fate. the same people who till yesterday did not help the common man citing the rules quoting the system are today criticising the system themselves when they have fallen in the rules and system trap themselves, I have seen such people criticising the banks for KYC norms, the LPG distributor for not giving second cylinder immediately on demand. Alas! These influential people could realise during their powerful days that how much suffering a common man is undergoing, then they would have improved the system and at the stage of retirement they would have been themselves
Benefited by that improvement.
The moot question is what constructive we can do after retirement. First of all, are we ready and satisfied to play this second innings. Are we frustrated? Are we feeling this life has gone waste and there were a lot of things we could have done in this life if we are given a second chance. Are we living in a utopian world? We live only once and whatever time gone is gone. Do not repent over that. You cannot bring it back. you will be wasting your further time in case you keep on thinking that .take a long breathe and decide what you want to do now. This society has given you a lot. It has provided you with a job; you were the bread earners of your family. You have brought up your children to the best of your affordability. They are now well settled or likely to be settled soon. Now what best you can make of the remaining time. Some people say they will take up some consultancy, some people get re-employed in private sectors, some people say they will start something of their own. All such schools of thought are prevalent in the minds of retiring people depending upon their resources their ability and their net work. Do whatever you want to do or whatever is best available to you for doing.
In a lighter vein, when somebody asked Harold what he will do after retirement?.
Keep occupied after retirement.? This way
As we get older, we sometimes begin to doubt our ability to “make a difference” in the world. It is at these times that our hopes are boosted by the remarkable achievements of other “seniors” who have found the courage to take on challenges that would make many of us wither.
Harold Schlumberg is such a person:
I’ve often been asked, ‘What do you do now that you’re retired?’
Well…I’m fortunate to have a chemical engineering background and one of the things I enjoy most is converting beer, wine and whisky into urine.
It’s rewarding, uplifting, satisfying and fulfilling. I do it every day and I really enjoy it.”
Harold is an inspiration to all of us!
Desai was wishing to recite a poem at the farewell stage, but he was not sure whether he can do it or not. He had never ever made a poem and never recited a poem on the stage .He had never done any stage performance. This was first time in his life when he will go to the stage and recite a self made poem. This poem he had prepared only yesterday with a desire to recite it on the farewell occasion of Thapa. The feelings of doing any thing for the first time in your life are altogether full of excitement, nervousness and creative tensions.
Desai reminices:
Remember, the day when your child first went to school or went to boarding school. I remember the day when we left our son to a boarding school. We reached the boarding school in the morning; there were orientation programme and the cultural events in the evening. It was wonderful to see the way the boys made a symbol DOSCO by standing in the same manner as it is written. Then we had dinner. After that we came to the concerned dormitory where our son was to be handed over to the house master. Mr Nair was the Housemaster, a very gentle south Indian young man, looked like the ace cricketer Mr. Srikanth, he told us to go back in a relaxed mood because as long as you will be here your son will not settle down… we had to leave the place now, I just had a last look at my son. He was looking like a rabbit left in front of wolves. His eyes were focussed on us as if saying “please save me “. It was the most tough moment in our life leaving your most precious jewel in a unfathomed sea, where sharks (seniors) may bully him, where he will not get “maa ke haath ki roti”.
With all such feelings we were coming out of the rich green environment of the famous The Doon school’ of the country where great man like Mr Rajiv Gandhi the Ex P.M. of India had also studied , and the school which has produced many great personalities like Vikram Seth , author of “A suitable boy” .As we came out of the Gate of the esteemed school, there was a feeling of pride somewhere in our mind that our son will now study in this prestigious school, but our heart was heavy as we had left him in boarding school. It is very tough for parents, that too from a middle class background, where no child has ever gone to boarding school at such a tender age of 11 and a half years. Normally, in middle class this is the age when a child is pampered, that too the only child. The decision was taken after keeping a heavy stone on the heart. We came to railway station to catch the train for our city. As we were sitting in the train we both were quiet with a heavy heart and were not even able to see each other as if we had done some crime and now we are feeling ashamed of it. Wife was sobbing all night. One of the co-passengers asked her what happened. Then she told her that nothing, but we have dropped our only son in boarding school. So what I intend to say here is that the first of every event is very highly emotional in life.
Coming back to the farewell function of Thapa , the program started on time and the anchor was busy in conducting the farewell show, appreciating the retiring colleague about his work, attitude, and long association with the company. While all this was going on the stage, quietly sitting Desai was thinking of his poem. He was in two minds, he was pondering over the thought whether finally he will be able to go to stage or shyly withdraw and say: “leave it yaar”. Those who are not used to going to stage they have got a stage fright and they feel hesitant. Finally he raised his hand and requested the Anchor that he also wants to say something. As he got up, His heart beat was rising and he was feeling nervous. His legs were shivering when he stood at the stage. Standing there, his throat got dried up. This happens with most of us. Many great leaders have fumbled on the stage. Situation is worse if you are going to speak extempore, your mind becomes blank for a moment, and you forget everything. At the stage, your voice becomes hoarse, the words start slipping from your mouth and you make pronunciation mistakes.
With all the uncertainties in mind, he took out his diary in which he had written the poem. He started reciting the poem but his mind was not able to see the audience… Suddenly he got an idea, as the audience was all known, he related certain lines of the poem with the audience and the trick provided entertainment to the public. Having finished the recital, he came back to his seat, unmindful of the loud claps he was receiving. He was at cloud 9 and woke up when somebody said we will publish your poem in magazine. He was flattered. First time in his life he recited a poem that too at the age of 60.
Nothing succeeds like success. He was motivated by the first appreciation and the very next day he recited another poem, this time more confidently.
Now he started thinking about honing his poetry skills therefore on the wedding anniversary of his brother on 2nd other recited a poem which they recorded also. They were highly elated and shared a great feeling, that moment was far more entertaining for them as compared to routine best wishes.
Nitin was wondering, from where this interest in poetry has cropped up. May be when 60 days were left, he felt relaxed that he is going away from corporate jungle or maybe his hidden talent of creativity came to the forefront.
Transformation! Is it? From routine to creativity? Earlier he never thought of poetry and he used to think about re- employment etc, but this farewell function has changed his thinking.
Desai annoyed by teasers
But there was a critical zone ahead. There were some nuisance talks by a splinter group in office. This hurt Desai very badly and he was agitated.
He called upon his good old friend Guru Dutt who is a professional counsellor and Hari who is an advocate and told them that he wants to meet them over a cup of coffee. They met at cafe coffee day on Saturday evening. After initial hello/hai they ordered 3 cup of coffee and sat down in a corner. Desai started the conversation:
• Desai: A few people did not relish his newly developed taste. A group started taunting him on becoming a ‘poet’. It seems that they had no objection with the content of the poems but they have a dislike for him. Hence they were showing taunts by laughing at his attempt of becoming a ‘poet’.
• Guru Dutt: Such critics are prevalent everywhere in the society. Be it in school/college any workplace the same human psychology works.
• Hari: There is a tendency in those people to let you down smilingly although they will show that they are your good friends.
• Guru Dutt: you will find them in your core group of friends. They taunt you on your little success in such a manner that only you understand their hidden meaning but the rest of the group feels it as an entertainment.
• Hari: somewhere in the minds of these teasers, there is competitiveness. In your absence they will try to build adverse opinion about your personality. They will cite examples right or wrong to prove their points.
• Guru Dutt: They would endeavour to isolate you from the group.
• Hari: Therefore it is most important to watch such motives and cement your core group in your favour.
• Guru Dutt: Opinion building is a very important exercise at home, with relations amongst friends. This leads to your predominance in the group.
• Hari: If you are smart, then nip the evil in the bud, do not let it grow. It is contagious. The delay u make the extra efforts will be required to build opinion in your favour.
• Guru Dutt: You have to call on the other friends to convey them that the teasers are ill motivated.
• Desai: Psychologist might know the answer to it.
• Hari: It happens in everyday life.
• Desai got lot of consolation from these words.
With so much of discussions on the topic Desai felt quite relaxed. They paid the bill and came out of the coffee shop. Desai was in his car the other two had come by taxis. Desai said come on I will drop you to your places so all three sat in his Honda city car. Desai while driving the car said:
Guru/hari/desai in car
• Desai: I should have developed this poetic creativity earlier.
• Guru Dutt: it is easier said than done. Everything needs a high level of concentration.
• Hari: it appears so because as on date you are relieved from the corporate tussle and feel as a freelancer.
• Guru Dutt: you can enjoy this talent even now.
• Hari: normally on the occasions like birth day/marriage anniversary or farewell functions most of the people utter the same old words but you can recite poem
• Guru Dutt: it will entertain group/gathering.
• Hari: Ordinary person’s, middle class need not be highly talented to begin with. Majority of the middle class are doctors/engineers.MBA etc. They are following their own occupation.
• Guru Dutt: But to be one up in society u need to have some other qualities. It may be tennis/badminton/golf/cricket or any other game.
• Hari: If u can sing it is very useful in an evening type get together. Singers are the most wanted persons in a cultural get together.
• Guru Dutt: Of course now a day, in a better organised function DISCO is there so dancing well is also a good quality.
• Hari: There comes many occasions in our life when the anchor says that everybody has to say something, either he has to sing or tell a joke or recite a poem.
• Desai: I used to feel very embarrassed on such occasions. This embarrassment led to withdrawal symptoms.
• Hari: most of us are shy and have stage fright. We feel what others will say or perceive when we speak something. We do not know that 90 % of the people are like that.
• Guru Dutt: And then they become arm chair critics. You will notice that a true artist will definitely motivate the other performer because he knows how difficult it is to perform on the stage.
They now got up and
Desai dropped Guru Dutt and Hari at their respective places and came back home.
Together at hotel Jangoora.
It was another Saturday evening when all three friends gathered to have drinks together at hotel Jangoora.
When these 3 persons were engrossed in deep human psychological discourse, Guru Dutt saw Deepak, his old friend now a CEO of A BIG BANK. He was returning after playing Golf. Guru Dutt welcomed him and he also joined the group. Then they decided to have some drinks so they all four went to the BAR. When they were sitting in the BAR. Arun was sitting with his fiancée Dolly. Arun has done MBA from Harvard and is working for Goldman Sachs and his fiancée is a freelance journalist. Both of them recognised Deepak and came to their table asked Deepak for his autograph. Deepak gladly gave the auto graph and asked them what they were doing. Deepak had also passed out from Harvard so he became nostalgic and asked them to join the group which they readily agreed. Then during the conversation
DOLLY asked Deepak: what is the success Mantra of becoming a CEO of American Bank.
He told that that an executive should take care of his health if he wants to become a CEO. Because as a CEO your work load increases and you have to devote more time to the company. Whether you become a CEO at the age of 50 or 60 your good health is a must. Deepak also shared that he was a high flyer, but at the age of 35 his writing hand had developed some nervous problem as a result of which he was not able to write. He was that time looking for a device which can type whatever he speaks. He went through very tough phase in life but ultimately succeeded in getting good treatment for this illness from Dr. James in USA. Deepak became sentimental and said: Imagine my psyche at that peak time of my career. I had lot of fears in my mind. He was pondering over what really went wrong at that time.
When Deepak was thorough with his sentimental words and his eyes became moist, Guru Dutt who is a professional counsellor said: you must have been busy in making career at the cost of health. He further added:
The competition is fierce. While you are fit and you are busy in making your career, you tend to neglect small aberrations in your health. You ignore the simple and small signals given by the body to wake u up. This is the case with all human beings in their life. We ignore signals.
On hearing the words that u ignore signals, Hari, who has a 30 years old daughter Aparna, an IT professional added:
Matrimonial crisis is one of the most affected arena where ignoring signals is disastrous. The divorce rate in educated nuclear families is going up because of this reason only. In urban & Metro cities, both husband and wife are working, both are financially independent. He said Aparna and Siddhartha , both are having busy jobs, starting at 8.00am in the morning and reaching back has no time limit, it may extend up to 11.00p.m.they do not get time for each other. Work stress is carried to home. They are very tired for the working 5 days in the week. But mind set is traditional. Expectations are very high. Both have hidden expectations from each other. They start cribbing at each other on small things. The burden of extra job has fallen more on Aparna. She is supposed to do household chores besides the job. Well although they have employed the maid servant laxmi but she is also not dependable, she also takes lot of leaves and safety is also a big concern. How Aparna and Siddhartha will cope up with the challenges of life .He is worried about it and says it needs to be addressed properly and timely otherwise they will break up. Aparna spends 2 hrs in going to office and 2 hrs in coming back. On top of that, if she is delayed by 30 min in the evening, she is very tense. She has a fear feeling that Siddhartha will crib about her late coming.
Hari virtually cried and said: where this stress will lead her to. She will soon be a victim of stress and develop hyper tension .She might develop other complications like not being able to conceive. Then the couple will go round and round to gynaecologist. What a big price our society will pay for such stresses. But the problem is that Aparna also cannot sit idle at home as the cost of living is also high in metro cities.
At this Dolly reacted, how can Siddhartha behave like that. We ladies are also equally well educated and putting all our efforts in office as men do. We are also financially contributing to set up a home. We require a house of our own also as soon as possible, so we take home loans also from banks therefore both have to work. Now this is the trend of the society. Further, we want to enjoy life fully, we are earning so we spend money in shopping /entertainment etc. . . .she said Siddhartha should realise that Aparna is carrying work pressure as much as he carries. This is ridiculous. While saying this looked at Arun for his reaction. Arun was however not speaking anything but simply nodding as if tacitly approving what Dolly is saying at that moment. Probably Arun was in a romantic mood and he did not want to spoil his evening by entering into any discussions.
He took Dolly away and said bye bye to rest of the group.
As they were discussing these issues a hefty build person with 4 body guards entered the Hotel. Soon the waiter told them that
He was state minister kathor prasad yadav. He was 70 years old but from his gait and health he looked like 55 years old. Seeing his activities Deepak said: Our politicians are considered young at the age of 52 whereas a CEO starts feeling that he is old enough when he is 52… Is running a govt. different from running a company.
Desai: Of course it is different.
Deepak: but the question is from angle of age. Our most of the politicians are more than 60 years old and they are working as ministers, and they are fit to perform their job.
Desai: Surviving in politics very difficult job. You need Money power, Muscle power and you need oratory. Opposition also gives a tough time.
Deepak said: What keeps our political leaders fit and fine at an age when the corporate big wigs retire and become redundant. What are the hidden pressures which make CORPORATE EXECUTIVES grow old faster than our great politicians?
Hari: If we can diagnose the cause and eliminate the affects of this ageing process which differentiates the two classes which are the managers and rulers of the society, probably, we can take the best services of these smart intelligent class of corporate world even after their attaining superannuation.
It was quite late in the night therefore they all left for our respective homes.
Next week end Desai called Guru Dutt for a dinner at hotel heritage .they rang up Hari also to join. On reaching the hotel, they called the waiter and ordered a drink Desai started the conversation:
Since I started writing poems I am feeling relieved of all tensions. Why it is so even I do not know.
• Guru Dutt: Perhaps you have got a purpose.
• Hari: or it is a great escape from the competition of corporate world.
• Desai: or it is a temporary phase for which I am overreacting.
• Guru Dutt: Probably, it shows that life needs a purpose, an aim, an objective. A defined purpose is a must for all people. This gives you energy. For achieving your objectives this energy is very essential.
• Hari: We all are ambitious and desire to achieve many things in life. Every one desires name/fame/wealth.
• Guru Dutt: but not all of them achieve it.
• Desai: and then they start blaming circumstances.
• Guru Dutt: Therefore every ambition should have a defined path to achieve it
• Desai: along with map of the pitfalls on the way.
• Hari: We should always have a 2nd option or plan-B in case the plan-A fails. This plan –B should also be well calculated.
• Guru Dutt: Most of the middle class children have plans like becoming engineer/doctor/CA /MBA etc.
• Hari: Even in this objective we do not have plan-B most of the time.
• Desai: At least this was the case during my times.
Hari since he has always Aparna in mind said: Take the case of a young girl, what could be her defined purpose in normal circumstances. The most rapid answer which comes to mind in Indian social context is: getting married to the most eligible bachelor.
• Guru Dutt: Of course, the eligible bachelor’s definition will differ from case to case. A girl may prefer to marry a doctor/engineer, other one may opt for a rich business man’s son.
• Desai: Every girl has a fairy image of her prince charming in her teen age. But as she grows becomes a doctor/engineer/CA/MBA etc she is say 24/25.
• Guru Dutt: fairy tale image is always there in mind,
• Hari: the reality is also occupying space in the back of the mind that the fairy world is different from the available product.
• Desai: But she still feels that she can go for hunting for an eligible boy till she is 27/28 years old.
• Hari: This is the most crucial period. These 3 to 4 years look a big time but time flies very fast.
• Desai; the girls have to prepare for this purpose in an objective and achievable manner.
• Hari: Mostly when the girl is 24/25 the parents start getting prepared for her marriage. But in most of the cases the girls say: hold on I want to do MBA/M.PHIL/M.TECH OR I want to work for a few years then I will settle down.
• Guru Dutt: There is absolutely no harm in this thinking. In fact it is a good idea.
• Desai; But the real life is not mathematical or as calculative as we plan it to be. It is an emotional and subjective world at the same time.
• Hari: In fact what is happening in metro cities is that the girls of age group 24/25 have no peer pressure to marry soon. They find that all around them every body is sailing in the same boat.
• Guru Dutt: Moreover marriage brings many responsibilities to your door.
• Hari: Certain factors that affect in immediate decision are such as that the girl will have to relocate her job according to the husband’s location. (Vice a versa can also happen).
• Guru Dutt: but the tendency is to say that we can afford to reject this proposal since we have time still in our hands and may be a more suitable proposal may come soon.
• Hari: All this is a very natural feeling and it is universal.
• Desai: In reality what happens is that suddenly most of the girls find that they are 27/28 and now they come under pressure to get married soon.
• Guru Dutt: The law of nature says that every thing gives best results if completed timely. So the urban Indian girls who are the would be CEO’s of various companies and will make big plans for their respective companies should prepare themselves for this purpose of their life.
• Desai: The idea is that decisions should be taken timely and one should think ahead of their peer group to be one up not only in corporate competition but also in the marriage decision as this is also a very important part of human life.
It was quite late in the night therefore they paid the bill and went home.
Pressure groups:
This was Sunday morning and Guru, Hari and Desai were strolling in Sabina Joggers Park. After taking a stroll, they sat down on the bench in the park. Desai ordered for three glass of lemon juice to the juice wala standing at the front gate of the park.
• Hari: Peer pressure plays a very important role in our lives. Our decisions and thinking are changed and we start feeling that it is the latest school of thought. The advice of parents appears as orthodox school of thought.
Desai: During our teens as we become rational in thinking and we start questioning every concept prevailing in society, we start feeling that the elders are just following the trodden path. Youthfulness, energy also plays great role in this bold thinking.
Guru Dutt: Another pressure that affects the decision making is parental intervention in decision making. This includes taking admission in professional colleges, taking up a career, getting married. Students not interested in studying medicine and becoming a doctor is forced by the doctor parents to become doctors. Desai: Why can’t we allow our children to take an aptitude test and decide their career option according to the results obtained in the test?
Hari: It is the hidden ambition of parents which is imposed upon the children.
Desai: The problem in India is manifold. Unlike west, here the opportunities/securities are limited. Parents are also worried about a secure future for their children. Therefore conventional career stream are most popular in India as they provide a secured future.
Guru Dutt: We can not blame the parents also to the extent that they want a secured future for their children.
Desai: But imposing their unfulfilled ambitions on the future generation is not desirable.
Hari: the Indian parents start telling their children from 10th class that now they should gear up themselves for admission in IIT/MBBS. They restrain them from going to sports centres because now it appears to them that the sports activities at this stage are wastage of time and their studies will be affected.
Desai: It is a big dilemma for Indian society.
Now it was becoming warmer in the park so they decided to leave for home.
Sympathy to losers
At Desai residence:
Guru, Hari and Desai were watching the match between Roger Federer and Andy Murray in Wimbledon final this year. He was not a fan of either of the two. But as the match proceeded Desai started favouring Roger Federer. Andy Murray lost and cried while speaking to the TV anchor. Desai did not like his crying act as well.
Desai: “I am sure many watchers must have empathised with his emotional breakdown at that juncture. Many would have been feeling in retrospect to declare him a winner”.
Hari: Is this the power of tears that creates a wave of sympathy in a match which is so logical that the best player should win. By this measurement a strong person is at a disadvantage when it comes to gaining sympathy.
Guru Dutt: this happens in our homes at a daily basis. Out of your two children , if you have got only one ball to give you will give it to one who cries more and console the other one who is slightly more tolerant then the other one. In other words, you are afraid of the child who throws tantrums therefore you give him the reward. The other one has to keep quiet.
Desai: But, this is a very wrong situation in a house. Parents do not realise the impact of this immediately. They will term the child who is rather more peaceful as a very obedient and simple child. But the deep conflict going in his mind is never understood by the parents. He gradually becomes a rebel. He starts showing irritation at various moments.
Guru Dutt: This becomes a part of his body language slowly. Ill affects of this psyche are disastrous for a human being in his later life when he grows up.
Desai: Same phenomenon happens in corporate world. Promotions are scarce in a unit. Boss has always to choose one and leave the other for next year. Bosses are also afraid of the person who can create nuisance if not given promotion. So they will tilt their votes in favour of a more demanding employee and do counselling of the other one.
sushma’s operation
It was Sunday morning and Desai was sitting in his drawing room listening to FM songs. He loves the songs of 60’s and 70’s with romantic flavour. Lata Mangeskar is his favourite singer. He suddenly remembers an incident of three years back. Sushma got married to Rohan that day. The wedding took place with all the typical north Indian fan fare of music, dance, disco and drinks and band Baja Barat. Three months after the wedding Sushma felt severe pain in her stomach. She was immediately taken to the Apollo Hospital where the doctors admitted her. On investigation it came out that she had a tumour in her stomach and she has to be operated upon immediately .but there is an issue in operation. If operation is not performed immediately, there is a threat to sush’s life and if operation is done then she will not be able to conceive in future. It appears a filmy situation but is a true story. Only guardian available at that time in the hospital
Was her father Guru Dutt. He could not decide for a moment what to do. He asked the doctor to give him half a so that he could consult sushma’s in –laws. Doctor’s said decide fast as the lady is bleeding badly. He tried to contact Rohan, his father but no one answered his call. He then requested the doctors that are it possible that they remove the tumour without removing the uterus. The doctor’s did not say anything further and asked Guru Dutt to sign the documents if you want to save sushma’s life.
Guru Dutt signed the undertaking with tears in his eyes.
The doctor’s and the nurses then plunged into action for an emergency operation
Soon, a ward boy came with stretcher and Sushma was shifted to the stretcher and taken away to ICU. Guru Dutt planted a kiss on her forehead and wept. As the stretcher was moving towards the ICU his eyes were chasing the stretcher, soon she went in to the operation area and guru Dutt was asked to go and sit in waiting room. After 2 to 3 minutes when he was reconciled to the fact that sush, his dear daughter has gone to operation theatre. He took out his cell phone and informed all his near relatives about it. Gradually Rohan, his parents, sushma’s mother and Rohan’s Uncle etc arrived in the waiting room. All were shocked to hear that Sushma has got a tumour in her stomach but Guru could not gather the courage to tell the group that she may not conceive in future due to this removal of tumour . There was pin drop silence in the room. The operation had been started. Every body was tense in the room, praying to God.
There was total silence in the waiting room. After about half an hour Rohan’s eyes fell on a coffee/TEA machine in the waiting room. Just to break the tension in the atmosphere ROHAN asked all: Any body interested in Tea/Coffee. Rohan’s parents nodded in affirmative and rest of them replied ‘NO’. Rohan prepared two cup of Tea for his parents and one cup of Coffee for himself. While sipping his coffee he again asked sushma’s parents and rather requested them to have something. This time both of them said: O.K. tea will do. He prepared two cups of tea for them and handed it over to them. While they were sipping tea/coffee, Aparna and Siddhartha also reached Hospital. There was a little bit of conversation on their arrival as they asked questions about the health of Sushma and the procedure she is undergoing. Since there was limited space in the waiting room Rohan’s parents and uncle said they are just going out and will come back after some time.sidhartha and Aparna sat down on vacant seats and they started talking to Guru Dutt.
Every body in the room use to curiously stand up to see whenever any patient used to be driven out of operation theatre on stretcher by the nurses/ward boys. The parents of Rohan and his uncle had also come back. The younger lot was standing as there were limited seats. It was more then six hours since the operation started. Doctor’s had told 4 hours as the operation time. Now every body was worried and more curious to know what is going inside the operation theatre. But there was no way of knowing the on going status. Suddenly there was some activity, and the surgeon came to the waiting hall. He asked who sushma’s relatives are. All got up from their seats, Rohan came forward and introduced himself. The surgeon told that operation has been successful and Sushma is safe. There was a big sigh of relief on every body’s face.
Guru Dutt only was still tense because he only knew the next problem. Every body thanked the surgeon. Then surgeon turned back as if to go. He stopped after moving 2 to 3 steps. He called Rohan and took him into the corner of the waiting room. After a few minutes the surgeon had gone and Rohan returned back to the group. Visible shocked Rohan was weeping. Guru Dutt came forward and put his hand on his shoulders. He consoled Rohan in a natural way because Guru Dutt was aware of what surgeon must have told Rohan. He did not even ask Rohan what the surgeon told him. Rohan soon wiped away his tears and came to his parents. He embraced her mother and said in a tearful and fumbling voice, mom, you can now never become grandmother.
Every body was dumbfounded. It was only three months to sushma/Rohan’s marriage. There were tears in every bodies eyes, no one could speak anything to any one. Aparna finally broke the ice. She asked Rohan what the doctor said. Then Rohan told: Sushma can not conceive any more.
Hearing this Guru Dutt who knew the back ground asked: whether her Uterus has been removed. At this Rohan replied that the surgeon told him that her uterus has not been removed. When Guru Dutt heard this he was a little bit relieved. Suddenly Rohan saw some body is being driven out of the operation theatre. He came out and saw, it was Sushma only, she was unconscious and she was being taken towards the ICU. Every body came out but by that time she was gone to ICU. No body is allowed to go inside the ICU, you can see the patient only thru the glass door. every body peeped thru the glass door to get a glimpse of Sushma. Soon, the nurses told every body to leave the place. All came down and were pondering over what to do next. Whether some body should stay back for the night, in case on any need, although the doctors had told us to go home and that there is no need for any body to stay here, neither it is allowed. But sushma’s father guru Dutt wanted to stay over night and he said he will stay back and manage.
Then Rohan offered that he will stay in hospital and let every body else go back home. so finally it was decided that Rohan will give the night vigil. there was no place in the hospital where one can stay. We handed over the blanket to Rohan and he with the help of one of his friend who is an admin staff in hospital identified a sofa where he can lie down in the night. Desai was awakened suddenly from all these thoughts when the door bell rang. He opened the door and saw that Milk man had come to deliver milk.
This series will continue if liked by readers.