First Christmas at the gift souvenirs shop
Photo credit: earl53 from morguefile.com
It was now coming up into the second week of November in 1985. David Jones, who was the eldest Jones` son came up with the great idea of helping out his uncle Cameron in his shop called the Gift Souvenirs shop. So one evening after David finished his ICT set homework for college he after decided to go surfing on the web on his dell laptop. He currently needed to find himself a small part time retail sales or supermarket shelf stacking job during the weekends. When he was not studying at college. He was studying his first year at the Bradbury college taking a two year course doing ICT studies. He was planning to become an ICT website designer in the future after finishing college. Although it would not be happening for another few years at least. Until then he was definitely going to get a temporary retail job to earn a little of his own pocket money. Browsing for job vacancies online on the direct local jobs online website, he suddenly spotted the gift souvenirs job advert. Located right at the bottom of the direct jobs website.
He managed to get the part time retail job soon after the job interview. Which he was absolutely thrilled with. He knew he would be an excellent employee for his uncle Scott. To help him run his gift business with. Until he found an ICT designer job, which he always dreamed of having. He was going to be starting his retail job at the gift souvenirs shop next Saturday. The weekend before David and his mother and father went to Gift Souvenirs shop, just a twenty minutes drive away from their home in Bradburn. To have a first look around the gift shop which had just recently opened only two weeks ago. Both the feel and the gift souvenir shop layout reminded her really well of the Johnathan’s shop only three shops down in Mayfield Street. Uncle Rob always made such a fantastic shop window display in the Gift Souvenirs shop. Especially on special occasions in the year.
The following Saturday after visiting the Gift Souvenirs shop it was David’s first working day. His job description involved mostly working at the shop till and dealing with customer queries in the shop. He also helped his Uncle Scott tidy and clean the whole shop floor at the end of the day. Which he did not mind, seeing as his uncle Scott had always bothered with him and his younger brother called Ross since they were both born. And seeing as it was the time of the year that the late night Christmas shopping would be starting soon.
He was working on both Saturdays and Sundays starting from nine thirty till one o clock in the afternoon at the Gift Souvenirs shop. He enjoyed his little part time retail assistant job. During the first week of working at the Gift Souvenirs shop he slowly gained lots of retail experience and thoroughly enjoyed himself working for his uncle Scott.
A couple of years later after David had finished taking his two year ICT college course he got himself a fantastic ICT web designer full time job. Where he was designing lots of computer game online websites. It was the best ever career path that David decided to take after college.